📍Soapville, USA📍 #TREES


Sister Gibb coming at you from the great green state! It's so crazy that I'm actually here being a missionary! This has been the happiest scariest most exciting most boring week of my life haha! 
So much has happened so let me see if I can remember it all!
SORRY this is a novel lol
Cop cars I saw on my first day: 5 #seattlethings
Times Jim called us: Tooooo many
Trees in Washington: About a ZILLION MILLION 🌲
Times it rained: only 1? (Summer still exists here I guess)
Monday was pretty boring, it was just our get ready to leave day, and then that night District 22E had our last little love circle and it was SO SAD UGH. I simply adore those humans, and they're all going to be such good missionaries.

Tuesday we woke up at 4:30 am in the morning, and left the MTC! We took a bus, a train, a trolly, and a plane, and then made it to Washington!! I looked out the plane window and saw the most beautiful mountain range I'd ever seen in my entire life and miles and miles of trees it was magical #godlovesyou 

Then we went to the temple grounds and walked around and it was beautiful!! Then we went to the mission home and had a very yummy dinner with President and Sister Oakes whom I love with my entire heart🥰 then that night I got to call the fam bam and that was good!

Wednesday we got up and went back to the mission home for breakfast and then we went to the church and got our trainers!! 

I'm with Sister Rasband from HIGHLAND, UTAH so our houses are like 10 minutes apart haha! She's been out for 6 months, and went from being trained, to training, to training me! We think we're the same person, and she also rollerskates! We think we met at classic skating once, which is hilarious. We're in Mountlake Terrace, which is a town in northern Seattle! Lemme tell ya, Seattle folks are peculiar people. We're whitewashing this area and it's been a trip for sure haha, neither of us really know what we're doing, which is actually kind of nice because we get to learn together! So there's been some very high highs and very low lows. But it's okay because we just cry together and then get to work lol #missionarylifeisweird

Thursday we went and did service for Kim! She's a funny old hippie dippie lady who's moving soon so we helped her pack up her spirit crystals or something haha she's so funny! Then we went to district council and it was awesome! Our district is super small, it's us, the Sister training leaders (who are also the ASL sisters), and one set of elders. They're so awesome, we love Shoreline District #2. 

We also met one of our friends named Larry! He's a super duper smart old man, which means our 30 minute visit turned into an hour and 15 minute long visit lol, pray that he can accept the simplicity of the gospel please haha then we got to go to a stake correlation meeting, and we met some ward members! So that was gooooooood.

Friday we went knocking! And we were rejected for an hour😎 but I got a can of peach Fresca from a nice lady so that was bomb.com then we met our friend Jim, who's pretty handicapped, and he called us 16 times yesterday (boundaries have now been set) but he loves Jesus and the Bible so that's awesome haha then we went and weeded a ward members garden and then she got in the shower so we just had to leave without saying goodbye, it was really weird lol. Friday was a hard day honestly, both of us just kind of cried for a while lol but that's okay! #thingsgetbetterjustwait

Saturday was SUCH A BOMB DAY we got to dress up for the Stake Primary activity as Hannah (sis razzy) and Esther (sis gibb) so I got to pull out my award winning acting skills for the primary children, it was a Tony worthy performance, let me tell you. 

Then we went to visit our friend Heather and she didn't answer the door, so we went knocking and then we saw this woman in her backyard and we just straight up walked back there to compliment her garden and she was so nice! Her name is Kelli and her boyfriend's whole family is members! She's super nice, we love her. 

Then we went back to Heather's, and she answered the door and she has a crazy dog named Henry, but we pulled weeds and taught her the restoration, and she said it felt like sunshine #imnotcryingyouare so we're bringing her a Book of Mormon this week! Then we went and did service for a sweet old lady named Michelle and we mowed her lawn and we got to use one of those old tiny push mowers! I felt like a dad in the 1960's mowing his lawn #myshouldersarestillsore 

Then we got some yummy Thai food from some members, and then went back to Kelli's and she took us to her big garden and it was insane, she gave us about a million pounds of fresh produce #timetolearntocook then we went to an awesome new member lesson with Vera and her kids! They're so awesome we love them!!

Yesterday we went to church, and imma be totally honest it was HARD. Our ward is really tiny, and it's totally a newly wed and nearly dead ward. I was pretty homesick at church and that afternoon, #roughtimes but then we went to a dinner with the Apblanap's who are AWESOME they're the cutest little member family. Then we went to a ward ice cream social and it was SO FUN!! Our ward is actually so awesome, I'm stoked. I've never been surrounded by so many babies that I couldn't hold, there were literally like 12 of them. It was honestly a trial of my faith to obey the rules and not snuggle them all. Then we visited our Zone leaders and STLs and it was a good time. Then I got to watch Sorella Zeidner's farewell talk, which was incredible, GOOD LUCK SORELLA!!❣️

Today is my first pday and we're going to Pike Place in downtown Seattle!! #lifelongdreams so I'm STOKED!! 

OKAY let's get spiritual
This week I really focused my study on charity! I soon discovered that charity can't exist without faith and hope, and faith hope and charity can't exist without humility. Jesus Christ was the most humble being to ever walk the earth, and he also is the root to faith, hope, and charity. So everyone study Moroni 7 this week and focus on how you can be more charitable!
I'm feeling the blessings from all of your prayers!! I'm so grateful for every single one of you I could cry!!
I love you all a WashingTON❣️
Sister Gibb


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