Take me to the Tour De France #Ilovespinich

WASSUP EVERYONE this week was absolutely wild haha let's get into it

Miles we biked on Lopez: 16 BABY
Times I was reminded how hard it is to train: like a zillion hahaha
Eggs eaten: a lot
Spinach eaten: a lot
Other assorted vegetables eaten: a lot

Mondayyy we had a great pday exploring Deception Pass! We went to the beach and took some pictures, and then we hung out and played some volleyball at the church! That night for FHE, we went to Oak Harbor for a military FHE! In honor of 9/11 we combined with the members on the military base and had a barbecue! It was great :)

Tuesdayyy we had District Councillll it was great! We've got a good group of missionaries that we get to serve around. Then we tried to stop by Renee's but she wasn't home :( so we went to visit with Jodi! She's the elderly lady in our ward that we visit, and she's moving next month so she's SUPER stressed out. So, it was good to go visit with her! Then we contacted some people and then took Sister Pettit door knocking! She was pretty terrified haha but she did great! That night we had dinner with the Jenson's and Dale came!! It was awesome! It was good to have him in a member's home, and he told us that he found the church just through Google. He wasn't raised with any belief in God, and one day just searched "Jesus Christ, church" and that's how he found us! Pretty cool! But our lesson went really well! And then that night we ran into our friend Laura selling plums on the side of the road! 

Wednesdayyy we started with a lesson with our friend James, and found out he was actually baptized into our faith when he was a kid! Kinda crazy! But it was an awesome lesson. And then we had a lesson with our friend Thea! We haven't been able to have a lesson with her for WEEKS but she let us come with our member, Sister Price!! Thea is so cool, and so faithful! She's been taught for a long time and so now we're helping her work towards baptism! And she has the TINIEST puppy he's so cute :)) We drove out to La Conner and did some contacting! We ran into Natasha which was awesome! Then we went to Annette's for dinner! She's so funny haha! Then we visited with Sandy Chomiak! She's the cutest lady I LOVE SANDY!! Then that night we went to Young Womens which was a blast and a lot of less active young women came!

Thursdayyy we FINALLY went back to Debi's!! It was so good to see her! We love Debi!! And we had a great lesson with her! We went to a Ladies Luncheon for the Relief Society! That was super fun :) then we drove down to Oak Harbor for a Social Media split which was good! We did some contacting, and then we had a MIRACLE!! We were driving to our next person, and somehow, I took a wrong turn, and we ended up in a little neighborhood and I felt like we should knock! So, we knocked on some doors, with no answers. But there was this one house that I knew we needed to knock, and this lady named Dina answered!! She said that she actually owned a Book of Mormon, because someone at work had given her one years ago. But she said that 2 days earlier, she'd found it! And she said, "I'm going to take you two knocking on my door as a sign that I need to read that again." Which was so cool!! So, we're going back this week! Then we met one of our less active YSA members, Kaylee! And then later, we had dinner with one of the Oczkewicz families. They have like 5 kids under 9, it was wild but so fun!! That night we had a bible study with Raelyn! So that was awesome!

Fridayyy I was supposed to go to MLC, but there was a last minute change in plans, so we had an open schedule! So we went out to Lopez Island!! We took the bikes, and as we were getting on the ferry, Sister Pettit informed me that she didn't really know how to ride a road bike 🫡  we had a tender mercy though because as soon as we got on the island, Sister Pettit was really struggling with her bike, and this super nice lady was like, "Hey! I teach cycling classes! Let me help you!" And soon enough, she was up and riding! We proceeded to bike 16 MILES WOOOOO! We rode into town to contact some members who weren't interested, and then we met some cool people, including an awesome lady in an art gallery! Then we rode to one of the Miller's friends, Matt Murray! He's super cool! And we met his friend Kim, and his friend Leo! It was an awesome interaction! Then, we had THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RIDE back to the ferry!! My quads were screaming at me though haha but we made it! We weekly planned when we got back, and then that night we had dinner with the Flores's! That night, President surprised us with a visit to check how Sister Pettit was doing, so that was good to see him!

Saturdayyy we got up and got to go down to the temple!! Our ward was doing a service project on the temple grounds, and we got to help! We cleaned up the whole picnic area in the back of the temple, and it was so fun!! We got SOOO dirty haha it was awesome though! We took very nice naps on the ride back :)) When we got back to Anacortes, we visited with Ann! She was moved to a new room in her complex and was so much happier! So that was good to see! Then we drove out to have dinner with the other Oczkewicz family, which was so fun! I love hanging out with them and their boys! That night, we were able to get in touch with Renee!! And we set up an appointment for this week! It was a good day :))

Sundayyy we had our regularly scheduled 6 hours of church! BUT we had 4 friends come!! I did a musical number which was fun, and lots of our friends came to support! Debi came, which was HUGE and so did our friend Rebecka! And she brought us peanut butter cookies! Raelyn also came with her dad, and Dale! While we were sitting in one of our Sacrament meetings, one of the members of the YSA Bishopric asked if I could teach Sunday School haha so I threw a lesson together and taught! It was a wild Sunday, but it was great. We had dinner with the Eatons which is always SO FUN I love them so much!! And then we rode down to Oak Harbor with the Miller's for a Stake Missionary meeting with President Oakes! Then we stayed for Devotional so we had a laaaaate night, but it was a good Sunday!

Today we're just hanging out at the church playing some games!

This week in Come, Follow Me, we read 2 Corinthians 5, which was SOOO GOOD!! My favorite was verse 20! 

20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.


"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ"

You are His representative. We all have a responsibility to be the kind of person that Jesus would want us to be. And how we do that is up to us. The way we treat others MATTERS. The way we think MATTERS. The way we act on our own MATTERS. Be an ambassador for Christ this week!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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