Basically I have a desk job, but I'm working for Jesus #OURWARDISGETTING3XBIGGER


This was SUCH a busy week but it was a good week! Let's get into it!

Hours spent at church on Sunday: 8
Times Elder Rush mentioned Dutch Bros: not as much as last week
Times Sister Smith and I almost fell asleep at Zone Conference: Too many
Spicy McChicken's eaten: LOTS YAY

Mondayyy we went to the Boeing Future of Flight Museum! It was actually so cool not gonna lie. Plus, I got to fly a drone, so that was sick. AIRPLANES ARE SO COOL!! That night we went to Snohomish for a baptism! She was someone Sister Smith taught, and it was a beautiful baptism! So many people came too! It was awesome

Tuesdayyy we had a meeting with our MTC Social Media Trainer so that was super helpful, and then we had a meeting as a Social Media squad, which was good! The rest of the day was spent running errands for some things we're doing with our Facebook page, and visiting people along the way! It was good! That night we had dinner with the Saunders in our Ward which was a BLAST they're so funny!! Their 16 year old is in the school musical right now, and so she told us all about that, and then told us about her BOYYYY they're not official, but she told us EVERYTHING I felt like I was talking to my little sister ahaha #shoutouttoemma then we raced to the Stake Center to do a Social Media Training with our Zone!

Wednesdayyy we had our Tom Larson meeting (the one with all the Social Media teams in Europe and North America), and then we had District Council! It was a good time for sure haha! After that we had our Office shift and we ran into the ASL Sisters at the office so I got to see Sister Rasband!! Twas a blessing indeed. We worked in the office, and then afterwards we went to Stacey's!! We dropped off her Bible, and we read some verses all together! She's been going through some REALLY hard scary stuff so she's super excited to start studying the Bible and The Book of Mormon! It was an awesome visit, WE LOVE HERRRR then that night we went to Young Womens! This Ward has a TON of youth, it's crazy, but it was so fun! We dipped some chocolate which was a blast, and just had a good time! 

Thursdayyy we went to the Arlington, Marysville, and Snohomish Zone Conference to present!! It was sooo fun to see everyone, and we had the most hype lunch table full of our favorite Elders #besties4theresties It was such a spiritual Zone Conference! We got to do some planning for Sister's Conference in the car with the Oakes which was awesome. After we got home, we contacted a bunch of people which was awesome, and then we had dinner with the Gonzalez's and the Litchfields! They're the cutest couples I love them haha! That night, we had Stake Coordination meeting and discussed the Missionary work in the Stake! And we got to play pickleball with some people in the stake afterwards too! 

Fridayyy we had some Social Media meetings with President Oakes, which were good! That afternoon we found out that one of the Elders in our Zone had been diagnosed with cancer, and would be going home. So, we went to say goodbye to him, and he was doing great, he's gonna be just fine :)) Keep Elder Green in your prayers please! We went to our Office shift which was good, and then that night we went visiting! We had an awesome visit with a less active woman in the Ward, and made lots of good contacts! God is so good! Then we had dinner at 8:30 pm haha but it was a good busy day!!

Saturdayyy we started off the day with a baptism for an 18 year old kid named Aiden! He was baptized into our Ward, the Elders taught him, but there was such a great turnout for the baptism! Mill Creek Ward pops off. Then we went and made some visits and met a new potential person to teach!! That night, we got to go see Mia Saunders in her school musical!! President gave us permission and so I GOT TO WATCH LITTLE WOMEN WOOOO it was so blessed AH I'VE MISSED THEATRE!!! It was seriously so fun and she did so good! After the play we went to our Office shift which was good! It was a blessed day :))

Sundayyy we had Church at the Mill Creek Ward which was awesome, and went to youth Sunday School, which was a blast and a half. We had some meetings and then went to our YSA Ward! They announced that they'll be combining our Ward with the neighboring YSA Wards, so it's gonna be a HUGE Ward now, we're super excited! And that means that I'll be in the same Ward as the Halls Lake homies again!! But that meant that we had a 2 hour long Ward Council meeting lol, but it's okay! Our Ward is seriously so awesome and it's gonna be great :)) by the time we left church, it was 4:30pm and we had to go to our Office shift, which was SUPER productive and awesome. And then that night we had Mission Devotional! It was a good day!

Today we're going to the Goodwill bins and going THRIFTING YAY!

This week I was reminded of something that President Nelson said during General Conference. He spoke about how we can choose to be optimistic in ANY circumstance. Which makes a lot of sense, until you're put in a not so good situation haha. BUT those are the moments where the use of our own agency is KEY! Because we truly do have the choice to respond as Jesus Christ would. And I can totally testify that when we choose to be loving, patient, and understanding, the Lord aids us in our efforts. So, I want to invite you all to have an extra focus on how you choose to respond to others this week. You get to choose to act with optimism! 

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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