WHAT IS UP EVERYONE Sister Gibb here!

Wowowowow what a wild week. Disclaimer: No one ever told me about how weird and hard transfers are before I started my mission, so this week was a crazy up and down rollercoaster but LET'S GET INTO IT
Tears shed this week: Far too many
Miles driven by ME: Sooo many I LOVE DRIVING
Times Roller skating on the mish: SOON TO BE 1
Days that Ben Rector saved my emotional state: 4 or something

Mondayyy the last pday with the OG Shoreline #2 district 😭😭😭 we went to the Amazon Spheres downtown which was BEAUTIFUL and then we got to go into one of those Amazon go stores where you don't have to check out, and you just walk in and out of the store with whatever you need, it was pretty awesome. We got some free bananas, and then we went to TARGETTTTT it was awesome. That afternoon, we hung out at the church and played chair soccer and had a blast. Then Sister Rasband had to say goodbye to Kelli so we went over and she fed us dinner and ice cream and it was very sad :(( the first of many goodbyes this week.

Tuesdayyy we got up and had our last day together in the field. We went and said goodbye to William which was really sad, but he was happy I'm still here. Then we went to Jim's and he was so sad to hear she was leaving so he said a prayer with us and it was very sweet. We went and visited the old folks home which was fun, as always. That always makes our day :) then we were supposed to have a lesson with Aaina and Yazmin, but they weren't home, but we ended up running into Sweetie Joy!! And SHE LET US IN HER HOUSE!! AND SHE HAS 3 COPIES OF THE BOOK OF MORMON THAT SHE GOT AT THE DI!! So we finally had a sit down lesson with her and got her reading from the Book of Mormon!! It was a huge miracle. After that, we went to Sister Starkenburg's to say goodbye to her and her weirdo dog April, then we went to the Kavannah's to say goodbye to all of them. And Glenn, the atheist husband, was sharing Bible verses with us, it was so cool and such a good time haha! We just love them. We had a dinner with a young family in our ward which was super fun, and we taught our last lesson together :((( then we went to a Stake Relief Society activity and said loads of goodbyes there, and then we went to a lesson with the ZL's. It was a sad day, but a great one to end on. 

Wednesdayyy the dreaded day: Transfers. We woke up and Sister Rasband packed for like 5 hours, then we cried together, and then we were able to stop by and see Sister Smith (my MTC companion) and her companion on our way to the Mission office!! So that was super awesome! We went to the office and saw a bunch of Mission friends, which was really fun, and then we all sat down in our Districts, and one by one we were all assigned our new Districts. I was crying so much lol it was very, very sad. Sister Rasband has easily become one of my best friends in the world, the Lord really super blessed me with her #futureroomiesorsomething 

I got my new companion Sister Sanders! She's only been out one transfer longer than me so I'm basically leading the area #thisisterrifying and I DROVE back to dear old Mountlake (she's a driving lady again let's goooo) and we went to lunch with the ASL sisters. We had a bomb.com lesson with Scott, and then we had dinner with the Kavannah's! I just love them, and Glenn stayed for our spiritual thought again! He calls me Elenor because I remind him of Elenor in The Good Place haha Glenn and I are buddies. But I was definitely missing Raz when we got back to the apartment. #sadvibes

Thursdayyy we got up and hung out and then had District Councilllll and that was a ZILLION years long but good! Our District is like totally different now, we have 2 new Elders in Brier, a new ASL sister, Elder Mumford is training a newbie, and Sister Sanders is new. So now there's 9 of us haha it's a big change! After District Council we went to Larry's! He's loving the BOM but couldn't make it to church this Sunday :(( We had dinner with the Clayton's, our favorite BYU nerds, and then we went to a Stake Youth BBQ at the beach!! It was so fun! That night we had a mega long, mega boring Stake meeting but whateverrrr

Fridayyy was the longest day everrrr we had a bunch of cancelations so we just contacted a bunch which wasn't very fun...but then we did a service for a lady. That night we had a dinner with a family and that was bomb and then we met a super cool girl named Rachel and she let us into her apartment and showed us her plants, and we found out she's actually a less active member!! And she said she would watch church! So that was really super awesome! So our day ended pretty okay haha!
Saturdayyy we had a ton of service! We went to a lesson with the ZLs and then a day of service! We went to Kelli's and helped her in her yard, and then we went to Heather's mom's house and helped her set up for a garage sale, and then we helped Sister Layne in her yard which is always fun, and then we decided to go over to Billijo's, even though she had been ghosting us for 2 weeks and SHE ANSWERED AND WANTED OUR HELP AND THEN SAID SHE WOULD COME TO CHURCH!!! So that was a huge mega miracle!!! After that we hung out at our apartment for a sec and I got super antsy and Sister Sanders and I are still trying to adjust to each other haha so the rest of the night was a little weird but we did it!
Sundayyy we got to go to Ward Council, and then Church!! And Billijo and her 3 year old son Ruger came!! She seemed to really like it too! So that was super awesome! We also made some banana bread that turned out super delish #almostburneditbutitsokay We went to a dinner and then a meeting and then we got to hang out with the STLs and ZLs!! So the night ended awesome.

Today we went to Pike Place and this super cute Japanese store!! I literally love Seattle so much it hurts, I FREAKING LIVE HERE how cool is that?? 


This week I've been really focusing on how much our Heavenly Father loves each of us individually! There's a talk by Elder Uchtdorf called Believe, Love, Do that is SO FIRE he says,
"The love God speaks of is the kind that enters our hearts when we awake in the morning, stays with us throughout the day, and swells in our hearts as we give voice to our prayers of gratitude at evening’s end. This is the inexpressible love Heavenly Father has for us."

The love God has for us is an eternal love, one that literally never falters. He knows us so individually and so perfectly, and he always has something better in mind. Trust him!! Even when it's the last thing you want to do!! He knows best, and he's got your back :)
I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 
Sister Gibb


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