It's week 2 and we're already casting out demons #seattlethings

WHAT'S GOOOOOD Sister Gibb coming from a BOMB WEEK!

Hello friends and family! This week was WILD and so busy and so fast but it was so good! Now I can actually believe all of my missionary friends when they say "it gets better" because it does! Anyway, HERE WE GO

Creepy men that tried to pick us up: 3 😬
Hours of service: Probably about 1000
Tears shed laughing: A ZILLION
Temperature for next week: 95 #whyisitwarm

Mondayyy we went to Pike Place in downtown Seattle!! #lifelongdreamsfulfilled it was magical, and I even got to watch them toss a fish!! 

Then we went to the boardwalk and chilled there, it was beautiful. All of my Wes Anderson dreams were fulfilled, it was glorious. 

We went to the famous gum wall which was awesome and disgusting. P day is SOOO nice and much needed, it was awesome!

Tuesdayyyyy okay buckle up everyone because what a wild ride Tuesday was. We taught 7 LESSONS and they were all fire. We also went to probably the nastiest apartment I've ever been to, it was pretty bad #we'renotvisitinggregagain, then we went to a member dinner which was awesome! Our ward is honestly so bomb, we've had a dinner 6/7 days this week, #thankgoodnessforelasticwaistbands Then we went to visit our wardie Scott who's just about the sweetest soul I've ever met, and he just got to go do baptisms at the temple for the first time!! We love Scott big time. But Tuesday was pretty rough not gonna lie haha it was one of those days where I just kept asking myself "what in the world am I doing" but DON'T WORRY the week got better.

Wednesday HAPPY 1 MONTH TO MEEEE 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉 we got to do Missionary Institute which was fire, and then we had DISTRICT COUNCILLLL we all ate lunch together and then cried about why we're all on missions lol it was so fun, I love our district. 

We went and did service at DI which was honestly so fun, it felt like I was back home for a second, it was fun to walk into a DI #thinkingofyoucollin after that we met our friend Scott who has the most BEAUTIFUL garden and he's honestly one of the most Christlike people I've ever met, pray that he'll want to come to church pleaseeee! We had the best dinner of our lives, and then we went to a lake for mutual with the stake! It was super fun!

Thursdayyyy we did some family history #happypioneerday then we went to visit Larry! We're going to ask him to pray about baptism this week so #prayers4larry and then we went to Kim's and helped her pack up her China closet full of all of her beautiful crystal goblets, and it was so fun, she moves on Sunday and we're SO SAD we love Kim. We had dinner with the cutest old couple in our ward, it was so nice. Then we did a Come Follow Me study with the ladies in our ward, and it was so fun! Gotta love the Mountlake Ward.
Fridayyy we had Mission Devotional, and before they started Sister Rasband turned to me with all seriousness in her face and was like "they're gonna ask you to pray" and then the AP's said "Sister Gibb will be offering our opening prayer" and we absolutely lost it, so I could not keep it together saying the prayer in front of THE ENTIRE MISSION so now that's my WEM legacy, it's hilarious. We weeded a very nice British woman's lawn, and then met our friend William! He's been inactive for 33 years and lives with a witch lol but he's super cool! Friday was awesome 👌 

Saturday was WILD we did so much service and our bodies are STILL sore lol. We went to Kelli's and pushed wheelbarrows of wood chips down to her garden for an hour but then she fed us lunch and gave us SO MANY fresh flowers! Then we went to Heather's and I trimmed my first Washington blackberry bush, it was a MONSTER they grow like weeds here and trimming them is awful but low key super satisfying. Then we helped clean a wardies house, and then went to the Mountlake Terrace carnival!! It was super fun actually and we found a bunch of people so that was awesome! #iveneverbeenstaredatsomuch so Saturday was bomb.

Sunday was AWESOME we went to Church and it was so fun, then we made flower arrangements with the flowers Kelli gave us, and I felt like I was back in floriculture my senior year of high school lol. We had a dinner, and then we CAST OUT SOME DEMONS AYOO! We went to William's house with some Priesthood holders in the ward and blessed his house, it was actually really cool and the spirit was so strong. Still whacky though haha welcome to Seattle✨️ afterwards, we delivered the flower arrangements we made to some friends and ward members!! It was awesome.
Sorry that was a NOVEL but I'm really learning to love the mission! People are funny but wow our Heavenly Father loves his children so much, it's awesome. And he is SO AWARE of us!! 

My study this week was interesting because I just didn't really know what I needed to study, but somehow whatever I studied came in handy in a lesson! If you pray to have the spirit guide and direct your thoughts, Heavenly Father will help you out!! He's got your back! He didn't just drop us off on earth and say "I'll come pick you up when you're done" he's with us every step of the way! Pray to recognize his hand in your life and you will be able to recognize the blessings he places in your life!!
I'm loving being a missionary! The gospel changes lives and is full of so much goodness it's awesome!
I love you all a WashingTON ❣️
Sister Gibb


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