"They're not nuns, they're mormons!" #WHYISTHERESOMUCHSNOW


This week was pretty bangin so let's get into it!

Inches it snowed: 6 or sumthin ❄️ 
Times we had to call the doctor: TOO MANY
Miracle lessons with Daniel: 2!!!
Candy canes eaten: LOTS

Mondayyy for FHE that night we played pictionary which was so fun! Our ward is just the best :)

Tuesdayyy we were going to have a lesson with Daniel, one of our new friends who wants to be baptized, and he didn't show up at the church, so we went to his house and he got out of his car right as we pulled up, so we got out of the car and asked if he could have a lesson and he said he forgot that we had scheduled one and would meet us at the church in 15 minutes!! So on our way back to the church, we stopped at our friend Amy's house and had a BOMB lesson with her and her daughter! We hadn't been able to get in touch with them forever so that was a miracle! And we scheduled a time to come back!! So then we went to the church and met Daniel there and had an awesome lesson!! He said he wants to work on progressing towards baptism again so please pray for Daniel!! It was such a miracle! Then that night we had a member dinner and then Institute! AND WHEN WE CAME OUT OF INSTITUTE IT WAS DUMPING SNOW!! Sooo I guess it does snow here, and it was SO FUN!! We played in the snow at the church for a little bit :)

Wednesdayyy they grounded our cars because of the snow lol so it was a slower day, but we walked to Safeway with the Elders that live in our complex which was soooo fun! Then we did some teaching practice with them. After that, we got a visit from the ASL Sisters and that was nice! That night it wasn't snowing anymore so we could drive a little and we went to dinner with a YSA member and he took us to this BOMB burger joint, it was so blessed. But that was pretty much it for Wednesday. But it was SNOWY YAYAYAYAY

Thursdayyy we had ANOTHER lesson with Daniel and he actually showed up on time!! We taught him the Restoration and he really grabbed onto it, it was so awesome. It's been nice to teach someone who is actually like, wanting to progress haha. Then we had District Council! It was so great. We did some contacting, and then had another YSA dinner! It was so fun, our member Haley lives with her brother and sister-in-law so we hung out with them and it felt like I was hanging out with my married siblings 10/10 experience. That night we had volleyball with the YSA ward which was SOOO fun!! And we had a HUGE turnout!! It was awesome

Fridayyy we had Mission Devotional and then we did a BOM study! After that we were going to go do service for Billijo, but she had forgotten lol so we delivered some advent calendars that Julie made to some people we're teaching! We made some great contacts and had some mini lessons with them!! #bestmissionarymomever #thanksjulie we had a great lesson with Christine too, which was good because we hadn't seen her in forever! That night we went to this random Lutheran church and helped them set up for their Toys for Tots event the next morning! They were all so sweet! That night it DUMPED snow again!! It was crazy!!

Saturdayyy we got up bright and early and went back to the Lutheran church and helped with their toy drive for like 5 hours haha! It was so fun though! And a bunch of the volunteers were like, "aren't you guys the ones who ride their bikes around in suits?" It was funny. We met some awesome people and got to help less fortunate families shop for toys! We made friends with one of the volunteers named Scott, and he's a retired economics professor and I adore him. The title of this weekly is a direct quote from Scott lol. But it was seriously so awesome! After that we went to visit with Kim, which was good, and she asked if we could pray for her, which was a huge breakthrough so that was awesome. We went to a YSA dinner, and then our lesson for that night canceled but it's okay because we did some ministering!

Sundayyy we woke up bright and early and drove to the beach at 7:30am to help Christine unload things for her craft fair haha but we got to see the sunrise at the beach! It was pretty magical. Then we went to church at Mountlake and had a super awesome testimony meeting, and then we went to Halls Lake and had a super awesome testimony meeting there too! It was so bomb. That afternoon we went to Judd and Debi's and visited with them, which is always lovely. Then we stopped at our friend Robin's house and asked if she had read the Restoration pamphlet, we left her with, and she said she skimmed through it, but doesn't believe it and isn't really interested :(( so that was super sad but it's okay, the Lord will prepare someone. That night we had dinner with a young couple in our ward and they made us the most BOMB chicken it was awesome. Then we went and watched the First Presidency Devotional and decorated a gingerbread house!! It was so nice!! Even though I won't be there to win the annual Gibb family gingerbread house contest for like the 4th year in a row, I can still make a mean gingerbread house. Then we did weekly planning! It was a good COLD day!

Today we went to Seattle because they're moving us to the Lynnwood Zone on Sunday, because they're changing the Stake boundaries, so it was my last time in Seattle for a little while :(( this city is my most favorite place, and I'm gonna miss her big time. I'll be back though :)

Tis the season to light the world!! 3 Nephi 12:15-16 says "Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house; Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." And this year is all about sharing your light!! Heavenly Father intended to make us all different and unique, and we all have something to contribute!! Pray to find ways to share your light and to share the light of Christ this Christmas season!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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