I DO BELIEVE IN FERRYS #myeyeballsgoingcrazy

WASSUP This week was a rollercoaster to say the least haha also I'm typing this with some special lotion in my eyes for my allergies lol so if there's some major typos I apologize I can't really see LOL

Woks we filled with watermelon: 1
Ferry rides taken: 2 YAY
Hours spent at the doctor: 1 1/2 🙄
Transfers I'll be in this area: 3 BECAUSE I'M STAYING YAY

Mondayyy we had an awesome pday! We went to Boeing again because the Funko store was closed rip :/ but Boeing is always fun! And we played some sports games with the Zone! Then that night we went to the Mission home and helped with transfers, which was #stressful but we got lots done!

Tuesdayyy we had our Office shift and then we went and hung out with our member Eliza! It's been a while since we've seen her, so it was good to visit! Then we went clear up to the boonies of Arlington and had a lesson with a less active member named Blake! Elder Bednar came to do a Conference up here about 2 years ago and basically came just for Blake and helped him get his life back on track, so he told us that whole story and now he has Elder Bednar's phone number and everything. It's pretty wild haha he's hilarious. That night we had dinner with our member Joseph which was so fun!! He works at a psych ward so he's got some WILD stories! He's our favorite :)) then we went to Institute!

Wednesdayyy we started the day off with my eyeballs going CRAZY they were super itchy and swollen and I couldn't stop crying haha it was WILD. So we went to the doctor that morning and he said I just have really bad allergies so I got some medicine. However, that afternoon we had interviews with President Oakes and I just had to kind of sit there with my eyes swollen and tears streaming down my cheeks and it was so funny. But my interview was good! 

After that, we went to a lesson with Hope and did some temple prep with her! She's so excited and invited us to come with her!! Then we did some contacting and then that night we had an AWESOME lesson with our friend Troy!! He asked tons of great questions and was super open minded! And he committed to reading The Book of Mormon every day!! MIRACLES!

Thursdayyy we got to go to the TEMPLE!! President is now letting us go with our District every transfer, so we drove down there! It was such a great session and much needed :)) I LOVE THE TEMPLE!! And we even survived the traffic from Bellevue to Everett! 

Then we had our Office shift which was nice because we were ZONKED and so so tired haha. That night we got to go to the Hillgroves for dinner!! It was so much fun, we love their family so much!! And Calvin Hillgrove just got called as a Ward missionary so we'll be working a ton with him!! 

After that we went to our Stake Correlation meeting which was good! The work is moving fast here in Everett :) then we finished off the night with volleyball with the Ward! We even met some new girls and got their numbers and they're gonna come every week!! 

Fridayyy SUCH a wild day haha we started off by going to pick up new cars for the Mission! That meant that about 8 missionaries rode up to Arlington in a van, and then we all got cars and drove them to the Mission Office without a companion and without a tiwi. Basically, it was glorious. And so strange. But I got to drive a brand new Rav4 without anyone else there, don't worry, I didn't go above 85 hehe :)) After that, we went and did some weekly planning which was bomb.com, and then after that we had a lesson with our recent convert, Natalie! She's so awesome it was a blast! Then we drove an hour in traffic to our dinner up in Arlington, which was fun! It was with Jackie Murray and her family, the ones from Vietnam and it was a blast! That night we went to the church and had a lesson with Daniel! We made a plan for what he wants to learn about before he sets a date for baptism so hopefully, we can get him on track! And we got a member there which was super awesome!

Saturdayyy we got up and went on a very rainy run which was super fun, and then we cleaned the church! Then we had our Office shift and then we went down to Mountlake Terrace to have a lesson with our member Cam! It was so fun to be back there! Then we went and knocked on Ariana's door and had a great lesson with her!! And she said she'd come to church and volleyball this week so that was AWESOME!! That night we went to a devotional for the Stake! Brother Carmargo from the General Sunday School Presidency came and it was super good!!

Sundayyy SUCH A WILD DAY we had Church which was awesome because we had 3 of our friends at Church!! Ariana, Daniel, and Aliyah all came and had a great time!! It was soooo good I'm so grateful for this ward <3 After church we ran to get on the Whidby Island Ferry!!!!!! We were having dinner with the Papritz's, two of their kids are in our Ward, Hank and Allison! So, we got to drive onto the ferry and we spent some time up top!! It was basically the most magical moment of our lives. And the Papritz's are quite possibly the most wonderful people I've ever met in my entire life!! While we waited for dinner, we all flew paper airplanes off of their balcony overlooking the bay and it was just so happy. 

I LOVE THEMMMM definitely will be going back for sure. Basically, I would love to just retire on Whidby Island and take the ferry every day :') it's the cutest place with the tiniest shops and also SO MANY TREES AHHH definitely go out there if you ever make it out to Washington. 

Today we had a BBQ with the Zone for our final pday of the transfer! It's been a beautiful sunny day :))))

This week while we rode out to Whidby Sister Smith and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. You could see the Puget Sound and the sky was clear, and it was just so perfect. We realized that the same Priesthood that made the wonders of the world and that decided to pay attention to the teeny details that give us the beauty all around is the same Priesthood that we use here on the earth. It's the same Priesthood that we as missionaries are acting under. ISN'T THAT INCREDIBLE??? God loves us enough that he gave us that same power here on earth. And when we are willing to obey Christ's gospel and share the love of our Heavenly Father, we have increased access to that power! Focus on identifying the blessings of the Priesthood in your life this week!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb

(Sorry for the picture overload hehehehe)


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