I think Thai food is God's greatest gift besides Jesus #ihad2compsthisweek??

AYOOO what's up friends and family! This week was WILD so let's get into it!

Sisters in our apartment and car Friday and Saturday: 3 #threepack
Moldy rags I pulled out of Kathy's cupboard: Too many 
Times I almost fell asleep at Zone Conference: like 2 (I stayed awake though I promise)
Bowls of curry Poki fed us: 3 and I couldn't have been happier

Mondayyy it was Ricky's birthday so we played gaterball! It's a mix of soccer and dodgeball and it's THE BEST and then that night we had dinner with the Watts! They're the cutest old couple and their house looks like a dollhouse haha I love them :)) and then we made some visits for the rest of the night, so it was a pretty chill day haha

Tuesdayyy we went and did Humanitarian service with the Ward ladies, and sewed for like 2 hours haha it was so fun! Then we had District Council and interviews with President Oakes! No secrets were shared about transfers, so it's likely that I'll be staying here with Sister Ridings, but we'll know for sure by next week! But we had a good District Council regardless! Then that afternoon we made some visits to members and got in touch with some less actives so that was awesome! So many miracles for sure. Then we had dinner with Alena Robison in our Ward, who's the coolest lady with the cutest house, and her ministering sisters which was soooo much fun! It just felt like a girls night haha I love them :))

Wednesdayyy we helped Ann Lawson, and I can now say that I can successfully mount anything on a wall, including a sewing storage unit. #hgtvhireme then we had an awesome visit with Judy, we just love her :)) after that we had dinner with the London's in our ward, they're a cute old couple and the wife is from Finland and they are just my most favorite people ever. Then we had a lesson with a guy in our ward and his two little girls, which was soooo fun they're so cute! Then the ASL Sisters visited, and it's always good to see them :) so it was a busy day spent ministering to our members which has been fun to do!

Thursdayyy we had ZONE CONFERENCEEEEE it was so fun to see everyone!! I got to see Sister Hart and Elder Moulding and Elder Schad from YSA, and so many other friends! It was soooooo long but good! Our Zone taught about the importance of the Restoration, and President Oakes talked a lot about finding Joy WHILE doing the work instead of putting off gratification until the work is done for the day, which I really loved. It was a great Zone Conference, and at the end, I ended up seeing Judd and Debi from Mountlake at the Mission Office, because Judd is in charge of the bikes in the mission now so it was SOOOO good to see them!!! It literally made my whole day!! (shoutout to Debi who will read my weekly and then give Judd the highlights, love you guys) and then we made lots of visits, and then had dinner with our Ward Mission Leader and his wife which was so fun! The rest of the night wasn't too eventful, we were so tired from Zone Conference haha

Fridayyy we went to help our new friend Kathy in her house and she had us empty out the cupboard below her bathroom sink and it was pretty bad not gonna lie, I've never seen so much mold in one place. But we lived! Plus she ended up asking us some really great questions and we ended up teaching her the Restoration! So that was super awesome! Then the ASL Sisters had some meetings they had to go to, so they dropped off their third companion, Sister Heywood with us for the next 2 days! So we were in a 3 pack for a second, and it was wild haha, but all good! Then we went to Poki's and she had made us some green curry!! It was SOOOOO YUMMY AHH it made me so happy :))) and then we taught her about the Atonement! We love Poki, she's so sweet :) then we went and visited with one of our cute ward members, Margaret, and we're going back this week to help her in her house! After that we made some visits, had some pizza for dinner, and then filmed our Facebook video for the week! So it was an exhausting day but we did it!

Saturdayyy we had all of our appointments but one fall through which was a bummer, but we did some finding at the Farmers Market, and made some member visits, and ended up meeting a really cool guy named Jake! Hopefully we can go back soon and do some service for him! Then we went and did some service at DI which is always fun :) and then we dropped Sister Heywood off with her companions, and we rushed to have a Zoom lesson with our friend Isaac!! It went really well, and hopefully he'll come to church soon! Please pray for him!! Then we ate dinner at 9pm because we do be WORKING HARD but it was a good day!

Sundayyy WE WENT TO CHURCH YAY and we got to substitute a Primary class for second hour!! I think Primary is my dream calling haha it was so fun! Then we made visits that afternoon and met with a very refined old lady in our Ward who graduated from the American Interior Design Institute so I was hard core fan-girling in her house, it was awesome. Then we had a lesson with Peggy, which was good, she's so sweet. Then we had dinner with a cute couple in our Ward, and they took us to a cute winter fest their neighborhood was having! It was so fun, and they ended up giving us a ton of food too, it was so sweet :)) then that night we did some weekly planning which was good!

Then today we explored Seattle a little bit and went to the mall! It's been fun!!

This week I was studying the CFM in Matthew 3, where Christ is baptized! I know we all know the story, but something that kept standing out to me is the humility of Christ. He goes to John to be baptized, and John tells him that he has no need to, and if anything, Jesus should be the one baptizing him. But Jesus, very simply, says that in order to live in accordance with God's laws (to fulfill all righteousness) he too needs to be baptized, just like everyone else. And so he is baptized. And it got me thinking about the simplicity of living the commandments. They are there as tools to keep us moving in a direction that will bless us continually, and we forget that all too often. But trusting in the Lord rather than the world will always benefit us in the end. So focus on strengthening your relationship with your Heavenly Father this week in order to trust in his commandments! 

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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