HELP MOM IS LEAVING #riptothebesttransfer


So this week has been up and down and all around lemme tell ya. It's been a ride. 
But first things first:
Creepy schizophrenic stalkers: 1 (but that's 1 too many)
Times President called Razzy and I the dynamic duo: Probably 3
Roller skaters seen: 4ish OH HOW I MISS IT

Mondayyy was a good time, we went to the Troll Bridge in Freemont, went to the iconic Ivars Fish Bar, and then hung out at the church and played some games! We went with our District to a dinner which was super fun and then we EXCHANGED with the STLs! I stayed in Mountlake #nervous and Razzy went to ASL land!

Tuesdayyy I led my first exchange!! And it went super well!! I was with Sister Horrocks! She's so awesome :)) We played volleyball with the District that morning and then did all the normal Tuesday things! We visited Jim, went to Aaina and Yazmins, went to the old folks home (this time we were asked if we were married to each other lol) and we went on a walk with the Brock kids! That night we had dinner with a wardie which was interesting and hilarious, and CFM with Scott! Then I got my mom back! DANG how I love Sister Rasband. I also got a package that night from my REAL mom!! #thanksjulieiloveyou

Wednesdayyy we had Institute and then our last District Council with the OG Shoreline #2 District and it was SO SAD but some random lady knocked on the church door wanting to come to church so that was kinda cool! 

After that, we went to DI and sorted clothes which was fun, and then we had dinner with the Kavannah's!! Sister Kavannah's husband is a nonmember but he loves cooking for the missionaries, so we showed up 10 minutes early so that we could meet him, and he's SO COOL and SO SMART. He ended up staying and talking with us all through dinner, and we bonded over philosophy and the show The Good Place, and he stayed and listened to our spiritual message! The spirit was so strong, it was really, really cool! Anyway, Wednesday was

Thursdayyy we had interviews with President Oakes! I had my interview and everything was good and dandy, and then Razzy went in for hers, and then President came out and asked for Sister Oakes and I to go in with them and they told us that they're gonna split us up 😭😭😭 Sister Rasband is going to be an STL in Everett and I'm staying in Mountlake with a Sister who just got out of her training! They said they're keeping me here so that I'll be ready to train so that'll be fun! So, that pretty much ruined the whole day lol we've had zero motivation to be missionaries all week. But regardless of our stresso depresso mood we went and taught Larry, and he's loving the BOM! So that's awesome!! 

That night we had a Zone finding blitz! We all met downtown and split up there, and we went to a lake where there were a ZILLION people! We got free personal poems from this super cool lady, and handed out 2 BOMs!! It was actually so much fun! There were so many people skating around it was SO SAD WE WERE DYING. Anyway then we had ice cream with the Zone! Twas very fun :)
Fridayyy we woke up and felt like we'd been hit by a bus we were so sad. But WE PRESSED ON we had Mission Devotional and that's always fire, and then we had lunch with a member and the Mumit Elders which was super fun, and they gave me THE COOLEST vintage print Book of Mormon, it was awesome. We went and did some service for a lady, and then we went to a dinner with Aaina and Yazmin which was really fun! And then we went and visited William! He hurt his back last week so he hasn't been able to come to church, but we went over and helped him in his house! It ended up being an okay day haha!
Saturdayyy we went to a lesson with the ZLs for a guy they've been teaching who actually lives in our boundaries, and he wants to be baptized!! So that's exciting! We went to Heather's and helped in her yard, and then we went to a ward party! After that we went to the Shoreline city celebration, which was good, until we started being followed by a creepy guy we were teaching but have now blocked, but IT'S OKAY we were safe #protectedbyjesus We went to dinner with the ASL Sisters and Elders at Costcooooooo twas delicious. Then we did extra comp study at the lake with the Elders, it was super fun! We also got a call from President saying that I'm going to be covering not only the Mountlake Ward next transfer, but also sharing the Lynnwood YSA Ward with the ZLs up there!! I'm actually super duper excited and I think it'll be really good!!
Sundayyy we got up and went to Church, which was SO GOOD they had High Council members speak, and all the talks they referenced were talks I had studied this transfer!! It was super cool. We did weekly planning for the last time together #sad and then we went to our first dinner of the night, with a super cool African woman in our ward. She shared her testimony of missionaries and it was SO POWERFUL it was really cool. After that we went to our second dinner of the night with Uncle Rex and Aunt Torri as we call them. They're literally the stereotypical rich old couple, they're both on like their 3rd marriage, and make jokes about it all the time. But it was super fun! Heavenly Father totally expanded our stomachs, it was hilarious. 

Today we got to go to the Amazon Spheres Rainforest downtown! It was super cool! The Elders have a member who works there so we got the VIP tour! Then we hung out downtown and that was super fun! 

Somehow in my studies this week I ended up reading some of Jesus's last sermons to his disciples in John 13-16. And as I read I realized that the most taught principle in those chapters is "love one another as I have loved you" or some variation of that. If that's the last thing Jesus said over and over again, it must be important!! That's something I especially want to work on this week, and you should all try it too!!

I hope you have the most blessed week!! Let me know how you're all doing!
I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 
Sister Gibb

Boondoggle class with the Elders


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