From Sultan to Georgia, and unclogging Toilets on the way #interviewedbythebossman

Hey everybody!! This week ZOOMED by but here we go! 

Meetings sat through: Too many
Toilets we fixed: 1 very gross one
Birthday's celebrated: 2 because Stacey has a twin sister!
Times I goofed in soccer: literally every time the ball was passed to me

Mondayyy we had a chill pday of playing tennis and pickleball! And that night for FHE we played board games and dodgeball which was fun! 

Tuesdayyy we started the day off with some contacting, which led us to meeting this guy named Larry! He had about 4 teeth and we had a great discussion with him about what we believe! We passed him off to the Mukilteo Elders but it was funny. We had a meeting to plan our mini Zone Conference this week with interviews which is going to be AWESOME we're stoked. Then we drove out to Snohomish and ended up finding another guy to talk to named Brandon who was super nice! It was pretty cool. That night, we had dinner with Sean from our ward and it was super fun! 

Wednesdayyy DISTRICT COUNCILLLL it was super lit, we have a great District. Then Sister Smith and I had to race back to the Office because we had an interview with a Mission Specialist from Salt Lake. He was here for the week and was interviewing a bunch of missionaries and we were some of them! It was cool haha! We did some contacting which was good, and then we had dinner with the Hillgroves!!! It was sooooo fun we love them!! And we ate the most BOMB sandwiches 10/10. Then we worked in the Office for a second which was good :)

Thursdayyy we started off the day by visiting one of our members, Zed, who makes armor and weapons and stuff, it's wild. We needed his metal drill for a project, so it was cool to visit with him! We had a Social Media meeting with President and with the Mission Evaluator people which actually went so well!! It was great. 

Then we raced to Target to pick up a super special birthday gift and then went to Stacey's because IT WAS HER BIRTHDAYYYYY it was so fun! AND we got to meet her twin sister Mia! When I first met Stacey, she hadn't spoken to her family in 2 years. And now she's reconnected with her sister and they're both going to Church every week!! It's a total miracle :)) That night I got to call home for my not so little sister's 17TH BIRTHDAY WHAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA WOOOO and then we had a Stake Correlation Meeting and played volleyball!! There were SOOOO many people there, it was awesome

Fridayyy we had MLC! It was sooooo looooong but good! We talked a lot about finding and planning which was awesome! Then we helped film a video for the Facebook page which is gonna be super cute, hype it up when it posts 😎 We drove all the way out to SULTAN which is the most Eastward area in our Mission, it's right at the mountains in the BOONIES. But we did some good contacting out there and met some cool farm people! Then we had dinner with a bunch of Polynesians in the Ward and they made Hawaiian chili and OHHHHH MY it was so good. 10/10 would eat again. We went and played sand volleyball with a bunch of nonmembers! We're friends with all the Dutch Bros employees and they invited us to play with them and it was super fun, and we got some of their phone numbers!! It was awesomeeee. 

Saturdayyy we did some weekly planning which was good, and then we went to a street fair!! It was super cute, I hadn't been to a fair in soooo long haha it was weird. But we met some awesome people and we got to sit in a firetruck!! 

Then we had a lesson with our new friend Bibi! He's SO COOL he's from Georgia (the country) and is super chill! We found out that one of my friends serving there was actually teaching him, and now I get to teach him! It was crazy! 

We had dinner with our member Eliza and ate the most BOMB burritos it was awesome. And then we played soccer with her and her brother, some Wardies, and a bunch of nonmembers and I can confidently say I've lost all my soccer skills. #soembarrassing but its fine because our team won 😎 

Sundayyy we had breakfast with some members who are here for Sales which was fun! And then we had Ward Council! I don't know if I mentioned this last week, but our Ward is getting so big that they split our Elders Quorum! So, we have 2 EQ presidencies now which is WILD and we got a new Relief Society Presidency and our Ward Mission Leader was released and a new one hasn't been called so we're Ward Mission Leader-less 🥹 but it was a good Sunday! Our friend Aliyah came to Church, and so did Alex Carrington, who we've helped reactivate!! It was awesome

Then we had linger longer with ice cream which was super fun! Later that night we had dinner with some of our favorite members, Ana Morrill and her family, Collin, Elise, Jason, and Andrew! Collin got his patriarchal blessing, so we celebrated of course! It was super fun and we made lots of smores which made me soooo happy :))) And then we had Mission Devotional!

Aaaaaand we have no clue what we're doing today because it's raining for the first time in weeks, but we'll find something fun!! 

These past few weeks, I've really been trying to get back into running. It's been a while since I was able to run a few miles in one go, and so I've been trying to work on getting my body back there. And it has not been easy. It started by running a mile stopping every now and then, then running a mile straight, but slowly, then adding a little more distance with some breaks in between, and now I'm working on running 2 miles straight. Some days I feel like my body could run 5 miles buy my lungs won't let me, some days my calves are screaming at me, and some days I just straight up don't want to do it. But I do know that every time I put in as much effort as I can to run and accomplish my goals, I feel SO GOOD. It makes me happier, it improves my health, and it gives me a kickstart to my day. 

I think the same thing happens when we try to improve our spiritual strength. We can't just start by going at the 2 mile speed if we aren't ready for it. We can't set spiritual goals or try to develop testimony strengthening habits if we don't have something to build off of. We learn line upon line, precept upon precept for a reason. Sometimes we need to start by just running 1 lap, which could be reading 1 or 2 verses of scripture a day. Then we can bump it up to praying every day. Maybe we dedicate 30 minutes or an hour every day to reading and studying. Then we can move towards participating at Church, and eventually developing small habits that increase our spiritual strength IMMENSELY. And before you know it, you're running a few miles. That doesn't mean it's easy, it doesn't mean your lungs won't burn or you'll have sore muscles, but it will feel good. I know that. Working our spiritual muscles is one of the greatest responsibilities we have. How will you exercise your testimony this week?

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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