The country scares me WHERE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE #citylifebrotha

WHATS GOOD EVERYONE Sister Gibb here from another wild week in Seattle!

Let's get into it! I apologize for this being a novel in advance.

Miles accidently walked on Saturday: like 4
Times I went to Snohomish: 2 #furthestnorthi'veeverbeen
Cashews eaten: tooooo many

Mondayyy we did a Sisters pday and went to the Museum of Pop Culture! It was soooo awesome! 10/10 recommend. 

Then that night we went on EXCHANGES!! I got to go to ASL land with Sister Rasband and Sister Ricks AKA my bestie ladies, and GEEZ IT WAS SO FUN!! We drove clear up to Snohomish for a lesson, which is about 40 minutes north of me! It's like, farmland and mountain ranges, so it's beautiful, but not gonna lie I was missing Seattle haha the country life ain't for me. But our lesson was awesome, and then we most definitely went right to bed on time because we're dignified missionaries...sort of

Tuesdayyy we got up and had a wild day haha we drove BACK to Snohomish for another lesson, and then had a Zoom lesson in the car. We drove to knock on the door of a deaf person in Lake Stevens, and then another door in Monroe. SO MUCH DRIVING we were sooo tired by the end of the day haha! But it was so much fun!! I love Raz and Ricky so much haha. 

So, then we exchanged back! Sister Ridings and I visited some people, and had dinner with one of our Ward missionaries, Sister Bangerter! It was so fun! It was nice to have a change of scenery for a day, but I did miss Seattle and I was happy to be back :)

Wednesdayyy we had District Councilllll wooooooo one of the ASL Elders, Elder Lindford goes home today, so we had a funeral for him at District Council haha #itsactuallysosad we're gonna miss him. After that, we went to help an elderly lady in our Ward, Sister Lawrence unpack some boxes! She was so sweet :) Then we just made some visits the rest of the night. We tried to give a BOM to a new referral but her husband answered the door and we got hardcore rejected let's goooooooo hopefully we can get in touch with her soon! After that we got to visit with our wardie Alena, and she's literally the coolest lady ever, I love her so much she's hilarious.

Thursdayyy we got to go clear up to Everett again! I got a chest xray, don't worry, I'm fine, but it was fun to go up there! We got to stop in Mountlake on the way back to pick up some things, and I GOT TO SEE SISTER HART!!! It was soooo fun to see her, I miss her so bad haha but she's doing well and Mountlake is #thriving Then we had everything cancel on us for the day which was the worst, so we just spent the day contacting! We're trying to organize the members in our area with who has moved, or if they don't want to be contacted, etc. So, it's been productive and satisfying. That night we had dinner with the Driggs! They're this young couple who live in the cutest little apartment, and Brother Driggs is in the Bishopric. It was so much fun! I felt like I was hanging out with my cousins :)  #shoutouttomyoldercousinsloveyou so that was a great way to end the day :) And then we made some visits that night.

Fridayyy SUCH A BLESSED DAY we had a lesson with Douglas, so that was fun! Please pray that he will start coming to church!! Then we got a visit from the ZLs which was fun, and then we went member finding, and visited some people on our less active list! We ended up meeting the Elanzo family, and that went sooo well, we're going back on Thursday to do FHE with them! And then we visited this lady named Josiane. She answered the door, and was sooooo sweet and let us in, and OH MY GOODNESS this grandma is living my dream. She had the CUTEST house, and she LOVES going to National Parks in her nice little motorhome, and she's a photographer! We ended up staying for like an hour and she showed us her photographs, and taught us some french words, and we got to share a message with her! Our hearts were EXPLODING for her! After that, a Ward member took us out for teriyaki which was bomb, and then we visited one of our active members, Sister Rogers! She's raising a scottie dog puppy right now and she's soooo cute! And GET THIS She's having us over for dinner on Wednesday, and she was like, "I invited my best friend to join us, and she hasn't been to Church in years so please be gentle with her, her name is Josiane." THE COOL GRANDMA WHO LET US VISIT WITH HER FOR AN HOUR it was crazy! We told her that we had met her earlier that day and Sister Rogers was SHOCKED she said it was a miracle she let us in and she couldn't believe that we shared a message with her! MIRACLES!! So we will be having dinner with both of them on Wednesday :))

Saturdayyy ALSO SUCH A GOOD DAY first of all, THE SUN WAS OUT YAYAYAYAY we helped our friend Donna move some more boxes, and got more clothes from her which was fun! She's been taught forever, and so we invited her to ask Heavenly Father if he wants her to be baptized, and she was like, "Oh, I've never actually asked him. I'll do that!" So that was awesome. Then we got lunch at the CUTEST burger joint, and then we met up with our friend Thien! We found him a few weeks ago at Gasworks park, and we met up with him and went to a cute coffee shop and then ended up walking around Greenlake, which is like 3 miles lol. But it was so good! He was shocked that we had never gotten high on weed, so that was a funny conversation haha. But hopefully we can meet with him again soon! Then we went to the DI to help in the back, and then we were supposed to have a lesson with Isaac, but he canceled :(( So we did some facebook work instead! Go hype up our newest video on facebook!

Sundayyy kind of a slow day, but a good day! We went to Church, which was awesome as always, and then we did some studies, and then we visted with our Ward member Lois! She works at the zoo and she's just the cutest lady. Then we went and visited with Peggy, one of our Ward members, which is always fun, we love her :) Then we heart attacked our housing coordinators because they were recently released #sosad. But then I made us breakfast for dinner, which actually was so call me a chef or whatever. Then that night we did some weekly planning! 

And today we are going to go to the zoo!! It's been a busy week full of miracles!

This week I was reminded of one of my most favorite scriptures! It's 3 Nephi 22:10, where Christ is quoting Isaiah. It reads, "For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." 

I LOVE THAT SCRIPTURE! You know, all of these wild things could happen, the mountains could disappear, the hills could be gone, the world could fall apart. But the one thing that will never fail us is the constant love and companionship of the Savior. He is ALWAYS there, especially in our times of need. Lean on him! Trust him! Pray and ask to feel his love for you! He is merciful and is just waiting to bless you :)

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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