Bruce's Wordy Wonderland and Motherhood Part 2! #THERESTHREEOFUS

WASSUP EVERYONE This week was absolutely wild sooo LET'S GET INTO IT YEAH?

Beds currently in our apartment: 3
Times our guy Bruce contradicted himself trying to sound smart: like 7
Friends I got to see at transfers: SO MAY YAY
Days the sun was out this week: ALMOST EVERY DAY!!!

Mondayyy we had Zone pday and just hung out at the church and had some fun with the Zone! It was fun haha! Then we had a Leadership meeting that night for all the new Leadership this transfer, and I instructed the Trainer portion of the meeting, so that was fun!

Tuesdayyy such a hectic day oh my goodness haha it all started with me getting my blood drawn for some medical stuff, and Sister Ridings was more nervous about the blood draw than I was lol it was hilarious. We got Jimmy Johns because I was so brave 💪 then we went to Judy's! She's so funny I love her! We got to go to Hunger Intervention and make meals for the Homeless Shelter, and that was so much fun! I love going there haha! We contacted some people, and then had dinner with the Bangerters in our ward! They're our Ward Missionaries so it was super fun! Then the rest of the night was spent frantically getting ready to put a 3rd person in our apartment! It took a while, but we made it work!

Wednesdayyy TRANSFERSSSSS WOOOOOO We got there and got our greenies first thing! Our new comp is named Sister Axley and she's from Orem, UT!! We actually have some mutual friends and stuff so that's funny haha, she's super sweet though! We got real lucky with her :) The rest of the time at transfers was a blur with saying goodbye to missionaries who are going home, and seeing all of my missionary buddies! I got to see Elder Mumford after like 3 months so that was so fun, and Sister Hart and Sister Sanders!! I love being able to see my friends :)) Then we got Sister Axley's stuff, loaded the car, and off we went! We had dinner with Sister Rogers and Josianne that night which was so fun, and then we let Sister Axley get settled and unpack which was good! She's so awesome, we love her!!

Thursdayyy We did some service at the Ronald McDonald house which was good, and then we had District Councillll it was super chaotic lol everyone had so much energy, plus we had to help this random Russian guy who was lost. But it was good! After that, we went and helped Ann in her apartment which was good, and then we had a lesson with a new guy named Bruce! He had been taught by missionaries before, and had come to church, and requested a Spanish and French Book of Mormon. Turns out, he's like, crazy haha! We knocked on the door, and he came around from the back of the house and scared us to death lol. And then he took us downstairs to his house and we literally thought we were gonna die haha it looked so scary. But he was nice don't worry! He's a language geek, and loves reading scriptures in different languages, and tries to use big fancy words to make himself sound smart, but alas, I saw through his act as a woman of words myself. Anyway, he literally wouldn't stop talking so we were suuuuuper late to dinner with a young couple in our ward but they were super understanding so it was okay. But Thursday was an interesting day!

Fridayyy we had Mission Devotional and then we had a lesson with Poki! We helped her understand the Atonement more, (Sister Axley came in clutch for that) and then she wanted to know what happens when we die, and so we taught her the Plan of Salvation! So that was super awesome! Plus she made us some banging Thai food. Then we went to Kathy's and she had us plant some flowers in her yard which was fun! And we read some of The Book of Mormon with her, and she understood it! And she's keeping her commitments! Please pray for Kathy!!! It was awesome. We tried to do some finding in a store, but we didn't have much luck, but we did leave a Book of Mormon at Barnes and Noble in the Religion section lol #sneakysisters We tried to visit a pretty promising referral, but he didn't seem as interested as we thought he would be, so that was a bummer :/ we'll get em next time. But Friday was a good day in the end! 

Saturdayyy we helped Donna in her house and that was good, and then we FINALLY had a lesson with Douglas. We were just kind of straight up with him and told him we can't keep coming if he's not keeping his commitments, so he promised us he would come to Church. Anyway, then we went to the DI and helped there which was relaxing, and then did some service for a guy in our Ward and they gave us cookies! We tried to visit another referral that night without any luck so that was a bummer but it's okay! So not a super busy day, but a pretty good one!

Sundayyy we went to Church and Douglas didn't come :(((( He texted us later saying he slept in, but it was sad but, there were like 3 random nonmembers who came to Church and we met them so that was awesome! Miracles abounding! After Church we had a linger longer with cookies and hot chocolate! I made Julie's home made Oreos and they were a hit not gonna lie. We had a lesson with Peggy later that day and she showed us her little garden plots and her tree that someone gave to her, it was very sweet. I LOVE PEGGY!! Then we went to choir practice and had a lesson with our friend Laurel. She comes to Church every week and has taken us to dinner before but apparently she's a non member and we literally had no idea. Turns out she's been taught by missionaries since she was 19, so like 12 years. We're pretty stuck with how to proceed with her, so please pray for Laurel haha. That night we did some bomb weekly planning! It was a good day!

Then today we're going to take the newbies to Pike! It'll be fun!

I restarted the Book of Mormon this week and I decided I was going to read it and identify acts of faith that I find! I was reading in 1 Nephi 16 where Nephi's bow breaks and they don't have a way to get food anymore in the wilderness. I noticed how Nephi sees what's happened, he sees how his family is reacting to the situation, and the first thing he does is make a new bow, and ask his father where he should go to get food. He noticed that there was something he could do to change the situation. Sometimes we get stuck waiting for God to perform miracles in our lives, when in reality, he's waiting for us to put in the work so that he can perform miracles in our lives. Faith requires action! I would invite you all to take action this week in strengthening your faith, find something you can do to improve your situation, and God will meet you halfway! 

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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