So sorry if I confused you lovely people, my pday was moved from Monday to Thursday this week because we're going to the temple today!!! Also, because it's been a PACKED week and a half, I'll just update you from Monday to Monday instead of overloading you haha!

Ice cream sandwiches eaten: LOTS hehe
Silly street signs seen on San Juan: so many
Free Dutch Bros drinks: 3 YAY I MISSED DUTCH
Times I died laughing at the Meekers house: Too many ahahaha

Mondayyy we had FHE and wrote letters to missionaries from our Stake! And then played some intense sports games as we do 💪 

Tuesdayyy we got up at 4:30 am and raced down to the ferry terminal 👀 because we got to take our car out to San Juan Island!! We slept the whole way there haha which was glorious. Then we did a cutie personal study at a coffee shop, and then had an AWESOME day visiting members on the Island!! We had lunch with Sister Perez who has the most beautiful garden EVER and she gave us strawberries and carrots and cucumbers :)) then we visited the cutest old lady and a sweet family, the Newells! She told us all about how weird it is to finish your mission and now I'm #stressed but then we visited with a friend out there, Lindsey! She was sooo nice and has the cutest kids! We visited with the Flynns who have the craziest "how we met" story I think I've ever heard in my entire life. I adore them :))) then we caught our ferry back! And then a WILD thing happened that I'll tell yall about at the end :)) but I'm just so grateful to be a missionary!!!

Wednesdayyy we started the day off with a good old Social Media split! So, I got to hang out with Smithy 😎 Then we went to Marianne's house!! We helped her with some window coverings, and she made us smoothies :) it was so fun, I adore her. After that, we went to Annette's house, one of our returning members! And we did some contacting which was AWESOME and so many tiny miracles :) That night we had dinner with the Kniskerns, the cutest older couple! And then we had Stake Correlation which was good! 

Thursdayyy we had INTERVIEWS WITH PRESIDENTTTT it was so good! We started off with our mini Zone Conference which was super fun! We practiced teaching during the first interaction with people, which has already brought about SO many miracles for our Zone! Then we had our District Council, which was also great, and then I had my interview! I love President Oakes so much, he helped me find some answers to some big questions I've had, and it was just awesome. I miss seeing him and Sister Oakes all the time in the office!! By the time we were FINALLY finished, it was 4:30 haha and Sister Smith and I had to make some content, so we did another mini split! That night we went to Yoga with the Ward ladies which was super fun!! It's always a good time at yoga 🧘‍♀️ 

Fridayyy I was kidnapped and brought back to MLC 😭 I thought I had escaped! Haha just kidding, President wanted the Social Media team to come, so we dropped Sister Jensen off in Mount Vernon, and then we drove back to Mill Creek! It was SOOOO weird being back! MLC was really awesome though! We had a great discussion! And I GOT TO SEE ELDER GALLOWAY AND ELDER BASYROV!!!!!! The YSA squad was reunited, and it was soooo happy!! We love our bestie Elders 🫶 and I got to see Elder and Sister Larson!!!! 

And be in his BeReal!!! Then we had to spend an hour getting Sister Smith and Sister Bayless a new Sim card which was chaotic, but they fixed it! 

AND WE GOT PERMISSION TO GET DUTCH BROS ON THE WAY BACK!! Then we drove back to Mount Vernon and picked up my companion and went to dinner with the Flores's that night! They're a less active Hispanic family and they make THE BEST FOOD oh my days. I put a little too much habanero sauce on mine though and I couldn't feel my face for a second because it was SPICY but still delish.

Saturdayyy we started the day off with some Garage Sale finding which was a blast! And then we had a lesson with Kathy! We're not super sure how to help her gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon, so please pray for Kathy that she'll keep her commitments!! Then we drove out to La Conner and did some service for our friend Nancy Beals! She's a character haha she's got this huge yard with lots of stuff in it but she's a sweetheart! So, we helped her harvest some seeds and she gave us carrot cake! 🥕 then we went to the Sturgis's!! They're the kettle corn people, and we had a great visit with them, and are going to start going through the lessons with them!! They're like our parents, I love Janice and Mike!!! That night, we had dinner with the Hanson's who are just so wonderful. I adore the people here :) then we contacted a BUNCH that night which was great!

Sundayyy we went to Church for our scheduled 6 hours, and our friend Richard came to Church, and so did our friend Raelyn!! She came all on her own! Normally she comes with her dad, so that was HUGE it was cool! Then we had a Linger Longer which was fun! We also had a new YSA friend come to Church that the Elders are teaching! God is soooo good!! Then we did weekly planning and then that night, we had dinner with the Meekers and the Turners! They're SO FUNNY Sister Meeker and Sister Turner are identical twins, and their husbands are just living their best lives. Brother Meeker showed us his GIANT tree house that you could literally live in, it was wild haha! It was an awesome day!!

And you'll just have to wait until Monday to hear about the rest of what I've been up to!!

As we were on our ferry back from San Juan this week, we were just walking around talking to some people, and then sat down to update on our day. This man kept walking past and he turned to us and asked, "don't you ever think of escaping?" And we politely said no, and he didn't want to continue the conversation. It's been interesting the last few weeks because we've been running into an excessive amount of opposition like that. Anyway, we get off the ferry, drive home, and get ready to go out again, and I realized my Book of Mormon wasn't in my bag. Like, my 1963 print completely marked up mission Book of Mormon. And I knew I left it on the ferry. So, we raced back to the terminal, and by some miracle, our boat was STILL there, but it was boarding the next launch, so we ran inside and I told them I left something on the ferry, and she said to run up the loading deck to see if they'd let me on. So, I start SPRINTING up the deck, because for whatever reason, my brain just said, "run for that book". I NEEDED it back. And as I'm sprinting up, the man who was bashing on us earlier was walking down, the only other person there. And it was this crazy moment of running past the opposition towards what I knew to be true. They let me on the boat, and I found my book sitting right where I found it, and all was well. But it was a crazy faith building experience for me. Because for honestly, the first time in my life, running to get that book, I finally was able to say I knew it to be the word of God. I knew it was true. And I was going to do anything to get it back. Sometimes when the things we're so used to are put in jeopardy, we realize how much we need them. So, my simple invitation for you this week is to read your scriptures. Pick them up, and remember how valuable they are, and put them to good use! I promise you WILL be guided in everything you do!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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