Funerals, Speeding tickets, and a hobo named Mario #theresfireintheair


We are officially back to our regularly scheduled programming of mega super Mountlake days 😎 Heavenly Father really helped me out this week haha so let me tell you all about it!! This might be an absolute NOVEL so I apologize in advance.

Funerals spoken at: 1 #ripwandagifford
Weeds pulled: Probably a zillion 
Speeding tickets the vehicle coordinators thought I got: 1
Speeding tickets I actually got: 0 #perfectdrivingrecord
Shrinky dinks made: like 20 or something

I already told you all about Monday last week sooo onto the next day!

Tuesdayyy SUCH A BOMB DAY we went to a service for this lady named Wendy and she was the absolute cutest Latina woman who told us her whole life story and talked about how much she loves God and Jesus. Like, she made my entire life better she's an ANGEL it was so fun! Then we went to another service for a lady named Debbie and we weeded for a little bit and then we talked to her for like an hour and it was really awesome! After that, we visited with a less active member named Rachel, and then we had some time before our next lesson, and I felt like we should go knock on a very specific door, and we knocked and we hear someone yell, "IT'S DA MORMONS!" Definitely a highlight. But it ended up being this super cool girl who actually used to be a member! #miraclesarereal We had a lesson with Aaina and Yasmin about the temple, and then we drove all the way up to Lynnwood for a YSA lesson! It was a blast. We went to Dale Starkenburg's for dinner and it was so yummy and so fun, as always :') WE LOVE DALE. Then we did CFM with Scott and that was good! SUCH a good Tuesday!!

Wednesdayyy we had a YSA lesson with Hope, and we get to go to the temple this Saturday with her to do baptisms!! Super duper excited for that! Then we had Institute but it got interrupted by a call from the vehicle coordinators telling me that they just got report of a speeding ticket from a speed cam for $136, but DON'T WORRY because it turns our Raz was driving when it happened, not me #prayers4razzy. We had District Council which was BOMB and then we had a lesson with other Scott! We taught him the Plan of Salvation and it went super well! We went to YM/YW and helped Lisa Layne clear out a bunch of blackberry bushes in her backyard and THEN a miracle happened! Her neighbor was curious who all these people were helping her in her yard, so we went over and introduced ourselves and his name is Phreddy (yes with a PH) And he is SO COOL he's a professional chef and he and his wife just moved here and they're looking for a Christian Church to come to and he was super excited to learn about our Church!! It was a miracle and they're going to try coming to church next week!! Such a good day UGH!

Thursdayyy we had District work out which was so fun, and then we went to a lesson with Larry! Please pray that he can make it to church!! Then we did service for a lady named Cathy and she was hilarious. We helped rescue her lilac tree from some vines that had taken over and it looked like we had been attacked by wild animals by the time we were done, we were so scratched up haha! But she let us pick some of her blackberries to take with us and gave us a bunch of produce from her garden! Then we went to another service and weeded, and then we went to a YSA lesson which was so good! Her name is April and she has the coolest room! She collects knives and has like a zillion hobbies, and she gave us a bunch of shrinky dink paper which has been a GAME CHANGER! She also has a psycho chihuahua that tried to attack me like 8 times but whatevaaaa. Then we had dinner with the Kavannah's and Glen tried kindly bashing us, but we had a good discussion nonetheless! I simply adore that family, and Glen is just hilarious. That night we went to volleyball with the YSA ward and it was so fun!! So many people came and it was a blast!

Fridayyy we spoke at a funeral. For a woman we had never met. Her son-in-law texted us last week and was like, "my mother-in-law passed away and she doesn't have any family in Washington, will you two speak?" It was wild. We didn't know a soul there but there were a lot of non members there so that was cool! It was actually a really cool experience but it was just funny haha! After that we helped a ward member organize her house, weeded for another lady, and then we went to April's house! Her house is super grody but we helped her clean and organize a little, and she said she would be interested in joining our CFM Bible studies! So that's awesome! Then we had a lesson with Donita!! We tried getting in touch with her all of last transfer with no luck, but we went to her house and she took a BOM and her mom is in the Relief Society Presidency in Lynnwood! It was awesome! That night we went to Stake youth game night with the other missionaries and the kids in our Stake and it was such a blast!

Saturdayyy we got up and there was smokey haze everywhere from fires in Eastern Washington, and there was ash in the air and stuff, it was no Bueno. But we went to weed for a lady nonetheless, but then had to cancel some services because of the air quality :( #takecareofmamaearth We went to Kelli's for lunch and that was so fun! Then we went and knocked on Billijo's door and she was home! So we helped her clean her kitchen haha. Then we went to another cleaning service and it was pretty grody, not a fan. But she was grateful we helped! Then we went Garage Sale finding which was fun! And then that night we made shrinky dinks and had a lesson with Vera and her kids! Twas a good night for sure.

Sundayyy we woke up with sunshine in our souls and went to Church which was sooooo good! We went and made some visits with our Relief Society President, and then we weekly plannedddd which was good, and then we had dinner with the Apblanap's! That's always a blast and a half. And then I DROVE TO SEATTLE well actually just to the University of Washington haha, we got to watch Elder and Sister Renlund's Young Adult Devotional with the YSA Stake! It was super good! You should all go watch it and then read Saints 👀 We met a bunch of cool people and had Italian sodas! And we met a homeless guy named Mario who was very nice #dontworrymom

Anyway today is Zone pday and so it's pretty chill! 

This week in District Council we talked about the difference between waiting and enduring. And when you think about it, the words themselves just feel different. Waiting sounds like sitting in one place waiting for your surroundings to change. Enduring sounds like working through something, making changes as you go. And that's exactly what we are supposed to be doing here on earth. Jesus Christ had to endure more than anyone ever will, and because of him, we can endure whatever life throws at us. Don't just wait for things! Endure through them! Choose to come out better :)

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb

 A perfect representation of Washington:
a rainbow, beautiful greenery, and a pile of trash


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