We got wrecked by a general authority #OBEDIENCE4EVA


This may have been the most hectic, exhausting week of my mission ahaha SOO much happened! Let's get into it, shall we?

Meetings with Elder Cord贸n: 4
Times I heard "preach my gospel": Probably 50
Spring rolls eaten: SO MANY YAY
Random leaves eaten from Calvin's dad's garden: a lot, and I haven't died yet

Mondayyy we had a great day of getting lots of stuff done and shopping around! Honestly it was a great day, and for FHE that night we played the most insane game of chair soccer I've ever been a part of, it was so fun haha!

Tuesdayyy the chaos began as Elder Cord贸n and his wife came into town 馃槼 he's a General Authority Seventy, and he was here to do a Mission tour for us! Sister Smith and I got to meet them one on one because we were working in the Office, and they're SO sweet! They're from Guatemala and they're about 5'4", but Sister Cord贸n is so sweet and Elder Cord贸n is the funniest guy! So we had an MLC over Zoom with them and talked about ministering, which was awesome. Then we worked in the Office and then we drove ALL the way out to Arlington for a dinner! It was with our member Jackie, and her mom is from Vietnam! So, she taught us how to make proper spring rolls and they were SOOOO good!! And as we were giving the lesson, one of our friends we hadn't met yet walked in! His name is Troy and we're having a lesson with him later this week!! So that was a miracle! It was a crazy day but that was only the beginning haha!

Wednesdayyy we had one of those days where stuff just kind of falls through haha but don't worry, we found lots to do :) the Cord贸n's were up at the North Zones doing Zone Conference so we got a breather haha! We had District Council, which is always good, and then we had District lunch at Costco! After that, we got a nice car wash and then went to a lesson with Denna! We are officially done with the new member lessons, so she can get her patriarchal blessing now!!! We contacted a bunch of people, and we found this one guy in our records who hadn't been contacted in forever, so we decided to call him, and he answered, and we set up a lesson with him!!! It was a total miracle!! Pray that we can meet with Chris this week! Then we drove to dinner with our member Calvin and his family! They're the COOLEST PEOPLE his dad is an artist and grows this BEAUTIFUL garden and gave us a bunch of stickers! It was so fun!!! I love this Ward so much I think my heart could explode. After that we did some contacting and then went to hang out with our new friend Loki, and his mom! It was awesome and we formed a really good relationship with them! It was a good day :))

Thursdayyy more chaos haha! Elder Cord贸n and his wife were down South for our Zone Conference! We got there bright and early and it was sooooo good! He talked a lot about how the mission is not about you, it's about the Savior. He used a yo-yo to explain it haha he's so funny. He taught us a lot about proper ways to use Preach My Gospel. The spirit was really strong and I took TONS of notes haha! I did a musical number too with some other Sisters so that was fun!! We were all soooooo tired by the end haha but it was awesome! And right after it, we had a Social Media meeting with him! We're going to be expanding our job from the Social Media team to the "Finding Team" (a better name is in the works lol) but basically, we're going to be handling the referrals and giving trainings on working with members, using Social Media, and other finding efforts! So, it should be fun!! We worked in the office that day and then we got to go to Chickfila with our members Jesse and Maren! They're some members from Halls Lake so it was fun to hang out with them again! That night we had a lesson with our members Tai and Cam, also from Halls Lake! They're best friends and they're just the coolest, I love them :)) so it was a looooooong day but we survived!! That night we had the Bellingham STLs stay the night with us because we had MLC bright and early the next day!

Fridayyy MLC was good! We basically got destroyed by Elder Cord贸n haha we talked a LOT about obedience and setting the bar for the rest of the Mission. Honestly, it was a rough one to sit through, but I'm so grateful Elder and Sister Cord贸n were able to come, our Mission really needed them. And at the core of everything they taught, they talked about how to become dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ. And I got to see lots of my friends I hadn't seen in a while! It was loooooong but it was fun! After MLC we had a lesson with a recent convert, Natalie! She's so cool and just got her endowments! So it was awesome to meet her! Then we went out to Monroe which is like 45 minutes into Snohomish haha and did some weekly planning at a lake!! It was fun, and we set up TONS of lessons for this week, it's gonna be awesome! Then we had dinner with all of the Polynesians in our Ward and their roommates which was SOOO fun they made the best food I've had in a while lol, and then we contacted out in Monroe! It was the looooongest day but so good.

Saturdayyy it was kind of a recovery day haha we got up and headed to the Church to help them clean! After that we ran to our Office shift which was good! Our dinner that night was out in Granite Falls which is another 45 minute drive out haha but it was SOOOO PRETTY and it was really good! We got in touch with some people who hadn't been contacted in YEARS so that was good! That night we had dinner with a guy in our Ward and his family, and his little sister was quizzing us hardcore with a bunch of riddles and it broke my brain lol. Not much happened the rest of the night haha we were so tired.

Sundayyy we went to Church for FOREVER we had Ward Council at 10, then Sacrament meeting which was sooo good and we had lots of inactive members come! We had huuuuuuge Sunday school class too! Then we had a linger longer, and then a few meetings, and then a lesson with our member Eliza! After that we got to watch the Young Adult Devotional with President and Sister Oaks which was good! And then we drove out to Maryaville for dinner with a cute family! Their daughter just got back from her mission so it was fun to visit with her!

Today we're up in Arlington shopping at the Outlets! It's been fun! 

This week was crazy because Elder Cord贸n really just smacked our Mission on obedience. Which is something that is soooo easy to forget sometimes. But when we choose to be obedient, we build up habits that prepare us to be dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ. And there are SOOO many blessings that come when we're willing to be humble and choose to follow the Lords will. "Obedience is a measure of your conversion"

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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