My mom skills are gonna be so good #sickkid

WHADDUP EVERYONE Sister Gibb here from a very COLD week in Washington

Naps taken by sicko Sister Hart: So many
Hours spent at Zone Conference: 6???
Christmas songs listened to: A LOT YAY
Sad goodbyes this week: 2 :( #ripeldereagerandjohnson

Okay so this week was a zillion years long but I shall do my best to recall

Mondayyy we walked around Seattle in the pouring rain which was a viiiiibe and then that night we went to FHE and they had a dance instructor there to teach everyone ballroom buuuut the tag means no dancing so us and the Elders were the audience. It was so fun though!

Tuesdayyy we got up and went to Kathy's to do some service for her!! It had rained since the last time we came so all the leaves were covered in nasty garbage rain but it was fun! Then we had interviews with President!! It went super well and we had a BOMB District Council. But Elder Mumford is leaving next transfer to become a ZL so imma be getting a new District Leader! #ripmum that night one of our YSA members who's like, our best friend took us to McDonald's for dinner lol it was so fun! Then the YSA Ward did some activities that we joined in for!

Wednesdayyy we did some contacting and then we tried to go to a lesson but they weren't home :( so we knocked some doors and found a guy named Trent with a very cute puppy :)) We baked some brownies and then did some service for Lisa Layne in our ward! That night we went to dinner with one of Brier's friends who wants to come to the YSA Ward named Alex! He made the most BOMB steak and shrimp, it was glorious. He also gave me like 6 cans of Sprite so that was a win lol #superiordrink

Thursdayyy ZONE CONFERENCEEEEEE it was a good good day. Since they've split some Zones, all of the Zones are smaller so we combined with 2 other Zones, and then split up for our individual Zone Conferences. It was really awesome! We talked about Christ's love and how do we show that love to others, and it was super awesome! President and Sister Oakes gave some instruction, and then we got LUNCH so that was a win. That night we went Area finding and made some member visits and got some referrals, and then got Indian food for dinner with a YSA member and then went to volleyball which was a blast!!

Fridayyy we woke up and Sister Hart was SICK she got a pretty nasty cold so most of the day was spent calling people, Sister Hart taking naps, and me cleaning the apartment lol. But we did do a Book of Mormon study with the YSA Elders and got some bomb sandwiches. That night Sister Hart was feeling better so we went to the Kavannah's for dinner and Glenn was ON ONE lol but it's whateverrrr it was a good day nonetheless.

Saturdayyy we helped someone in our Ward move from the 3rd floor of her apartment building WITH NO ELEVATOR needless to say our thighs are SO SORE and then we went to a service for a new lady and she took a BOM and is gonna read!! It was awesome! We had a meeting and a dinner and then more sicko time for Sister Hart. A slower day but a good day!

Sundayyy SUCH A BLESSED DAY we went to church at Mountlake and had the Primary program!! The Mountlake Primary is unmatched. After that, we went to YSA church which was also good! Then we had to say goodbye to Elder Johnson who was in the YSA ward with us and it was MEGA sad and then we had to say goodbye to Elder Eager who served in Brier and it was MEGA sad, goodbyes are the worst. We had choir practice and a YSA dinner with our member Gracie who is my idol and she has the cutest apartment I've ever seen. That night I got to call my momma for her BIRTHDAYYYY Happy Birthday Julie!!

Today we went to a cool nature park and then to Bruce Lee's grave in Seattle, which was pretty cool.

Something that kept coming up in my studies and conversations with other people this week was D&C 121 when Joseph Smith cries out to the Lord when he's in Liberty Jail and the Saints are being persecuted. And the first thing Heavenly Father says to him is this, "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment" he doesn't say that he's gonna take it away, but he says that his sufferings will be but a small moment. It's the same with us! The Lord is never going to give us something that isn't going to be for our benefit in the end. Let him carry you through your trials! 

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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