WE'RE EXPECTING AGAIN!! 👶 #iwillneverownacat

Ayoooo what's up everyone! Sister Gibb here from a WILD week but it was so good!

Games of pickleball Peggy and I won: MORE THAN 1
Cookies delivered: Sooooo many!
Hoarder houses cleaned: 2 (WOO HOO)
Times our ward member mentioned she has ADHD: Probably 20

Mondayyy we explored Seattle and then later that night we had dinner with our Bishop's family, which was so fun! The rest of the night was spent contacting, which was exciting lol

Tuesdayyy we went to humanitarian sewing with the ward ladies which was fun! Then we helped a guy move a couch, or rather the Elders helped a guy move a couch, and we were there for moral support :) after that we ate the most BOMB sandwiches ever and then we had a great visit with Judy! That afternoon we baked some cookies, and then drove to dinner with none other than Jepordary host KEN JENNINGS. He and his family live in our ward, and it was soooo much fun! Such a cool guy and his wife is my favorite. That night we had a ward activity playing pickleball and board games! It was a blast, and Peggy (an old sweet lady in our ward) and I destroyed as teammates haha

Wednesdayyy we had District Councilllll it was a good time haha then we helped Ann unpack some things and hung up a curtain rod for her! We had dinner with the Abersolds in our ward and they made us Korean food!! It was soooo yummy and their family is so cute, it was a blast. That night we visited people and delivered cookies! We saw Isaac, our friend who we have been trying to get in touch with, which was awesome! Not a super busy day, but a good day nonetheless!

Thursdayyy we got up and went and served at the Ronald McDonald House! It's housing for families going through cancer treatments for their kids at Seattle Children's Hospital. We cleaned the dining room, and the toys! It was super sweet, God's love is so strong there. Then we went to our new friend Bean's house! Our other friend Kathy referred her to us, and she's super sweet! She has MS and some brain damage, but she's an artist! Her roommate is a hoarder so the house isn't safe for her to get around so, we helped her tidy up and started teaching her! After that we went to Greenlake and tried to find some people and saw some little miracles! We went to help our ward member Margaret tidy up her house and visited with her! We delivered more cookies, and then had dinner with the Johnsons! They're a young couple in our ward and they invited their neighbor Anna! She's from like 4 different places in Europe and is my most favorite person ever! She loves learning about our faith too! It was such a fun dinner I LOVE THIS AREA

Fridayyy we had Mission Devotional, and then we had a lesson with Poki! We talked about who Jesus Christ is and showed her the Come unto Christ website and she really liked it! We love Poki :)) after that we went to Kathy's and walked her dogs in the pouring rain haha and helped her in her house, and then taught her The Plan of Salvation, and she really loved it! Please pray for Kathy!! That night we had dinner with The Elliots, a couple in our ward! It was so fun, they're the best :)) then that night we filmed our last Facebook video #gohypeitup so it was a good day!

Saturdayyy such a wild day haha we went to lunch with our friend Thien, and it was good to see him! Then we had a lesson with the Vehrs in our ward, and we went to a super cute bookstore! After that we went to the DI and helped there! Then we had to do some ministering to the ASL sisters because Sister Ricks found out she's leaving ASL and going to Mount Vernon with my baby Sister Hart next transfer, so they were super sad haha but it's going to be good. That night we had dinner with a member of our ward named Java, and ohhhhh my goodness it was wild haha she insisted we have Prince of Egypt on in the back and I think we said like 3 words total because she just talked for an hour and a half straight it was pure chaos haha good times. When I got home my pants were absolutely COVERED in cat hair soooo I will never be owning any kind of animal with fur ever.

Sundayyy we had Church which was so good, and there were SO MANY PEOPLE in Sunday School! We did our studies and what not and then we had a good lesson with Peggy! After that, we went to Stake choir practice which was good, and then to dinner with a bunch of the single ladies in the ward! I love them all so much they're so cool haha plus they had caffeine free diet coke which honestly was a highlight of my week haha, bless Susan Arnett. Then the rest of the night we planned and edited!

Today we've been having fun at the church for our last Zone pday before transfers this week! Speaking of transfers....

Sister Ridings and I will be staying in Green Lake! BUT we will be getting a 3rd companion! We're going to train a new missionary together so I'll be a momma again!! It's definitely going to be interesting training in a trio, but the Lord knows what he's doing. Now we just have to fit all 3 of us in a studio apartment!

This week I read the talk "Lasting Discipleship" by Steven J. Lund, which is such a good missionary talk haha but he talks a lot about doing the small and simple things continually, and trusting that what you're doing is right. Small and simple things have SOOO much power and truly change the way we think, act, and interact with those around us. Starting your day off with prayer, reading your scriptures, or even a smile on your face has the power to change the whole day! I would encourage you all to focus on the small and simple things this week! Choose to do them with purpose!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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