I've saved my companions life too many times this week #pray4sistersmith

AYOOOO Sister Gibb coming at you from her LAST DAY AT THE MTC!!

I'm gonna be honest I'm so ready to get into the field, I can't imagine being here for more than two weeks #myfriendsarebrave. Nothing against the MTC but I'm stoked to get to Washington! We leave here tomorrow morning at 5:45 am and then we fly out from Salt Lake at 11:30 am! The adventure is about to begin!
This week was so good and so hard and all the things haha! I still feel like I'm stuck in a time loop so the days have just been blending together so I'll do my best lol HERE WE GO
Times Sister Smith lost her voice this week: 2.5 (#asthma)
Items of clothing that I stained this week: Probably 4 🙄
Times I saved Elder Owens from choking on his food: too many #mynervesareshot
A title explanation: Sister Smith is allergic to just about everything and has like, severe asthma. She's also one of the happiest, funniest people I've ever met, so she laughs a lot. Unfortunately this usually leads to her laughing with her mouth full and choking on rice, or laughing so hard she starts having an asthma attack. She'd probably be dead by now if I wasn't her companion #imgoingtothecelestialkingdom
On Tuesday we had a General Authority devotional, and Lynn G. Robins came! He spoke about how there is opposition in all things but they come to a perfect balance through Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. It was good, but a little confusing honestly, it was interesting haha! But our district sang in the choir and that was super fun and cool! 

Wednesday was temple day!!! It was the best! The Provo temple is closed right now, so they bussed us to the Mount Timpanogos temple! It was fun to take my district to my temple, and show them where I'm from! It was definitely weird to be there as a missionary, because we were literally like 5 minutes from my house. But it was such a special temple day, I loved it! 
Thursday I auditioned to do a devotional musical number! I got to sing a beautiful arrangement of How Great Thou Art!, and it's fire. They found out I was leaving on Tuesday and they didn't know if they would be able to have me sing in time, but I sang my song, and Sister Porter, the MTC President's wife was like, fully crying when I was done soooo that was sweet. They decided to move some things around so that I could sing on Sunday! It was so cool! #tobecontinued

Friday was pretty chill, pretty standard. But I did happen to get a somewhat illegal visit from my bestie Sorella Zeidner!! She started home MTC this week, and her dad works at the MTC so he snuck her in for just a little bit! It was so awesome to see her! Its the only time we'll ever see each other while we're both missionaries so it was cool #lookoutwashingtonanditaly #liriam4ever Then we played volleyball with the district and we destroyed obvi 💁🏼‍♀️ but it was a pretty normal day I guess. Kind of the longest day everrrrrr but it was all good.

Last class with MTC teacher Sister Stewart
Saturday was SO SAD it was our last day of in person classes and it was so sad holy guacamole. I absolutely loved my teachers, and Sister Stewart and I are already planning on hanging out after the mish, don't worry. So it was sad but it's okay! We have bigger, better things to do #armyofhelaman

Last class with MTC teacher Sister Smith

Sunday was WILD we went to church and I got to sing How Great Thou Art in Sacrament meeting, and my district was so cute afterwards, they were so excited. Then I got to sing at the Go and Do devotional, in front of the MTC presidency, all the branch leaders, and every single missionary at the MTC! It was so cool!! President Porter (MTC President) came up to me afterwards and was so cute, he was just talking to me about it and then he turned to a Sister next to me and was like, "Will you hug her for me??" It was adorable. 

A cute Sister gave me a picture she drew of me while I was singing so I got my first piece of fan-art 😭😭 I was like a celebrity the rest of the day, everyone kept asking if I was the girl who sang, it was kinda funny haha! Then that night we had our last district devotional review, and we did what we've deemed a "love circle" where we go around and say what we all love about one person, it was so good. It was the last time all of us were all together, it was bittersweet. I adore my district and I'm really gonna miss them all, they're gonna be incredible missionaries #fambamjamslam

Okay I love the scriptures. You can literally open them at any page and find an answer to any question you have. A scripture that keeps showing up in my study is Mosiah 4:11-12
11 And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.
   12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.
God is so good!! He knows every single piece of us and he has provided a simple, step by step plan to make it back to him! Trust your Heavenly Father! He loves you and so do I :)
Anyways, there's my last week in the MTC! Now it's time for the real deal I guess! It's been good, it's been hard, but I've learned so much about my Savior, the gospel, and myself in such a short amount of time. I cannot wait to meet all of the wonderful people in Washington, and to be surrounded by green in every direction 🥰 ITS HAPPENING!!! SISTER GIBB IS GOING TO WORSHINGTON!!

A baby Worshington apple!
I love you all a WashingTON ❣️
Sister Gibb

Below is a video of Sister Gibb's vocal performance


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