"Toto, I Don't Think We're in Everett Anymore" #dontrainonmyparade


WHADDUP EVERYBODY wow what a week!! Let's get into it

Times we went out of Zone: 1
Times we went out of Mission: 2
Parades walked in: 1 🥳 
Times we went to Lauvali's house to teach him and he wasn't home: 10 🙄
Mondayyy Zone pday!! We had a potluck at the church and played some games!! It was mega hot though so I think we all ended up with heat stroke lol. Then we went to Sister Starkenburg's for dinner! She's the cutest old single lady in our ward and she has this old fat weiner dog named April who hates us and the garbage truck. So whenever she barks Sister Starkenburg goes, "April Grace you stop that right now!" And it's hilarious. Anyway, Monday was bomb.

Tuesdayyy we went and visited a ward member and met some members in our Stake who talked to us for 40 minutes about random stuff it was hilarious but then they gave us $20! Then we visited Jim, and then headed to the old folk's home and met 2 more old ladies, they're hilarious. We love going there it's so much fun! After that we went to visit the Pakistani ladies in our ward and that was fun, and then we did service for Michelle!! She's so fun, and we ended up teaching her the Restoration!! Afterwards we went to a part member family in our ward and played croquet with them, and it was the longest game of croquet I've ever played. But we won so it's okay lol. We had dinner with the sweetest member and her son and then they took us out for ice cream! But we realized on the way that it was out of Zone lol  #whoops but it was still delish. We did CFM with Scott which is always a good time :)) Tuesday was BUSY and we were exhausted.

Wednesdayyy we went back to Sister Starkenburg's for a service project! Once a month all the old ladies in the ward go over and sew baby booties and dresses for little girls and boys in shelters in Seattle and then also for care packages they send to Tanzania. So we sewed little booties with old ladies with Golden Girls playing in the background for 2 hours. It was SO FUN they're hilarious. Then we went to District Council, which was fire, and went to Chick-fil-A for dinner with the ASL Sisters and THEN we walked in the Brier city Sea Scare Parade 😎 The Brier Elders signed us up and made a cardboard Noah's Ark and we put it on top of a car with posters and handed out pass along cards! It was so much fun!! I was offered beer by some old men (which was #declined) and had the time of my life. That night I got to call Collin because he's old and had a birthday #happybirthdayloserhead

Thursdayyy we went to Larry's!! He has bad eyesight so he hasn't been able to read the BOM but we found a jumbo one in our apartment and gave it to him, and he was so excited!! We read the Intro page with him and you could already see the light of Christ in his eyes! We're so excited for him!! We weeded for Judy, a funny lady in our ward, and she had some MONSTER weeds but it was fun! Then we got to go to the Mission office to pick up some BOMs and on our way there we were following Google maps and were like, "who's area is this?" Turns out it was in the Seattle mission, not ours. Lol we raced as fast as we could back to the dear old Everett mission. #sorrypresident We had a dinner with the Pugmire's and they're the CUTEST old couple and we love them. That night we did CFM with the ward ladies! Twas a good day indeed.

Fridayyy MISSION DEVOTIONAL it was so fun! Then we went to a service in Seattle with the ASL and Spanish Elders and it was so fun!! We helped this lady unload a bunch of stuff into a storage unit and I felt like I was riding Dracula's castle at Lagoon, big spooky vibes. It was so much fun though!! We weeded for a lady, and then had a video lesson with William, whom we love very much, and then we had dinner with a funny couple in our ward! That night we just contacted all night and dropped off a BOM to a Cambodian lady in our area, it was cool!

Saturdayyy we helped a friend from the Lake Forest Park ward set up a massive garage sale which was fun and pretty nasty not gonna lie but it was funny! We went to Kelli's and helped in her garden! She had grown a ton of different kinds of peppers so we did a pepper tasting and it was hilarious, our mouths were on fire #donteatcayennepeppers 

We went to Heather's and helped in her yard and got a TON done!! We also uprooted a rather small Washington blackberry bush that was still humongous. They're everywhere here and now they have fruit!! You literally just pull over on the side of the road and pick them, like, they're on every corner. #BLACKBERRYSEASONISHERE then we helped a lady in our ward paint her house which was fun, and got PIZZA WOOO that night we went to the beach to visit some Sisters it was a good, good day. 
Sundayyy WHAT A BOMB DAY we went to church, and that's always a good time, and then we went to the lake to weekly plan! It was so relaxing we love Mountlake. We went to a dinner with the Apblanaps! They're the cutest couple with 3 little boys and we just adore them, it was so fun!! Then we delivered flower arrangements from Kelli to random people and ended up making a new friend!! It was awesome! It was a good chill day! We love Sundays :))
Today we're going to Freemont to see the giant troll sculpture under the bridge, and go to lunch!! It'll be a blast :) and tonight I have my first exchange!! I'll be staying in Mountlake and leading the area so #pray4sistergibbplease

This week something I've really been trying to work on is having confidence in my calling. I found a scripture in D&C 24:12 that says "And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men."
If we are willing to simply open our mouths and share the goodness of the gospel, we will be granted strength that isn't even known to us!! Sometimes we're worried that people will make fun of us or that we'll mess it up, but the Lord is always on our side, ready to boost us up as we share the fullness of his gospel!! So open your mouth!! Share it!! Be a good example!! The Lord is ready to help you out!!
I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 
Sister Gibb


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