Eating pizza with 2 old people makes listening to Enya not as bad #dirtyfloorsandopendoors

WASSUP EVERYONE this week was a total whirlwind so I'll do my best to remember everything haha HERE WE GO 

This is a novel, I'm so sorry.

Bags of kettle corn in our possession: 4
Times I mopped our floors before giving up: 3
Swiffer pads used to mop said floors: exactly 23
Packs of strange green ramen eaten: 1 which was surprisingly good!
Miracles seen: SO MANY YAYAYAY

Mondayyy we went and explored La Conner with our STLs!! Which meant Gibby and Smithy were together for pday again 😎 it was super fun! It's the cutest historic downtown street, and we got lunch together! Then that night for FHE we had a Family History night and played chair soccer! It was super fun, our Ward is so awesome!

Tuesdayyy we started the day off fighting for our lives to get a ferry reservation for a few weeks out. To schedule your car onto a ferry is the most brutal thing, but we found a round trip reservation!! MIRACLES! Anyway, then we drove out to La Conner and visited with our friend Natasha, who has been super flakey lately so we haven't been able to have lessons with her :((( but hopefully soon!! We went and did some service for our member Annette!! She has about 5 cats and we cleaned her floors for her, and it was wild haha but we love Annette ❤️ then we visited with an inactive member which was good, and then had an awesome lesson and visit with the Sturgis's! They're an older couple, and the husband, Mike, is an inactive member, and the wife, Janice, isn't a member, but they're THE CUTEST PEOPLE!! They own a kettle corn business, and they gave us 2 big bags of it :))) they're so cute we're excited to keep teaching them! We did some finding and contacting, and that night we had dinner with the Hogge's! They're the parents of one of my favorite members from the Greenlake Ward, Whitney Atkinson, so that was super fun!! And then we contacted some more that night and met some wild people haha but it was fun!

Wednesdayyy it was one of those days where everything ✨️cancels✨️ which has been a regular thing in this Area, so we're working on fixing that haha. BUT it was a good day nonetheless! We made some rice crispy treats that morning and then delivered them to a bunch of our friends and members!! We had a great visit with our friend Mika and we got to teach her about the Book of Mormon! And we got to visit with our friend Barbara! Then we went to Debbie's house and helped her with some service! She showed us her Grandma's old Hymn book from the 70's! It was super cool! Then we got a super awesome car wash, and got our car all squeaky clean 😎 We had dinner with the cutest couple in our Ward, the Rutters!! They have a little baby who is so cute, and they just moved into an OLD house that was built in like the 1800's, which was super fun, I LOVE THEM! We spent the rest of the night contacting with actually a lot of successful contact with people which was cool!!

Thursdayyy ZONE CONFERENCEEEEEE it was soooo awesome! It was weird not going to the Mission Office for ZC because that's where I've had it my entire mission until now! But it was awesome, we talked a ton about finding and following up, and we got to hear a conversation story from a recent convert which was suuuuuper powerful! It was so awesome. Then we had a lesson with our recent convert, Myrna! Shes so sweet, she's working on understanding the Book of Mormon, so it was cool to help her with that! Then Sister Jensen had an appointment with a doctor, so I got to play piano for like an hour which was so blessed. We visited with Ann, one of our members who lives in a nursing home, she's so sweet :) then we had dinner with the Miller's, the senior couple in our District, and Sister Miller used to own a catering company, so her food is SO GOOD and their family was visiting from Utah so it was fun to meet them!! That night we went to Outreach with our YSA Ward, which is when we bring some members with us and check on member's we haven't seen in a while. And we got in touch with like, 5 of them!! It was so good!!

Fridayyy we started the day off with a Social Media split!! So, Smithy and I got to hang out and do some good old Social Media team things for a bit! It was the best time ever, WE MISS EACH OTHER SO MUCH! After that we drove out to La Conner and did some service for our recent convert, Marianne! And we witnessed a HUGE miracle!! So, Marianne hasn't wanted to read the scriptures on her own, and we can't figure out why, but she told us she had an epiphany and is going to start reading the Book of Mormon every day!!! I'll tell you about her analogy later on, but it was a total miracle. We helped her clean her windows and weed her garden! Then we had dinner with the Moores in our ward, and they're the funniest people haha, Brother Moore is a member, but his wife isn't, and they had us over for pizza, and we listened to Enya and ABBA as we ate in silence because they wanted to just listen to the music. And the whole time John Wayne was staring down at us from the giant picture they have of him on their wall. It was a whole vibe. 10/10 experience. Then we weekly planned that night, and visited some awesome people!

Saturdayyy Okay honestly Saturday was one of those days where you wake up and just don't have any motivation. So Sister Jensen and I prayed for faith as we worked, and went out! We started at the Farmers Market and ended up seeing Janice and Mike and they gave us MORE free kettle corn! We met a lady who knows our friend Laura, so we were able to finally make contact with her! And then we went to a park to eat our lunch, and we ran into a lady whose door we had knocked on a few days before, which was a miracle! Then we had a lesson with Kathy!! We got to teach her the Restoration and it was INCREDIBLE!! The spirit was soooo strong and she loved hearing about the First Vision, and AHH it was insane!! One of the most spiritual lessons I've ever had on my mission! She wanted a Book of Mormon and was so excited when we gave her one! It was a total miracle lesson! She said, "You know girls, if I didn't feel something special, you wouldn't be sitting on my couch right now." It was amazing. Not long after that, we were contacting, and visited an old friend from our records named Rebecka! She let us in and was so awesome. As we were talking, this 21 year old kid walks in, and he was one of her renters! His name is Carson, and he started asking us some awesome questions! He was super interested in how we conceptualize God, and we taught him about how we're Christ's Church restored on the earth today and he was like, "woah. That's super cool" he really wanted to read the Book of Mormon and he was stoked when we gave him one, and we ended up having an hour long discussion with him about prayer, God, Christ, and everything in between. And he wants to meet with us again and take lessons!!! It was a total complete miracle!! God really showed us that this work is worth doing EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Sundayyy we didn't have a whole lot, and I'm tired of writing haha but we went to our 6 hours of Church, and then met a cute family, the Coyners! We had dinner with Sister Jenson in our Ward who is just the sweetest woman, and then we did some contacting! We knocked on the fanciest house I've ever knocked on my mission haha it was intense. And then we had Mission Devotional! 

Today we explored a lake and went fishing! We didn't catch anything but it was nice for sure

This week when we were with Marianne she told us the story of how God told her that she needs to read the Book of Mormon every day. She said she was watering her garden, and Heavenly Father was admiring her plants and He asked her, "What if you just left it for a few days, and then gave it extra water when you came to do it? And then left it again for a few more days and just gave it extra water every now and then instead of watering your garden every day?" And she said, "Well the roots wouldn't be able to receive the nourishment they needed every day, it might be fine, but they wouldn't grow as strong as they needed to be, I can't do that, I have to water every day" and Heavenly Father said, "Well then what are you doing to nourish your spiritual roots? If you only water every once and a while, your roots will die." And she decided right then and there that she needed to read every single day.

So, what are we doing every single day to nourish our roots? How do you grow your garden? What are you hoping to harvest? We need to give just a little bit back to the Lord every day in order to have roots strong enough to survive. So try to water your garden every day, and I promise you that you will have so much strength!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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