I moved to Mount Vernon?? #MOMOF3

Geez Louise WHAT A WEEK let's get into it, shall we?

Plums eaten: Probably 20
Train horns heard in the middle of the night: Too many 
Miles driven: WAYYYY TO MANY
Beer boxes smashed: At least 30. I'll explain.

Mondayyy we had our Pday and that night we had a final District dinner at The Miller's, which was so fun! Then we went to FHE! Our Ward is teeny tiny now because everyone has gone back to Utah for school, but we still have some awesome people! 

Tuesdayyy honestly it was SUCH a blur, we started the day with a good old Social Media split, which was good! And then there were so many people we said goodbye to for Sister Jensen. We had a great visit with Marie Adam's in our ward who is just the COOLEST lady, I love her!! Then we drove out to La Conner and said all of her goodbyes there! We stopped by Janice and John's house, and it was so good to see them! We also went to Sandy Chomiak's, who is the sweetest lady in our Ward, and SHE GAVE US EGGS YAY and we stopped by Marianne's which was fun! I love her haha! Then that night was spent packing and getting ready to go :(

Wendesdayyy TRANSFERS WHAAAAT we got some muffins for the road and drove an hour and a half to the Mission office, which was WILD it's such a pretty drive though :)) we got Sister Jensen all loaded up, and we got to see so many friends!! It was so fun!! There's a new schedule with incoming missionaries, where they don't fly in until 2 days after transfers, so everyone who was getting a trainee was orphaned for the rest of the week. But that meant I got to live in Mount Vernon with Sister Morris for 2 days!! So, we drove out to dear old Sedro Wolley and got to work there! We hadn't eaten like all day, so we got PANDA YAYAYAY it was so weird being with civilization again lol, they have a Walmart, and an Old Navy, and a Costco! Anacortes only has a Safeway haha so that was weird. That night we did some contacting! It was super fun! Sister Morris is adorable and we were sad to only be comps for a few days :(

Thursdayyy we had District Council which was fun, and then we had a lesson with one of their returning members, Felicia! I love her, it was super powerful. Then I had a Social Media meeting over Zoom, which was good! We had a lesson with one of their members and read the scriptures with him and his wife, it was fun! They're such funny people haha! Then we contacted some people and made some visits! That night we had dinner with the cutest family! It was so fun! Soooo different from my Area, but so fun! Also I didn't sleep at all while I was there because there's trains that go past like, every hour of the night ahaha

Fridayyy we got to help set up for a fundraiser for MS! It was a big bike race and so we helped set up the start/finish spot, which was fun and we got free pizza, so that's a win 😎 then we got to go with one of their members to visit some people! It was super fun; she was so sweet!! We did some weekly planning and it was SUCH a good planning session, I just planned all by myself, which was kinda nice, not gonna lie haha! That night we had dinner with the funniest family, the Oram's! I LOVE them, it was a blast! And then we cleaned and got ready for the babies!!!

Saturdayyy we drove all the way back to Mill Creek and picked up our Trainees!! There were 25 new missionaries, but only 3 of them were English speaking Sisters, which is WILD! My greenie is Sister Pettit from Draper, Utah! She's super cool, I'm about a foot taller than her lol, and she's kind of quiet, but I'm excited to train her! She has a huge desire to do the work so it should be good! Elder Jackson in my District also got a new missionary, but they didn't have a car to drive back. So, President gave permission for us to drive them back which was WILD haha! Through my insane Tetris skills, we were able to fit 6 greenie suitcases, 4 sets of bedding, 2 overnight bags, a violin, and 2 Elders in the back of our car. I didn't take a picture, but it was insanely impressive if I do say so myself. So, we drove home with the Elders lol. I was very excited to get back to Anacortes :)) We got some groceries for Sister Pettit, and then we made some visits! We went to see Ann, which was sad, she's not doing too well. But then we went to Rebecka's! She's so funny haha and she's going to come to Church this Sunday!! So it was a busy day, but we made it and got Sister Pettit all settled!

Sundayyy so we were supposed to go speak at the Branch on Lopez Island, and so we walked a mile to the ferry terminal, and then as soon as we got there, they canceled our ferry :(( so we weren't able to go out and speak, which resulted in a very scattered day schedule-wise. So, we walked a mile back, and then drove to Church after missing Sacrament meeting at our first Ward. But we were there for the others, and it actually ended up working out perfectly because our friend James came to Church!! And he stayed for both hours!! It was awesome! We're having a lesson with him this week so that should be good :)) after church, we had some studies and then we had dinner with the Cardon family! They're so awesome, it was so fun!! We sang songs together and it was just the best. That night we made some visits and practiced teaching! And then we watched Devotional at the Miller's house!!

Today we explored the beaches at Deception Pass! It's been a good Pday :)

I've been thinking a lot about the power of prayer recently. Sometimes I go through waves with my prayers when they're really meaningful and heartfelt, and I'm just talking to God. And sometimes it feels like there's no one there, or I just can't seem to focus. But I read a scripture today that I thought was SO good! 

James 5:16
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

When we practice praying for one another, it opens our connection to heaven. When we have a real desire to bless the lives of others, Heavenly Father grants us some of his love for them, which connects us to him. So if you feel like you're struggling to connect with God, try praying for others or serving those around you! I promise it will bring JOY!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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