I’m Basically My Mom’s Puppy #companions


One week down woo HOO! Not a ton of super exciting things, but a good time nonetheless. Let’s get into it, shall we?

The stye in question (vv swollen)

Highlights include:

  • Taking about a million naps (I know, unheard of for me to even close my eyes during the day)😴
  • Getting a stye in my left eye and having a black eye on every single video call this week 
  • Driving by myself  (Julie was driving right ahead of me don’t stress fam) 
  • Getting attacked by a wasp while trying to give a spiritual thought during class 🐝
  • Rescuing a moth that was trapped in our house 🤧
  • Having the best district and companion EVER 🤩

First of all, a BIG thanks to everyone who came to my farewell, everyone who watched online, and everyone who sent well wishes! I hope you all enjoyed the bagels. I was set apart last week at 3:30, and it honestly didn’t feel very different but it was so good, I cried like a baby of course. But more than anything, I was just excited to start!

 #rulebreaker #gangster

I’ve been doing home MTC for a week now, and I gotta say, it’s a TRIP. It’s hard stuff, but really really good too! I have class every morning from 8:30-11:30, and then in the evenings from 6-9. Between class, I study, I run errands with Julie, all good things. Lots of highs, and lots of lows, but the next time I have class, it will be in person! It’s super weird being a missionary while still living in my normal environment, but it’s been pretty good overall! It honestly feels like I’m in a time loop, (#groundhogday) because every day I get up and do the same thing. The days have been long but the week went by so fast. Kinda trippy.

#nap/steaming my eye because of my stoopid stye

My companion is Sister Smith from Gilbert, Arizona and HOLY GUACAMOLE did the Lord know we needed to be companions 🤧 She is seriously so hilarious, and we get along so well! We’re just real with each other, and we work really well together when we teach. We may or may not have been on a call for an hour and a half just wheezing laughing for more than half of it, like seriously, we’re gonna get along just fine lol.


My district has 7 companionships, so there’s 14 of us all together! Every companionship is going to the same mission but no two companionships are going to the same mission. So all 7 sets are going somewhere different. We’re all going stateside except for one set of Elders going to Calgary, Canada! They’re some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met and we can’t wait to meet each other in person! 

The days are mostly filled with going to class, going on walks with Julie, and running various errands. I got to go to the family history center TWICE this week so that was stellar, (shoutout to my buddy Elder Diamond, even though he wasn’t there), and now it’s just time to start packing and getting ready!

President & Sister Oakes

I got to meet my Mission Presidents yesterday at the Zeidner’s house! Miriam’s dad was their MTC mentor (crazy connection, I know) and so they had them over for dinner and I got to meet them! President and Sister Oakes are the sweetest, and so funny, it was so nice to get to meet them! It’s comforting to know that I’ll have a friendly face once I get to Washington :)

I report to the Provo MTC this Wednesday at 2:00 and I’m so excited and nervous and all the things haha! It hasn’t hit me yet, and I doubt it will until I’m like, in Washington, but you know its fiiiiiiine...So the real countdown is on!

OKAY let’s get spiritual

I gotta say, my faith has never been more tried and strengthened all at once than it has been this week. But more than anything I learned this week (which was a LOT, hence the naps) I learned just how much our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ love us. They really do know us so individually and specifically, and our Father in Heaven knows exactly what we need at the exact time we need it most, whether it matches our timeline or not. And the scriptures are SO TRUE WOW its crazy. I was once told that if I read at least one verse of the Book Of Mormon every day, my life will be better, and I want to testify of that! And I want to challenge all of you to do that as well! Pray for understanding and connection when you’re reading the scriptures, and your Father in Heaven will help you out. He loves you! He wants to hear from you! Pray to him daily, and he will grant peace to your mind.

Next week I’ll be writing from the faraway land of Provo, Utah!

Love you all a WashingTON❣️

Sister Gibb

Doing my civic duty


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