I fell down a flight of stairs in the woods #IMANOLDMISSIONARYNOW

Hello hello hello!! Sister Gibb coming at you from a very long exhausting week but a good one nonetheless!

Times I got to study in the woods: 2 YAY
Hours spent in meetings: TOO MANY
Times I ate rotisserie chicken: 3
Confusing lessons with lisa: 3

Mondayyy we had a great pday and then that night for FHE we did some chalk drawings! It was fun :))

Tuesdayyy HAPPY 1 YEAR TO ME WOOOOOO it felt so weird to think I've been a missionary for AN ENTIRE YEAR!! So wild. So we celebrated by doing another split drive to pick up new cars! We went all the way down to Federal way this time and drove some niiiiice Nissan Rogues back to the mission office, so that was fun! Then we went to lunch with Todd Aagard, which was hilarious. He was from the Mill Creek Ward we used to serve in, and he wanted to take us out for our 1 year. He took us to this suuuuuuper fancy restaurant on the docks called Anothy's and so we were eating fresh rock fish and oysters just casually on a Tuesday afternoon lol it was AWESOME he's the best. Buuuuuut Sister Smith ended up having an allergic reaction to some cashew oil, and she's DEATHLY allergic to Cashews. Thankfully it wasn't too bad, so we didn't need to go to the doctor, but she was pretty miserable the rest of the night. We went to our Ward Mission Leader, Jason's house for dinner that night which was fun! And then we got Smithy home and she crashed haha, so it was an eventful 1 year.

Wendesdayyy we got up SUUUUPER bright and early and drove up to Cascade Park! It's a Church-owned campground and we had our half Mission Zone Conference there! Sister Smith and I helped plan Zone Conference, so President wanted us there for both days which was fun. So, Tuesday was the North Zones! We specifically focused on the Restoration which was super cool! Washington is just so beautiful I LOVE THE WOODS!! We had some beautiful musical numbers, practiced some teaching skills, and got some time to study on our own in the woods! It was super cool :)) then we had a lesson with Lisa, our friend who told us she wants to be baptized! It was...interesting haha I've never taught anyone like Lisa my whole mission, she thinks in a big picture perspective so it's really tricky to teach her super simple truths. We're working on it haha! Then we did some contacting and had dinner with the Capeners which was fun! Then that night we worked in the Office, which was good!

Thursdayyy we went up to Zone Conference AGAIN! It was soooo good and much needed. It was awesome, we had a musical number on the electric guitar which was actually so beautiful. It was so cool talking about the importance of the Restoration in the middle of the woods, the spirit was sooo strong. One of the ways I feel the spirit most too is through nature, so I was in heaven :)) that morning, Church Headquarters had also released the new Preach My Gospel, so we got to use that!! It's SOOO inspired, it's awesome!! 

We had a super sweet testimony meeting with our Zone which was super cool. After that we stopped by a member's house and met him which was fun! Then we did our Office shift, and that night went to Red Robin with Devin, which was hilarious, he's crazy. And then we went to volleyball and met some new people! It was awesome!

Fridayyy we started the day having a lesson with one of our members, Eliza! Then we raced back to the Office and had MLC! it was suuuuuper long but super good! We talked more about Preach My Gospel which was good, and exciting!! After that we had dinner and then raced up to Marysville to have another lesson with Lisa, and it was super confusing haha so we went over to President's house that night to ask for advice on how we can best teach her which was super helpful! 

Saturdayyy we helped clean the Church in the morning which was fun! Then we went and had a lesson with our friend Daniel, who has officially been taught all the principles! Hopefully we can get him on date this week! 🤞then we had another lesson with Lisa and had a member there which was SUPER helpful #thankyoujonny then we did some awesome Office work, and that night I took Sister Smith to Dick's burgers!! She'd never been and so I took her to Mountlake and changed her life haha it was fun! That night, we had a lesson with a less active member, Alex Carrington and our member, also named Alex, came with us! And Alex said he's going to come back to Church next week! We finished off the night with some contacting! 

Sundayyy a WILD day haha we had Ward Council and then Church! President and Sister Oakes came to our Ward which was super fun! We got to show them the craziness of the Silver Lake YSA Ward haha! We had a ZLC after Church and went over how to use our new Preach My Gospel app with the District Leaders! That night, we went to a dinner with the Teerlink family which was super fun!! They're so cute :) then we worked in the Office and had Mission Devotional which was awesome.

Today we're just gonna play volleyball at the beach and have fun with the nice weather! 

This week as we studied the Restoration over and over again, it really hit me that literally everything that the gospel entials wouldn't be possible today without the Restoration. It's because of a 14 year old boy's curiosity and honest desire to know, that we have access to the powers of heaven here on the earth. And it's such a gift!! And we talked a lot about our own "sacred grove moments" as I was thinking, I couldn't think of just one experience. Because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love surrounds us everywhere we go. Sometimes we just need the eyes to see it :))

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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