My bloodstream is 50% boba #fakestl

AYOOOO what's good everyone! Sister Gibb here from a ROLLERCOASTER of a week but we're all good!

Hours it took to hang up Ann's pictures EXACTLY how she wanted: 2
Times we got boba this week: SO MANY YAY
Time it took for Sister Ridings to explain the plot of twiligt to Sister Axley: 45 minutes 
Friends I got to see at MLC (even though I'm not an STL lol): SO MANY YAY

Mondayyy we took the new missionaries to Pike Place! It was so quiet, it was awesome! Our favorite shop is closing though, so that was sad :( Then that night we went visiting so that was fun!

Tuesdayyy HAPPY VALENTINES DAYYYYY YAYAYAYAY I love loving other people :))) We started the day by going to Humanitarian sewing with the ward ladies, and then we went to Hunger Intervention and helped them cook! And they let us make some valentines cookies to take home! So, then we went to Judy's and brought her some flowers for Valentine's day :) The rest of our afternoon was spent delivering the cookies we had made to tons of people!! It was so fun! That night we had dinner with some of the single ladies in the ward and had a little galentines party! It was so fun! 

Wednesdayyy we had District Councilllll it was pretty good, much less chaotic than last week haha. We went to Ann's and she needed our help hanging up a bunch of pictures, and keep in mind, this is an 80 something year old woman with like, MAJOR OCD so everything has to be done a very certain way and look exactly how she needs it to look. Needless to say, our arms were dying holding up pictures so she could see where they need to be, and then she had to run out to get her dinner, and so we just finished without her lol which was far more efficient. It was hilarious, we love Ann :) She gave us cookies so that was nice! That night we had dinner with the Pahnke's in our ward, they're a cute couple with a 7 year old son, Milo, and I've now promised to mail him my gold Charizard Pokemon card when I get home. It was so awesome, they're the best. 

Thursdayyy WE GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!! A member from one of Sister Riding's past areas offered to take us, and it was soooo wonderful. There were some changes made to the endowment, and geez louise everyone go to the temple as soon as you can! I understood it so much more, and it was so beautiful! There's nothing quite like the spirit that the temple brings. Afterwards, we went to Deseret Book, right next to the temple, and I got to see a ward member from the Mountlake Ward!! It was so nice :)) After the temple, we went to our friend Bean's and helped in her house and yard, which was actually so fun haha. That night  we had dinner with the London's in our ward, which was so fun, they're the sweetest most refined couple haha and they made us Greek food! It was such a good day :))

Fridayyy I got to go to MLC (Mission Leadership Council)! Technically only the STLs, Zone Leaders, and District Leaders are supposed to go, but President asked me to sing, so I got to go! It was wild haha I felt so out of place the whole time but I'm glad I was there to get some insight and help with Zone Conference planning! Plus I got to see Elder Mumford, Elder Rush, and Sister Sanders!! So that was a blast and a half. They fed us pizza, so that was a win. Then when I came back, we went visiting, and had a good visit with Sister Ireton in our ward, she's so cute. So it was a good, exhausting day!

Saturdayyy we started the day by walking around the Farmers Market trying to find people, without a ton of luck, but we met some colorful people! Then we did some social media work with our District, and then went to DI and helped in the back! After that, we went to Java's house, she's the ward member who had us over for dinner a few weeks ago who has severe ADHD and it was like, wild. So, we helped her move some stuff in her apartment, and it was a grand old time. We had dinner, and then visited some people, and not gonna lie, I was feeling pretty grumpy, it had just been a weird day, but my companions needed a potty break while we were right by Judy's house, so we stopped there and that was a tender mercy, and helped me feel a lot better lol. So the day ended up being okay :)

Sundayyy we went to Church, and none of our friends came, even though Douglas was up and promised us he would come, so we will probably be dropping him soon, pray for Douglas please! But we did have an inactive family come, and Peggy brought her friend Judy! We got to go to Primary for second hour, and then we had a lesson with Peggy! So that was fun! After that we got to have a good visit with our new friend Anna! She's the neighbor of the Johnsons in our ward, and she's just magical. She's like a famous artist, and we sat in her studio and she showed us her pieces, and we had tea, and talked about art and theology, and history and of course, the gospel. It was so wonderful, I adore Anna!!! We made a BANGING dinner and had burgers!! Then we did some weekly planning! It was a good day!

And today we went to see the Freemont Troll and then we're playing pickleball! 


I read an awesome talk this week on Valentine's day about love! It talked about the 4 attributes of Christlike love, which are being considerate, complimentary, charitable, and grateful! I thought that was an awesome way of describing what love really is, especially ways we can show our love to others and to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! Maybe choose one of those attributes to focus on this week and see if it helps you practice more Christlike love!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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