Are you guys Normans? #3MONTHSBABY

What is UPPPP everybody! Sister Gibb here coming from an EXHAUSTING week but I survived! So many good things this week so let's get into it!!

Mosquito bites on my left leg: 3 🙄
Pieces of avocado toast eaten: Like 7
Hugs given/received on Thursday: SO MANY💕🥰
Excitement level for conference this weekend: THROUGH THE ROOF

Mondayyy we had Pday and then we had a dinner with Aaina, and she made us some Pakistani food!! It was so yummy!! She's the best :) then we went to FHE and played wally ball and it was SO FUN I'm now addicted to wally ball

Tuesdayyy HAPPY 3 MONTHS TO MEEEEEE we did our weekly planning, and then we went to the old folks home! It was sweet to see everyone. After that we went and helped a sweet lady pull up some ivy in her yard, and then we went to Debbie's! We LOVE Debbie! She's this old lady who never got married but lives in this tiny old house with her super old dog, Max. We organized all of her kitchen cupboards and it was a dream come true. We love a satisfying service. That night we had dinner with Sister Starkenburg!! WE LOVE DALE! That night we had a lesson with Scott Smith, which is always good :)

Wednesdayyy we had District Council!! It was so bomb. Then we had a mini music rehearsal because I'm doing a musical number for the Facebook page! #comingsoon 👀 after that, we went to the Family History Center and hung out with Judy, our wardie, and met her nonmember friend! Super awesome. Then we went to Scott Elkins house!! It was such a tender lesson, he just cried the whole time, and he is gaining a testimony that the BOM is true!! And he's gonna watch Conference!! That night we got Panda in honor of my 3 months and the 21st night of September, and then went to Mutual where a ward member taught the youth how to throw clay on a pottery wheel! It was so fun!

Thursdayyy we got up bright and early and had a lesson with a new referral! She was super sweet and wants to come to church!! Then we got a car wash #responsible and drove to the Mission Office for Mission Conference!! AND I GOT TO SEE RAZ!!! It was the best, we were so excited!! 

Elder Gary B. Sabin and his wife came, and it was SO GOOD!! A super common theme throughout the conference was not living life in retrospect. Focus on where you are now, not where you want to be. Don't put off your happiness waiting for something to happen tomorrow. President and Sister Oakes spoke too, and by the time everyone was done, I had 9 pages of notes written #sobeautiful it was such an awesome day and it was so fun to see everyone! That night we went to dinner with a YSA wardie!

Fridayyy we finally were able to go over and see William! He hurt his back about a month and a half ago, and he hasn't been able to come to Church but we went over and visited with him!! It was so awesome to see him. Then we went to Debbie's and she gave us like 4 bags of food and some flowers because she's the CUTEST and then we did some finding! After that we went to Cathy's and pulled up ivy for an hour and a half, and she said she's liking the BOM!! It was super awesome! We went to the Kavannah's and shared a message with them, and Glen tried to bash us, but his argument was pretty weak ;) then that night we went to another YSA dinner which was super fun! 

Saturdayyy THE MOST EXHAUSTING DAY OF MY LIFE we went to do service for Christina, the lady we met at the dog park last week, and it was awesome! She's super interested in the gospel and she's literally the coolest. Then we helped the Elders at a service project that may or may not have been out of mission #neverlettheeldersplan but there were some JUMBO Spiders like, holy guacamole the biggest I've ever seen. Super wild. But then we went to Heather's and helped in her yard, and then we went over to our friend Nancy's house and we just sat and visited and she made us a tart and some tea, and it was SO WONDERFUL and we ended up teaching her the first lesson! Super awesome. That night we had dinner with Debi and Judd Williams, basically our mom and dad lol. Such an exhausting but good day!

Sundayyy PHREDDY CAME TO CHURCH!!! He said he was going to come, and then he backed out, and then we found out his next door neighbor, Lisa Layne was SPEAKING so we asked if she could knock on his door and invite him before she came, and HE SHOWED UP!! And her message was SOOO inspired it was a really cool sacrament meeting. Then we had a cute little linger longer after church and everyone hung out! I love the Mountlake Ward with my whole heart :) then we went back to Christina's and the Elders who are in her area came with us! She is SOOO awesome UGH then we planned, and then had dinner with the Garners in our ward! They have the SWEETEST little boy named Jackson, and we're buddies :) that night we recorded me singing for the musical number #comingsoon 

Today we went to Seattle and I FINALLY went to the Space Needle! Such a dream, and we went to the biggest antique store I've ever seen in my life. 

Something that Sister Sabin said on Tuesday has really stuck with me this week. She said, "The Lord doesn't want you to be stressed, he wants you to be stretched." And I think it's so true! That's something I'm still learning on my mission. Someday we will all look back on our trials and say, "I'm grateful for that because it taught me something" we are of divine identity, and therefore have divine potential. Trust that Heavenly Father is going to help you become the disciple he needs you to be.

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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