This week has been WILD lemme tell ya, but SO GOOD!! I'm officially a mother!! My new companion's name is Sister Hart, and she's a rootin' tootin' cowgirl from Rigby, Idaho! She's the cutest though!! We couldn't be more different, but we get along so well! It's been the longest 4 days of my life but we're having a good old time here in Mountlake! Let's jump into it, shall we?

Dead rats found at Heathers: 1 WOO HOO
Cookies baked: a zillion 🍪 
Mosquito bites: ZERO 🤩
Times we were fed this week: Far less than normal #SAD

Mondayyy we went to FHE after pday and that was super chill and super fun! I love YSA :)

Tuesdayyy we went to Sharon's to help her in her yard, and she offered to make us roast beef sandwiches and said "I make the best in town" and they were indeed the best. Then we went to Kathy's and helped her in her yard which was fun! We also went and helped Danielle in her yard which was SO FUN she has 4 little kids and they're the cutest :) then we went to the Kavannah's so that Sister Sanders could say goodbye, but I think Glenn was happy to hear that I was staying hehe, we're besties. That night, we had dinner with Dale Starkenburg WE LOVE HER AHHH it was so wonderful. After dinner, we had institute with our YSA ward and Sandy packed up her bags :((

Wednesdayyy TRANSFERS AHHHHH We got there bright and early to pick up our babies, and I met Sister Hart! She's the cutest!! Then we got to see a bunch of our missionary friends which was awesomeeee and then we drove back to Mountlake and had a lesson with Scott! Hopefully he'll want to progress soon, he's having a rough go :( 

That night we went to a baby shower for a lady in our ward which was SO MUCH FUN!! I love this ward so much it hurts. Afterwards, we went with the YSA elders to a lesson, and then we CRASHED because we were exhausted haha

Thursdayyy we had District Council! Our District now consists of us, the Brier Elders, the Lake Forrest Park Elders, and the MOUNTLAKE B ELDERS our area is so busy so we told President if he needed a place to put missionaries, he could put another set in Mountlake (lol) and our wish was granted. So, we are now ward sharing as well!! It's been exciting haha. Basically, we're the moms that just take care of all the boys. After District Council we went to the Ellsworth's in our ward and helped them clean their apartment because they're moving :(( very sad. That night we contacted some people! A good day indeed.

Fridayyy WOW A BUSY DAY we had a lesson with William, and then we were going to a service for a new lady named Marcella and she wasn't home and so we were gonna leave but then we decided to knock in her neighborhood and then she told us that she was on her way home and so we got to meet her and WOW SHES GOLDEN she's an absolute angel! She gave us bagels and fruit and wanted a Book of Mormon and wants to come to church!! SHES SO WONDERFUL! After that, we went with the Mountlake Elders to Phreddy's house and attacked the biggest blackberry bushes I've ever seen it was CRAZY then we had a lesson with Jennifer. That night, we made a BOMB dinner and helped our neighbor Gabriele move! We were SOOO tired by the end of the day haha but it was so good!

Saturdayyy we got up and went to Kelli's which was awesome, and then we went to Heather's and helped her clear out so much junk from her yard, it was ridiculously nasty, we found a jumbo dead rat lol but it was good! Then we went to a lesson with Larry which was spoken scattered and all over the place but he liked Conference!! So that was awesome! Then we went to a lesson with Vera and her kids which was good, and ate dinner and then had a chill night.

From Kindergarten to Everett, WA
Sister Gibb & Elder Dyer serving in the YSA

Sundayyy WE HAD 3 FRIENDS COME TO CHURCH!!! LARRY CAME TO CHURCH EVERYONE LARRY CAME TO CHURCH SUCH A MIRACLE!!! We were like, totally shocked to see him there, I like froze. It was so good though!! Such a day full of miracles. We also taught Relief Society that day which was bomb, and then we raced over to our YSA ward! It was super fun. Then we went to visit a member in our ward, and then we made cookies and weekly planneddddd wooooo it was good! Then we had a dinner that night and then delivered cookies to people :)) a good, good day!

Then today we went to a super cute coffee house and got waffles and then we went on a little nature walk and then we went to the mall and then we almost died in an elevator at Target lol BUT WE LIVED. 

This week has been such a whirlwind, I really came to appreciate my personal study time. Especially reading some of the talks from this past Conference. I started reading Elder Anderson's talk about coming closer the Savior, and he says, "But even with the increasing worldly influences around us, we need not fear. The Lord will never desert His covenant people". That's something that I found a lot of comfort in lately. The Lord will NEVER desert us. Jesus Christ CONSTANTLY understands. Our covenants are ETERNAL covenants. Remember who you are and what you stand for, the Lord will take care of the rest.

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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