HELLO friends and family! WOW what a week it's been, let's get started!

Sunny 60 degree days this week: 3 YAY
Hours it took for us to get our oil changed: 3 BOO
Weeds pulled at Bean's: literally so many
Goodbye's said: a lot :(

Mondayyy we went to the top of the Space Needle!! It's always a good time and Sister Ridings is hopefully less scared of heights now lol. That night we had dinner with the Bangerters, our Ward missionaries! It was so much fun, I love them so much!

Tuesdayyy we went to Humanitarian Service with the Ward ladies which is always fun, I sat next to Sister London unpicking a quilt and she talked about Finland for an hour, it was glorious. Then we picked up Sister Hardman, our Service missionary, and took her out with us for the day! We went to Judy's and she paid for all of us to get Wendys so we ate lunch together and talked about what she'd seen on the news this week haha! Then we went to Ann's and visited with her and her friend Warren! He's the cutest old man, I love him :') That night we had a Ward activity for Pi day!! I'm proud to say I made a DELICIOUS strawberry pie, it was a hit. Afterwards, we played pickleball with the Wardies and some non-members they had invited!

Wednesdayyy we had District Councillllll the last one of the transfer! I love our District haha! After that, we went to Bean's house and we helped her weed her yard! We also got to finish teaching her The Plan of Salvation, which was awesome. We had dinner with Sister Rogers and Josiane which was so fun! They're the cutest friends! And to finish off the night I got to call my fam bam for GARY'S BIRTHDAY WOOOOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDIO it was awesome, I love the Gibb Gang, Gary especially. 

Thursdayyy SUCH A GOOD DAY we started off by giving a church tour to a lady someone referred to us, hopefully she'll come to church! Then we had a training meeting, and then we had a lesson with a new referral, Turrean! He told us that he literally doesn't remember requesting a missionary visit, and he thinks he did it while he was drunk lol, but that he thinks it was God intervening. We had an awesome lesson with him and taught him the Restoration! It was a total miracle. He's awesome. After that, we visited with an elderly lady in the ward, and then we had dinner with Laurel and she took us out for Pho! #BLESSINGS After that we visited with the Cook family in our ward to finish off the night! 

Fridayyy we got to help Donna move some stuff, and then we went to Josiane's house! 

She made us banana custard, and showed us her van that she lives in when she travels to different National Parks, this woman is living my dream. Catch me owning a Sprinter van in 5 years.

We did some social media work, and that night we went to the Stake Youth Night! It was actually so fun haha. THEN at 9:30 the phone rings. President Oakes is calling. I answer. He tells me I'll be transferred and asks me if I would accept the assignment to be an STL (Sister Training Leader!), and tells me I'll find out where and with who tomorrow. ULTIMATE CLIFFHANGER

Saturdayyy THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WEATHER I EVER DID SEE we had to get our oil changed so we were CAR-LESS! We walked down Market Street and did some contacting and explored some super cute shops and met some super cool people! I have the coolest area 😎 Then the ASL Sisters said that they were going to be in our area which was PERFECT! So, they picked us up and we went to Gasworks park to do some finding and contacting! Since it was such a nice day, there were a ZILLION people there! 

We ended up inviting some people to church and got some free portraits from a nice guy named Conner #shoutoutconnercarpenterphotography it was such a blessed 3 hours. Then we got our car back, and we drove to the DI! It was sad saying goodbye to everyone there, I've loved serving there. 

After that, we went to see Kim, and said goodbye to her :((( I love Kimmy!! Then we got CHICKFILAAAAAA and went and played soccer with the Spanish missionaries! It was SUCH a long day but such a good day. And to finish it all off, we got TRANSFER TEXTS but we'll talk about that in a second.

Sundayyy we went to Church and I said so many goodbyes it was so sad :(( when I told people where I was going, they either cringed or laughed lol so it's gonna be a WILD ride. We helped Donna move a table, and then we went to Peggy's!

That was a rough goodbye haha I simply adore her. Then we had dinner with the Durhams, our Relief Society President's family! Then we visited Ann and said goodbye to her. It was a super weird day and I was just out of it because of transfers lol.

Today we're going to Pike one last time becauseeeeee...

I'm being transferred to downtown Everett!

I know. I'm going to off-brand Seattle. It's hilarious.

My future comp's name is Sister Holm, and she's super cute! We'll be opening a new area, so it'll be fun! Definitely NOT where I was expecting to go, but if it's where the Lord needs me, I guess it's where the Lord needs me. I'm excited to be an STL though! 

This week President Oakes invited all of us to study from the 5 gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and 3 Nephi and to spent time with Jesus Christ. I was reading in Matthew 16:25 where Jesus says, 
"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."
And it reminded me of a quote from Ezra Taft Benson, he says,
"Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can"
I think these two principles go hand in hand. When we are willing to yoke ourselves to the Savior, he will help us reach the potential that God has granted us. There is so much we are capable of, but we can only get there with the help of Jesus Christ. Yoke yourself to him and your life will be JOYFUL

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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