TANKSGIBBING #grateful4peopleeventhoightheyghostus


WHATS GOOD EVERYONE Sister Gibb here from a very very long week but hey, we made it through!!

Cups of coffee my comp accidentally drank: 1/2 ☕️ (whoops)
Sisters that slept in our apartment Saturday night: 4 
Thanksgiving dinners eaten: 2 #stuffed

Okay so I know you're all wondering what happened with the chemical smell in our apartment, don't even worry, the Fire Department came and we found out it was just our neighbors downstairs painting and they didn't tape off their vents #embarrassing so we just left the windows open and all was well. ANYWAY, then we went to Pike Place for Pday! And Sister Hart's best friend surprised her at Pike! She and her husband were in town so I helped them get in touch with President and then they surprised her! It was fun! And then they took us to lunch so that was bomb! Then we went to FHE that night and played some sports! It was a fun day :)

Tuesdayyy we woke up to the sky absolutely DUMPING rain so that was super duper! We did some good planning and study that morning and then we went to Nancy's!! She's the sweetest, she made us cookies and tea and we visited with her, and taught her the Plan of Salvation!! It was so awesome and she really liked it! So we'll probably go back this week :) then we went and visited a less active family in our ward, which was super good, and then we had dinner with Judd and Debi Williams! They're my most favorite people ever! That night we went to Institute and then we got tacos at Cafe Rio with the YSA ward! It was a good, good day!

Wednesdayyy we had District Council! It was so good, and we talked about teaching for understanding, which was super helpful. Then we went and did some service at the DI which was so fun! We're besties with the manager, Anna :) then we grabbed some dinner and went to YM/YW and ate pie at the Bishop's house! Our Bishop loves Star Wars, so he let me geek out over his collection of Star Wars knick knacks. He also has a 3D printer, so he showed us a bunch of his projects! He does 3D printed temples so those were super cool! 

Thursdayyy HAPPY THANKSGIBBING YAYAYAYAYAYAY we got up and played some football with our District which was super duper fun, and then we went to a Thanksgiving get together our housing coordinators had put together, which was super cute. Then I got to talk to my fam bam!! #shoutouttothegibbgang then we went to our first dinner of the day! 

It was with the Oberstadts in our ward, and it was a blast! The food was great, the company was great, and we were all laughing the whole time. Brother Oberstadt is a sailor so he told me all about how to sail, it was so cool! Then we went to our second dinner of the day, at the Morris's!! They're just the best. They do a friendsgiving every year with the young families and young couples in the ward, so it was a big old party! There were so many babies it was so much fun haha it just felt like I was hanging out with my cousins and all their kids! I loved being able to see different traditions, and being able to hang out with the people I love very most here in Washington :) the Mountlake Ward is my home away from home big time. Then that night we talked to our families more, which was great :)

Fridayyy we did some bomb.com WEEKLY PLANNINGGGG WOOOOO and then we had a training meeting, and then made some visits to people! We weren't having much luck, but then Sister Hart suggested we go to Daniel's house, and we've been trying to have a lesson with him for WEEKS and he was home!! It was a miracle!! We had a good mini lesson with him and set up a time next week to meet with him!! Then we went to our friend Robin's house and taught her the first lesson! And she said she would read the pamphlet! Please pray that she will pray about it!! Then we had dinner with Devin from our YSA ward and he got us Thai food so that was the best thing EVER. Then we finally had a lesson with Hope! It had been forever since we went over so it was nice to visit with her :)

Saturdayyy we helped clean the church and then we got lunch and did a Book or Mormon Study with the YSA elders, and we acted out the story of Ammon with a 3 person cast, and it was honestly, a Tony award worthy performance. Catch us in New York City 2023. Then we went to Billijo's and helped her in her house, which was good! She's going through a really hard time right now, so it was kind of a heavy visit but it's okay, prayers for Billijo. Then we went and visited with Kim! So that was fun! And then we had dinner and Sister Rasband and Sister Rick's came over and had a sleepover because their companions had food poisoning :( but it was so much fun!!

Sundayyy we went to church at Mountlake and we went to Young Women's! Our ward has like no youth so there were only 2 young women but they're just so awesome. Then we went to church at Halls Lake which was good, and then we went to choir practice!! And then we spent the night visiting inactive YSA members and literally not a single person was home, or they had moved. But it's okay because THE LORD LOVES EFFORT. And we ended up having a great visit with some of our Mountlake members which was a good way to end the day :)) 

To be completely honest, this week was kind of rough, because it felt like we were putting in a bunch of effort and not seeing any progress. And I was pretty discouraged. But then one morning I was reading my scriptures in Alma 41 where it talks about how we will be judged. It says 
"And it is requisite with the justice of God that men should be judged according to their works; and if their works were good in this life, and the desires of their hearts were good, that they should also, at the last day, be restored unto that which is good."
We aren't always going to see the fruits of our labors. In fact, chances are, we won't see much reward in our lives. But that's not what matters, what matters is the work we are willing to put in to further the work of the Lord. So press forward in faith! The effort you give to people, and the effort you show to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ does not go unnoticed!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb
