Howdy howdy howdy! This week was pretty solid, so let's begin!

Times we went to Dutch bros: SO MANY YAY
Friends seen at the North Zone Conference: SO MANY YAY
Easter eggs mysteriously lost in the Stake Center: 15 whoops
Inches of rain we got this week: Probably like a solid 4

Mondayyy we had a great pday going shopping and getting some lunch! We went to a cute little sub shop run by an old Chinese man, and we talked with him and he told us how he escaped from communist China when he was 19 and how he started his sub business 38 years ago. Right at the end, he said, "let me show you the thing that saved my life" and pulled out a KJV BIBLE!!! So we're gonna go back and bring him a Chinese Book of Mormon hehehehe anyway, that night we had FHE with our YSA Ward! We played murder in the dark which was so much fun haha, it was good to get to know everyone there! 

Tuesdayyy we had our office shift and that was good, making lots of good content and organizing everything! After that, we FINALLY were able to weekly plan because we didn't know what Wards we were supposed to focus on. President said that we will no longer be in the Port Gardner ward, but he gave us permission to still teach Stacey so that's a blessing!! We had an awesome weekly planning session, and that night we had dinner with the Cawleys! They're a sweet older couple and it was fun to get to know them! After that, we went to YSA institute which was sooo good and we met some more people! 

Wednesdayyy we had a big Social Media meeting in the morning with all the Social Media teams in North America and Europe. Shoutout to Sister Burke in Canada, their Social Media team is KILLING it! Then we had District Councillllll that was good. It's always fun to see everyone. We had a quick meeting with our Social Media squad, and then we had a lesson with one of our recent converts! Her name is Denna, and she's AWESOME! We have the same last name, but we're like 9th cousins. Her roommate Cam is a member from Utah, and she's so funny, we love Denna and Cam! Denna is FLYING through the Book Of Mormon and she's reading D&C too! Her faith is awesome. That night we had our Office shift which was good, it's honestly so weird just being in the office 4 hours a day, but I'm adjusting!

Thursdayyy WE GOT TO GO TO THE NORTH ZONE CONFERENCE!!! It was in Mount Vernon, which is the furthest north I've ever been!! We got to ride with President and Sister Oakes and it was so fun. We presented as a Social Media team, and it went really well! We have lots of ideas for how to get our missionaries excited about social media! It was a super awesome Zone Conference and we all learned a lot. Plus, I got to see Sister Ricks, Sister Hart, Elder Mumford, Elder Lessig, and SO MANY other friends!! It was awesome. On the way back President and Sister Oakes insisted we stop at a Circle K to get some road trip snacks hehe they're so cute. After Zone Conference we ate some BOMB sushi for dinner, and then had a video lesson with our friends Agnes and Saida! They're a mom and daughter and it was awesome! It was a loooooong day but it was a good one!

Fridayyy we had our Office shift and had a Social Media squad meeting which was looooong but good! Then we spent the day our harvesting! We knocked lots of member doors, and met some cool people! We actually got in touch with a few less active members and had some good interactions with them! That's mostly what we did for the rest of the day haha we were working in Mill Creek and downtown Everett for YSA finding, and we went and did some finding at the Everett Goodwill which was fun haha, lots of interesting folks shop at the Everett Goodwill. It was a busy day full of missionarying! 

Saturdayyy we had 2 Ward Easter parties!! The first one was with the Mill Creek Ward which was super fun! Plus, they served bagels so it was a 10/10 party if you ask me. Then we went visiting for a bit, and then we went to the office and Sister Rasband was there to pick up packages for Seattle so that was awesome to see her!! We went to our YSA Ward Easter party and it was a HUGE egg hunt! They hid the eggs in WILD places, and we THINK we found all of the eggs...it was hilarious. After that we finished the rest of our office shift, and then had dinner with the Croizers! They're a couple in the Ward who love missionaries, and they gave us cute little Easter baskets #crying it was fun! 

Sundayyy HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! It was a busy day for us, starting with Church at 9am with the Mill Creek Ward! We met some more members of the Ward, which was good! It was so strange to see all young men passing the Sacrament, because the Wards I've served in in the past have been pretty small. Mill Creek is definitely the biggest one I've been in, so it should be fun! We went to Church with the Silver Lake YSA Ward, and I have been unofficially called as Ward Chorister, sooooo that's fun! It was fun getting to know everyone there, and I even saw some familiar faces from when I was in Halls Lake! The members of our ward are some of the funniest people I've ever met lol I love YSA! After all of our meetings, we had our Office shift, then we had dinner with the Leo's! They're a cute Polynesian family and they made some awesome barbecue for us! The Elders were all trying to beat each other with how much they could eat, it was rough lol. That night we had mission devotional, and we called our families for Easter!! It was an awesome day!

Today we're going to the Boeing Future of Flight Museum! We're stoked! 

This Easter has been pretty special. In the past, Easter has still been about Jesus, but this year, it was ONLY about Jesus for me. I decided to really take the time to read and study the last week of Christ's life and to apply it to my own life. And I can completely testify that Christ lives! He went through all the pain, all the discomfort, all the confusion, all the despair, and all the grief we would ever experience. He felt every mistake, every heart break, and every hopeless moment. He felt that for you. He was nailed to a cross for you. But he also rose again for you. He brought hope for you. He started over for you. He brought joy for you. And because he rose, we can too. We can rise from our mistakes, our shortcomings, and from death. Jesus Christ knows you!! He loves you perfectly! He loves you enough to ask you to be more like him. Study his words! I promise that as you do, you will know him. I'm so grateful for my Savior and the blessing I have to know him and someday give him the biggest hug and know that he's my brother :))

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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