Heyoooo whats up everyone! This week was a complete rollercoaster so let's get into it! 

Beautiful sunsets seen: SO MANY YAY
Birthday parties attended: 1 six year old's
Goodbye's said: too many
Water balloons Marius threw at me: 3
Days I've been a missionary: exactly 365
Mondayyy we had the BEST pday and had an awesome barbecue with our Zone!! It was a great way to end the transfer :)) and then that night for FHE we played a bunch of field games! Basically I'm a pro at killer death dodge ball.

Tuesdayyy we had a lesson in the morning with our friend Aunge!! She's working on getting a witness of the Book of Mormon so please pray for her!! We did some contacting too, which was good! Then we had our Office shift that afternoon which was busy, and then that night we had dinner with our member Eliza! She's so funny haha and fed us some bomb food. We LOVE HERRRR then that night we went to Institute and there was a HUGE turn out which was so awesome! So not a ton happened but it was a good day!

Wednesdayyy was TRANSFERS AHHH it was crazy haha we got new Zone Leaders, Elder Rush and Elder McCreary, a new District Leader, Elder Twitchell and his new comp Elder Hutchins! But other than those 4, our District stayed the same! And I get to serve with some of my favorite missionaries again! After we made sure everyone was on their way, we did a video lesson with Denna! She moved back home last week and her parents aren't going to let her go to church while she's home for the summer so we're gonna keep doing lessons with her :)) then we did some Office work, and then raced up to Marysville to have a lesson with Daniel! We talked about prayer and he committed to saying his prayers every morning and every night! Then that night we played soccer with the ward, which was fun! It was an exhausting day but we did it!

Thursdayyy we had our first District Council of the transfer which was good! Then we went out for lunch as a District which was super fun! We went up to Arlington to have a lesson with our member Marjorie! She's from Peru so it's super fun to talk with her and help her with her English! Then Smithy wasn't feeling good, so we crashed for a little bit, and then did some contacting! That night we had dinner with 2 of the girls in our Ward who are interns at Boeing for the summer and that was super fun! That night we had a meeting at the Mission home to plan Zone Conference which went super well! 

Fridayyy we started off the day by getting a call from President that he needed us to drive down to Bellevue to pick up Sister Hart!! She had to go home for a transfer for medical stuff but came back this week!! So that meant we got to DRIVE THROUGH SEATTLEEEEEE IT WAS THE BEST IVE MISSED MY CITY!! And I GOT TO SEE SISTER HART!!! it was just the best. Later that afternoon we got to go to Stacey's house!!!! It had been FOREVER since we'd seen her so that was awesome! And then that night we went to our Bishop's house for dinner which is ALWAYS the best, I LOVE THE STOKERS! That night we had a lesson with our friend Aliyah and that was interesting haha but we got frozen yogurt so it was all good! It was a wild day, and at the end of the day we saw the most BEAUTIFUL sunset I've ever seen in my life and God's love was so real :))))

Saturdayyy we got up and cleaned the church and then we went back to Stacey's! It was her daughter Anastasia's 6th birthday party and she invited us to go, and we saw some Port Gardner members I hadn't seen in forever!! And STACEY WENT TO CHURCH WITH THEM ON SUNDAY!!! Anyway, it was a great time. Then we tried to stop by our friend Ariana's house but she wasn't home :(( then we had to deliver some packages to missionaries which was good! We did some Office work and then had dinner with our member, Aemish! He made us Russian food which was so yummy :)) that night we had a lesson with our member Tristian! He asks deeeeeep questions so our brains were fried afterwards haha but it's okay!
Sundayyy HAPPY FATHERS DAY we went to Church and our friend Aliyah came and she brought her brother Troy!!!! Which was SUCH a miracle because we've never gotten him to Church which was AWESOME!! And to top it all off, OUR FRIEND LISA SAID SHE WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED!!! So she's on date for July 2nd!!!! It was the happiest feeling AHHHH anyway then we had linger longer with cereal which was so fun, and then we had ZLC! We made some good goals for the Zone so that was good! Then we went to dinner and then dinner again with the wardies which was super fun!! It was such a good day and much needed :))))
Today we all got breakfast together and played pickleball! It's been good :))

This week for Father's day, I studied Helaman 5! And it was cool reading it as I hit my 1 year tomorrow, because I really focused on how much Helaman says "remember". He's trying to help his sons remember the things he's instilled in them, but it was cool to reflect on the things that I remember from the last year. What will I tell myself, "remember remember from your mission"? I couldn't be more grateful for the last year of my life. It's been the most challenging, eye opening, joyful year of my life. The people I've met have changed me, the experiences I've had have changed me, and most importantly, the Savior has changed me. I can't wait for 6(ish) more months of wearing his name over my heart ♡
I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 
Sister Gibb


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