I'm going into construction because I built an ikea cube shelf #IMGONNABE20THISWEEK

WADDUP WADDUP EVERYONE this week was sooo bomb diggity so let's get into it!!

Pieces of furniture built: 2 #homedepot
Missionaries in chickfila on Saturday: 10 (whoops)
Missionaries at Fa'alata's baptism: 8
Answers to prayers: so many :)

Mondayyy we went to Pike Place one last time before it's no longer in our Zone :((( it was so fun though, it's my most favorite place ever. If you ever want an expert tour guide hit me up. Then we played some pickleball and then that night for FHE we made nativity ornaments! It was a blast. 

Tuesdayyy we were scheduled to have a lesson with Daniel at 2, but he didn't show, so we called him around 2:30 and he said he thought it was at 3, so we waited until 3, and he still didn't show up. So we went to his house, and his mom answered and said that he had left about 30 minutes ago to meet with us, so now we've lost Daniel. But we went back to the church and lo and behold, there he was, parked on the street. So we had a lesson with Daniel 2 hours later than we planned to. Kinda sad though, he was acting super weird and not like himself at all, so we think he's back on his drugs :(( please pray for Daniel!! Anyway, that night we had dinner with a member of the Stake Presidency in the Lynnwood Stake and we got to see some missionary friends! It was super fun! And then we met up with the YSA homies for pizza! In the end, it was a good day.

Wednesdayyy DISTRICT COUNCILLL it was super good! We have an awesome District I love them all so much. Then we went to the DI and helped sort clothes and had a YSA dinner which was good! Then that night we tagged along with the YSA Elders to visit a member and we were talking with her and honestly I was feeling kinda down and like we could have been more productive doing something else, but then I decided to choose to share a scripture and it ended up being something that she totally needed to hear, and the spirit was so strong, so that was a huge tender mercy :) we were totally in the right place at the right time.

Thursdayyy we had a Social Media training in the morning which was fun! Then we were going to have a lesson with Daniel but he was sick, so that was a bummer. But then we drove to Seattle to meet a new YSA referral and do some service for her! Her name is Jacinta and she's so cute! We didn't really know what we were gonna be doing, so we got there and she was having us build a storage unit for her because her hands are injured, and we built it outside in her front yard and it was FREEZING we were definitely not prepared lol it was soooo cold! But while we were building, this lady walked past us with her two daughters and we BOTH felt the spirit tell us to talk to her, kinda crazy. We started talking with her and found out that she had been taught by the missionaries about 10 years ago, and she said she would be interested in having them come over again! She's not in our area so we referred her, but it was still so cool. 

Then that night Judd and Debi picked us up in their old 15 passenger van and took us to Dicks burgers! There's no in and out here and so Dicks is basically the equivalent. So, we ate burgers in the van while it dumped rain outside, it was so much fun!! That night we had volleyball which is always a blast :) it was such a good day!!

Fridayyy we had a BOM study with the YSA Elders which is always so fun, and then we helped set up for the Ward Christmas brunch! We also had everyone cancel on us for the day, so we decided to just make a bunch of contacts with less active members and it went so well!! We met with some people who are interested in coming back to church which was so awesome! I honestly love contacting days, we always see so many miracles. That night we had dinner with the Willis's! They're so funny haha! Then we visited the Lei family in our ward, because their son, Fa'alata was being baptized the next day! Such a good day of being productive missionaries and it felt so good!!

Saturdayyy such a busy day haha we had our Ward Christmas brunch and we got to help with some games! And we got pictures with Santa haha! Then we went to Fa'alata's baptism! The spirit was so strong it was so cool. We did some bomb.com weekly planning! And then we raced to a YSA dinner and then to the Adult session of our Stake Conference! Elder Sabin of the seventy was there, and we had heard from him at our Mission Conference a few months ago so basically, we're #besties but it was so good! So not a ton happened but also a lot happened haha

Sundayyy we had a Multistake Conference! There was a Youth session with Elder Sabin, and then the General session! There were sooooo many people there, it was wild. They changed some Stake boundaries and we now are combined with the Brier ward and lost half of our YSA ward :(( but it's okay, the Lord will provide! After that we had choir practice!! I love our cute ward choir :) then that night we had a member dinner and went to support our YSA members at the Lynnwood Stake Music night which was so fun! 

Today we got to go to the Mission home to make cinnamon rolls with the Oakes! It's been a good day :))

Something I've really grown to love this Christmas is studying the names of Christ (shoutout to Julie for providing a study guide for me) but it's been so awesome! I think the best part has been applying those things I learn into my life and trying to be more like christ. Trying to be a counselor, a peacemaker, a light, etc. I would invite all of you to take time to learn about your Savior this Christmas and try to be more like him!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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