Ferries are my #1 choice of transportation #IMANAUNTYAYAYAYAY

WASSUP Sister Gibb here from a MIRACLE filled week, Anacortes is the promised land, I'm convinced.

Blackberries eaten: SO MANY YAY
Hours spent with Smithy: 24 YES 
Times my back popped during yoga: Probably too many times
Miles biked on San Juan: A lot lol

Mondayyy we didn't get to go to FHE because it was in Mount Vernon #sad but it's okay because we had some awesome contacts!!

Tuesdayyy we started the day off with an awesome District Council!! Our District is so precious, I love them :)) We had a lesson with 2 of our friends Raelyn and Leila! They're 12, and so it can be tricky to teach them but they're super cool and ask awesome questions! Then we went and visited with one of our old lady members, Jodi!! She's SO COOL I love Jodi. She talked to me all about how she was a counselor, and it was awesome. We drove out to La Conner and visited with our friend Laura which was AWESOME and then we had dinner with the Cardons! They're so cute and invited some other members too!! It was so fun! That night we met a super cool guy named Miles who took a Book of Mormon and said we could come back!! It was awesome 😎 

Wednesdayyy we did some contacting that morning, and then we had lunch with Sister Smith and Sister Bayless! We took them to Gere-a-deli and Sister Smith, my fellow sandwich superfan, can affirm my statement: they have the best sandwiches in the world. But after that, we EXCHANGED!!! And I got to go to Oak Harbor with Smithy!!! SMIBB WAS BACK TOGETHER WOOO it was sooo much fun!! We met some cool people and went to a Relief Society activity that night! They did a progressive dinner, and it was so fun!! The Wards out here are just so awesome! We did some finding in Walmart, and the rest of their District also was doing store finding at the same time lol #whoops so we had to dip. Don't even ask me how late we stayed up talking, but it's okay because I don't need sleep to function and Sister Smith just doesn't sleep in general so it was fine hehe

Thursdayyy we got up and had an awesome lesson with a 14-year-old girl, and we got to teach her the Restoration and she loved it!! And she's excited to read the Book of Mormon!! It was a miracle. After that we got lunch AT TACO BELL WOOOOOOO there's no Taco Bell in Anacortes so it was glorious. We went to help one of their members who was SO FUNNY! Then after that we went to a Social Media meeting on Zoom! It was so fun to see the team again! Then we exchanged back! Sister Jensen and I zoomed and picked up dinner from one of our returning members, Annette! Then that night we went to yoga!! I'm becoming a yogi, so if anyone knows of a good studio for when I'm home, let me know 👀 

Fridayyy we started the day doing some Garage Sale finding and weekly planning at a park! The day very quickly turned into one of those days where everyone you had appointments with cancels on you, soooo we decided to go out and see miracles!! We knocked on some doors, did some inactive member contacting, and had some awesome interactions! Sometimes people just need to know that someone is thinking about them, and they are able to feel the love of the Savior! That night we had dinner with our friend Rebecka!! She's the landlord of our friend Carson, our miracle man from last week. We were supposed to have a lesson with Carson that day, but he had to cancel, and while we were giving a message to Rebecka, CARSON WALKED IN!! So, we got to have a lesson with him, and it was super awesome!! Total miracle. ALSO, I got to meet my NIECE!!! Millie Marie Gibb :))) she's so perfect and I cannot wait to SQUISH HER! So, It ended up being an awesome day, 10/10

Saturdayyy we got up and hopped on our bikes to ride to the ferry terminal so that we could spend the day at Friday Harbor on SAN JUAN ISLAND!!! Our ferry was about an hour late, so when we boarded, there were tons of people from different times and stuff, and we sat down and lo and behold one of our friends, Mark walked past!! We called him over and he sat with us for the whole ferry ride!!! He's super busy so it's hard to have lessons with him, so it was another TOTAL miracle!! 

We got to the Island and hopped back on our bikes and rode to the Farmers Market! We met some awesome people and gave some people our number! We spent the day biking around and contacting inactive members and knocking on some doors! There's no wards on the Islands, but there are branches! A lot of the members we have on record on the Islands are super inactive because they aren't contacted a lot. The previous Mission President didn't allow young missionaries to go out on the islands, so a lot of these people haven't had contact in years. It was really cool to be able to see them light up when we read a scripture with them and stuff! We even found some new people! 

And honestly, missionary work on a bike is actually so fun :)) my thighs were definitely sore, but it was worth it. Plus, we got some ice cream, so you know it was a good day. We took a 2-hour ferry ride back due to some stops, and we met a super cool girl on the ferry who took a Book of Mormon! That night we had dinner with the Leaders in our Ward! They're SO CUTE I can tell they're gonna be some of my favorite members :))

Sundayyy we had a MIRACLE DAY. We had our first hour of Church, which was awesome! And THEN our second Sacrament meeting, our friend Dale came!!!! He referred himself to us a few weeks ago, and we haven't been able to meet him yet because he's been super busy, but he came to Church!!!! And he really liked it, and the Ward was so welcoming to him!! He had some questions, and so we gave him a tour of the building and talked about the Godhead and then we taught him the Restoration!!! It was sooo cool and he loved it! He said that we answered some questions he'd had for years, and it was SO COOL!! We ended up spending like 2 hours teaching all together because he was just eating it up!! At the end of our lesson, he said the prayer, and it was the first formal prayer he's said in his life!! It was so cool; the spirit was so strong and he's going to read the Book of Mormon!! It was so cool. After that, we got to hang out with the YSA Ward for just a bit and then that night we had dinner with Sister Swain, who teaches yoga, and the Rutters! It was so fun, they're our favorites :)) Later that night we had Mission Devotional which was awesome!

Today we went on a hiking adventure and got lost for a second, but we made it! It was super fun! 

This week I was studying Come Follow Me, and I just got GLUED to Roman's 8!! Have you guys read that chapter?? If you haven't, you all need to do that ASAP. The last 2 verses are some of the most quoted, but also the most beautiful in the chapter. Paul says,

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

There are so many crazy things in this world that get in the way of everything. There's different ways people see things, different things we go through, life is MESSY. But no matter the mess, no matter what issues we have, no matter what questions we have, no matter what mistakes we make, we will ALWAYS be loved by God. So remember that. When it feels like nothing else is working out, God loves you. And look for examples of his love in your life! Theyre EVERYWHERE!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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