We lost Grandma at dinnertime #BACKTOPORTYG

WHATS GOOOOOOD this has been the longest week but so good!! Let's get into it 😎

Times we've listened to "Emma" from the musical "Emma": TOOO MANY 💔
Lessons with actual progressing friends: LIKE 5 YAY
Skateboarding Jesus stickers made: like 20

Mondayyy we had a nice chill pday walking around some stores and having a grand old time! That night for FHE we had a potluck at Mukilteo Beach and we played sooo much spike ball and volleyball and then it started DUMPING rain but it was actually so fun we were soaking wet haha! Then we drove to the Port Gardner apartment because we were doing an exchange!! I went back to Port Gardner for 24 hours...

Tuesdayyy the WEIRDEST day haha it felt so weird to be back in downtown Everett! I was with Sister Nieves who has been out about 6 months and it was fun getting to know her! We made lots of visits to inactive members and went into some sketchy government housing too! #everettlifebaby by the time we exchanged back, Smithy and I couldn't wait to see each other haha I don't know what we're gonna do when one of us gets transferred eventually :((((( but that night we went up to Marysville for a dinner which was SOOO fun!! It was the sweetest family and their grandma lives with them, and she has dementia. So she was sitting at the table while we were getting it all set, and by the time we were ready to pray, she was nowhere to be found. WE LOST GRANDMA but she was just down the street a little, it was hilarious lol. After that, we had a lesson with our awesome friend Troy!! We talked about movies, he told us the stories behind his tattoos, and we talked about the gospel of course!! He's sooo awesome we're stoked to teach him 😎 

Wednesdayyy we had District Councilllll it was wild haha our District is so weird. After that we went and visited our member, April Savage!! Her family lives in the Mountlake Ward so I got to go back to my home!! It was so fun to see her and she helped us make Jesus stickers for our recent convert Trevor! That afternoon we had a lesson with Hope! I helped teach her when I was in Halls Lake, she's a recent convert! She hits her one year in July so we're helping her prepare to get her endowments!! We're so excited!! That night we had dinner with the Capeners, the people with the elevator in their house which was super fun! Then that night we had our Office shift which was grand.

Thursdayyy SUCH A GOOD DAY we started the day off up in Marysville and we had a lesson with our new friend, Daniel!! Sister Smith taught him in one of her last areas and then he moved to ours! He's super awesome and hopefully we can get him on date soon! Right after that we drove to the Marysville skate park and had a lesson with our recent convert, Trevor!! The Elders made him a cake lol and we gave him the stickers we made with April and he LOVED them! Trevor is so funny haha he's your typical California skateboarder but also LOVES Jesus he's just the best. That night we had dinner with Stafford!! He's one of my favorite members from Halls Lake and he took us to this FANCY Ramen place that was SOOOO GOOOD it was so fun, I LOVE THIS WARD AHDJSJDHWKDJEHBDBR that night we played volleyball in Marysville! And Troy and his sister Aliyah (who is also one of our friends) were there! So that was a blast

Fridayyy ANOTHER BOMB DAY we started off by having a lesson with our friend Paul! He's so awesome and is a super sweet guy, he's just honestly seeking truth and he's awesome. After that we went to a lesson with ANOTHER one of our friends, Aunge! I met her while I was in Halls Lake and now she's taking the lessons and reading the Book of Mormon! We're super excited to start teaching her :))) then we got stuck in traffic for literally 2 HOURS so that was awful, and then we went to our Office shift! That night we went to dinner with our member Devin, and we went to this BOMB Indian restaurant so that was the best. We finished the night off with a Social Media meeting at the Mission home which was good!

Saturdayyy such a weird day honestly, we helped clean the church in the morning and then went back about an hour later for the Relief Society activity that only 5 people came to 😬 it was still fun though! We did a clothing swap so that was fun, and then we donated everything else to Ukrainian refugees! Then Sister Smith wasn't feeling very good so she crashed for a sec and I did some bomb study 🫡 then we did some weekly planning which was BOMB and then we had dinner with our Bishop and his wife, the Stokers!! They are my FAVORITE people everrrr it was so much fun! That night we had our Office shift which was good :))

Sundayyy we had Ward Council in the morning and then we had Church! It was a great week :)) after church we had a member lesson, and then that night we had dinner with the Sales bros in our Ward lol but it was actually so fun 😅 they're awesome! We spent the rest of the night contacting and actually got in touch with a lot of people! We met a less active member, Alex, and he told us how he runs like 16 miles a day lol he's so cool, it was an awesome way to start the week!

Today we went to a HUGE car show and we're gonna play some sports with our Zone! 

This week in our lessons there was a big emphasis on seeing the small miracles in our lives. And it's so important! The signs of God's love are in abundance in our lives, we just don't always have the eyes to see them. I want to invite all of you to identify ways you saw God's love for you every day this week! When we are aware of the blessings that surround us, we have increased ability to help others see them as well!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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