I physically cannot eat any more kettle corn #MIRACLESARECRAZY

HELLO!! Welcome to another WILD week here in Anacortes!! 

Free tacos acquired: 1 ON TACO TUESDAY
Hours spent in the car on Thursday: at least 5
Cartwheels Jasmine Markham can do: 4 in a row 😎 
Miracles seen: SO MANY

Mondayyy we had our not Pday :(( it honestly wasn't that bad though haha we had District Council which was good, it was the last one as a District before transfers :(( We ate lunch with Elder and Sister Miller which was just the best, I adore them. Then we did some Social Media work at the library! President turned off Facebook on all missionaries phones unless you're on the Social Media Team, so we do it on public computers now! Then we did an EXCHANGE!! Smithy came to Anacortes with me and it was SO FUNNN we made some visits to some members and potentials, and had a MIRACLE! We went to visit an inactive member who hasn't been very nice to missionaries in the past, but we went anyway lol. Well, she let us in, and we had an awesome visit, and even shared a scripture with her!! We asked if there was anyone she knew that could use a message, and she gave us a referral for a guy that lives in her building. She looked out the window and was like, "Oh he actually just drove in!" So, we went outside and talked to him!! His name is Jeffery and he's in the Navy! He's met with missionaries in the past, and he's read the whole Book of Mormon!! And he wants to learn about the Plan of Salvation!! It was so so so cool. That night we had FHE and had a game night! It was so fun to go to FHE with Smithy again hehe

Tuesdayyy we woke up to RAIN YAYAYAYAY the Washington rains have returned! But I also woke up sick for like the first time my whole mission :/ so that wasn't the best :( We had a slow morning, but we were going crazy so we got out and did some work once I got some medicine in me! The lessons we had planned canceled on us, so we visited some people without a ton of luck. But it's okay!! We called a ton of people and got some appointments set up so it was good! We drove to Oak Harbor and got some Social Media things done! We made some content and organized our schedule and stuff. Then that night we had dinner with the Eatons!! They're the BEST! I love them. 

Wednesdayyy we drove out to La Conner!! We helped our member Annette, which is always an adventure haha I love her. Then we went to Debi's!! We hadn't seen her in so long!! We did some service for her, and invited her to Church, and she said that she'd like to come!! Pray that she'll be able to come next week!! That night we had dinner with the Guffey's which was a blast, they're hilarious. Then we made lots of visits that night! We ended up knocking a complex, and Sister Jensen felt like we really needed to knock on this door, and a guy named James answered! He said that his Grandpa used to be a Bishop in our Church, and was super cool! And he accepted a Church invite! We ended the night up in a FANCY RV park, and I think I'm just going to retire in an RV and travel the country. We visited with a lady named Wendy Ginnett who told us all about how Elder Bednar and his wife lived in her Ward and he was her Stake President and how they're close friends. It was wild haha! 

Thursdayyy was FINALLY TEMPLE DAY/PDAY!!!! We woke up bright and early and drove 2 hours to the temple! This is the first time in my life I've lived more than 30 minutes from a temple, so it was weird to drive so far to get there. But we had an awesome session, and I saw some members from the Greenlake Ward!! I love the temple so so so much, every time I go it's just the best day ever. And we got to drive through Seattle on the way back!!! And we got CHICKFILAAAAA I love Seattle so much I MISS IT. We drove 2 hours back, which was ROUGH. Then we called our families, and that night we had dinner with the Markhams! They're the cutest family, they have 4 adopted kids and Jasmine and I are #besties. Then we just contacted for the rest of the night.
Fridayyy we did some finding Downtown, and then we went to a Bible study with the Ward ladies!! It was sooo fun, I admire the moms in this Ward so much, they're the coolest ladies. Then we drove out to La Conner and visited with John Sturgis (The kettle corn people)! His wife Janice wasn't home, but he was like, "This is actually perfect that you stopped by, because I really want to come back to Church, and we need to figure out how to help Janice have an interest in coming to Church!" It was a MIRACLEEEE so that was dope. Then we stopped by an inactive member's house and they let us in and it was super awesome!! Then we weekly planned in a cute little restaurant, and had dinner with the Flores's!! It was awesomeeee!

Saturdayyy we started the day at the Farmers Market which was good, and then we tried to do some whiteboard finding, but we got hardcore rejected by everyone lol, so we said a prayer, and asked Heavenly Father for a miracle because we were NOT feeling it. And then we had a MIRACLE!! We felt prompted to stop and try to visit a person who had been taught before, but had lost contact with missionaries. We drove in, and there was a lady sitting on the curb, and I KNEW it was her. So we asked if she was Renee and she was like, "Why yes I am." She let us in, and told us her whole story, and WE'RE GONNA START TEACHING HER!! It was so cool. Then we visited with Ann, and then went to Jodi's house!! She's an older lady in the Ward but she's moving soon so we helped her build a light fixture #thanksinteriordesign and had a good chat! For dinner we got some BANGING sushi, and then went over to Rebecka's! I love Rebecka so much ahahaha and she's gonna come to Church!! So it ended up being an awesome day :))

Sundayyy we went to our scheduled 6 hours of Church lol, but we had SO MANY people come!! Our new friend James that we met came, and our friend Laura came, and a bunch of inactive members came, it was an awesome Church day!! And we had Break the Fast after YSA Church! After that, we had a Missionary Coordination Meeting, and then we had dinner with the Parsons! They're from Australia and so I geeked out about Bluey and Little Lunch with them. If you don't know what those shows are, go watch them right now! Anyway, then we went to a lesson with the granddaughter of one of our members who wants to be baptized!! And then we had Mission Devotional :))
Today was Zone Pday! We had breakfast together and played at the beach!! 

This week in Come Follow Me, we studied having unity in Christ and charity in 1 Corinthians! 1 Corinthians 13 is one of my favorite chapters EVER. And in our Bible study, the ladies said something really interesting that they heard in a podcast this week. When Paul is describing charity he says, 
"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. 
Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away."
They said that every time it says "charity", replace it with "Jesus". And it was SO COOL!! Because when we see charity as a Christlike attribute instead of just a normal attribute, it makes it seem more attainable, at least for me. It keeps our focus on having charity because we want to be like the Savior. So practice having charity because you're trying to be like Jesus. Put someone else's needs before your own, lift them up when they're down, take the time to minister to them, and share the love of Christ.
I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 
Sister Gibb


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