There's no place like gnome #somanyspiderwebs


Buckle up because we had another wild week

Hours spent on my feet on Saturday: Probably like 9
Missionary gnomes at the trunk or treat: 1 tall one and 1 small one
Fancy meals eaten: 1 very delicious one
Rainy days: Like 3!

Mondayyy we played some Frisbee golf which was fun, and then that night for FHE we had a zombie nerf war!! It was awesome, and I ended with a giant welt on my face haha but I was okay!

Tuesdayyy we did some Social Media and I applied to some jobs (WHAAAAT) and then we drove out to La Conner! It was DUMPING rain, and no one was home, but we went out nonetheless! Then we had a Social Media meeting over Zoom, and so Sister Smith and Sister Bayless stopped by so Smithy and I could watch together, and that was good! Then we stopped by the Sturgis's! We hadn't been over there in SO LONG it was so good to see them, and Janice made us some tea for our rainy day :)) I love them! Then we raced to dinner with the Kniskerns! They're the cutest couple, I love going to their house! That night we went to Raelyn's! She and Leila were there, and we had an amazing discussion about faith, and watering our faith like it talks about in Alma 32! It was amazing, the spirit was so strong. They're the coolest 12 year olds I know 😎 

Wendesdayyy we had District Council, which was great! And after that, we drove down to Oak Harbor to do an EXCHANGEEE. Sister Smith was with me in Anacortes, and Sister Pettit went with Sister Bayless in Oak Harbor! We started our exchange off with finishing up some Social Media stuff, which was great, and we got lots done :) and then we drove back to Anacortes and had an awesome dinner with the Turaga's! They're the cutest family, it was so fun! After that, we raced to the church and hopped on our Stake Correlation Meeting which was great! 

That night we stopped by the Leaders house and Bob Leader told us all about the 28 surgeries he's had from being a cop. It was insane. I LOVE THE LEADERS!! Then Smithy and I made some bomb breakfast burritos #thanksdadforteachingme

Thursdayyy we played some pickleball that morning, and then did some store finding! And then we got to have lunch with Todd Aagard!!! If you're a long-time fan of my weeklies, Todd is a member from the Mill Creek Ward who is BEST FRIENDS with Smithy and I and always takes us to lunch at these fancy places, so we tried this super yummy place called "Adrift" and I ate possibly the best fish I've ever had in my life. 10/10. It was our little farewell lunch since we go home soon, so it was fun to see him! 

After that, we tried stopping by Myrna's, but she couldn't visit, which was a bummer. But then we exchanged back, and I gave up my place as the designated driver, since Sister Pettit has a tiwi card now! I'll miss driving our Rav 4 :(( We went and did a blitz as a District and invited a bunch of people to the Ward Trunk or Treat! It was so fun, and we met lots of awesome people! Then we had dinner with the Jenson's which is always a blast :) and then we went to Yoga, where all the Ward ladies told me they want to set me up with their sons 😳 lol it was hilarious. After Yoga, we played volleyball with the wardies! 

Fridayyy we had an OTC meeting that morning with our Training Mentor which was great, and then we went to visit with Ann! It was so good to see her! Then we drove out to Debi's and helped her reorganize her pantry! It looks NICE haha! We had an awesome discussion about faith with her! Keep praying for Debi! Then we went to deliver some invitations to the Trunk or Treat, and got to visit with Renee! So that was awesome! We did some weekly planning and I cooked a spaghetti squash! It was pretty impressive. Then we went to the Flores's which was so fun, as always :))

Saturdayyy THE CRAZIEST DAY WOW we started off by going to a funeral for the husband of a sister in our Ward. He wasn't a member of the church, and it was so interesting to hear the difference in the messages from his family members and her family members. I'm so grateful for the gospel and that I know there's so much more after this! It was a beautiful service though. After that, we went to Pam Pennington's house! She's a sister we work with, and she's getting surgery, so we helped her get her house ready and everything. Then we went to Sister Mergenthalers house to do some arts and crafts for our Halloween costumes! And THEN we went back to the church to help with set up for the Trunk or Treat that night! Let me tell you, Anacortes does not mess around when it comes to Halloween! We were putting up spiderwebs and bats for about 2 hours! It was awesome though! And then it was FINALLY time for the Trunk or Treat! We got in our costumes, and no one recognized us because we had beards lol, we dressed up as gnomes! We still had to wear missionary attire, and I just so happen to own a lot of gnome-esque clothing, so it worked out perfectly! We looked awesome with our low-budget costumes and there were TONS of people who came!! Lots of non-members too! It was a great event, and we ate lots of yummy chili and we got to help out with the games! We helped take everything down at the end of the night, and my legs and back were absolutely screaming at me for being up and moving for so long that day 😂 so we finished weekly planning while I iced my knees lol it was an exhausting day!!

Sundayyy we got to go to church with our newly combined Ward, the Fidalgo Island Ward!! We sustained our new Bishopric, and it's going to be a great Ward. And Raelyn and Leila came to church too! It was awesome! In Young Women's, the lesson was all about what it means to be truly converted! It was super cool. After church, we had a linger longer with all the food we had left over from the funeral, and that was fun and then we went to YSA church, which was super awesome. I love those people so much! After church, we went to Kathy's and had a lesson with her, and it was kind of all over. Please pray that we can help her find the motivation to read her scriptures! After that, we drove to the Oczkewicz house for dinner which is always so fun! Then we made some visits that night before Devotional, which I got to give my departing testimony, which was SO WEIRD but I'm so grateful that I got to testify of the joy of missionary work to the rest of the mission! 

Today we might go play some pickleball! It's gonna be a chill pday 😎 

As I was preparing for my departing testimony, I was thinking of all the things I've learned on my mission. And I found a scripture that I feel perfectly describes how I've grown to love missionary work! It's in Doctrine and Covenants section 11:

12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit. 
13 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;

If there's anything I've learned on my mission, it's that following the spirit ALWAYS brings joy! Heavenly Father will never lead us somewhere he doesn't want us to be, and so when we listen to him, we will be blessed with the ability to become the people he needs us to become, our minds will be enlightened, and we will experience JOY! Sometimes I get caught in thinking my ideas will be the best way to do something, and I think God just chuckles as he guides me where I'm ACTUALLY supposed to be. Focus on listening to the Spirit this week! I promise you that you will experience joy like none other!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️

Sister Gibb


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