WOW WHAT A WEEK BUCKLE UP EVERYONE God is so real!! This week was FULL of miracles!!

Mosquito eaters that flew into our apartment: 1 🦟
Legos sorted into colors: a zillion
Weeds pulled: TOO MANY 🌱
Fuzzy caterpillars in Danielle's backyard: 7 according to her boys


Mondayyy we had Zone pday and it was mega chill, just hung out at the church the whole day lol, and then we had FHE that night! They did a game night and we got brownies and ice cream WOO HOO

Tuesdayyy we went to Wendy's again! We helped her organize an outside closet and then she made us some food from Honduras! It was SOOOO YUMMY she made us plantain chips too! We ended up being there for like 3 hours haha #whoops but it was so fun, and we gave her a Spanish BOM! Then we went to Debbie's and helped her weed her yard, and then we talked for like an hour and it was really good! Then we went to Scott's and helped him in his yard and then had SUCH a good lesson with him! He wants to know more about the Plan of Salvation and life after death, and we also got him to download Gospel Library! And now he's reading his BOM in the mornings before work! And he said he's understanding it!! MIRACLE!! Then we went to Scott Smith's for Come Follow Me which was so good! We love him!!

Wednesdayyy we had sweat shop at Dale Starkenburg's!! We just sit at her huge kitchen table sewing baby booties for kids in Tanzania while Golden Girls plays on the TV and then she feeds us lunch!! It's THE BEST! Our old ward members are so silly. Then we had District Councilllll which was a blast, and then that night we had dinner with our YSA Bishop, which was sooo fun and yummy, and then we went to Young Men's and Young Women's where we gave them a devotional about ways to share the gospel naturally and it was super good! And I got bit by a Mosquito and it got super swollen lol #myanklelookslikeabaseball

Thursdayyy we got to go to lunch with my friend Mary from UVU!! #shoutout2futuresisterhoskisson it was so awesome!! Then we had SUCH a good lesson with Larry! We were talking about the simplicity of the gospel and all of a sudden he just lit up, and like, totally understood it!! It was such a miracle!! Then we went to a new service for a lady named Danielle, and she has the CUTEST family!! And they were super open about learning more! They literally made our day AH and she has the cutest twins!! Then we picked up dinner from a wardie, did Come Follow Me with some other wardies, and then we did volleyball! There was like no one there haha but it was so fun! And I accidentally dressed like shaggy from scoobie doo #zoinks

Fridayyy we had Mission devotional and it was so good! I love devotional AHH it's so good! Then we went to Cathy's to help clear some vines and she wasn't home, but then she came home at the end and we were planning on giving her a BOM but then SHE ASKED FOR ONE WHAAAAT it was so cool!! She wants to study it this week so that was AWESOME! Then we weeded for another lady and then we got to go to the mall with the YSA Elders to find! We got permission to wear pedestrian clothes because it makes us more approachable apparently. So we felt mega normal AHH it was weird. 

But we got CAFE RIO FOR DINNERRRR it was awesome I've missed going to the mall lol. Then that night we made some visits and got in touch with a family we hadn't been able to meet yet, and it was awesome! And they came to church! WOO HOO! 

Saturdayyy WE GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!! One of our recent YSA converts got to go to baptisms and we went with her! It was so awesome! The Seattle temple is beautiful!! Shoutout to dad, that was his childhood temple #crying 

Then we went to our friend Amy's to sort Legos for service and it was super therapeutic, and she asked us what we believe after death and we ended up teaching her the Plan of Salvation, and she was crying and the spirit was sooooo strong it was awesome. Then we went to our wardies house and helped her tape her baseboards for painting which was fun, and then we met this super cute family at the dog park! It was so fun! That night we went to the Kavannah's for dinner, and Glen shared the lyrics to Nearer my God to Thee with us, and then he asked if we could sing it, so Glen and I sang Nearer my God to Thee in their living room :') it was super tender. Then we went to a lesson with Vera and her kids which was awesome!

Sundayyy we went to church at Mountlake, and then we went to our YSA ward and spoke! It went super well too! Then we had a munch and mingle with them soooo free lunch! Then we planned for a Youth devotional that night, and had dinner with the Lee's! They're the cutest young couple. Then we went to the Stake Youth devotional and played For the Strength of Youth jeopardy! It was a good time.

Today we went to some botanical gardens in Seattle, and then went to EINSTEIN BAGELS WOOO and walked around a super nice mall haha, it was so fun! 

This week when we were at Scott Smith's, he said, "Sometimes revelation from Heavenly Father is like a puzzle! You get pieces at different times and you have to figure out how they all go together" and it's so true! Heavenly Father knows the big picture, and sometimes all it takes is patience to see it ourselves. Understand that anything he gives you is for your benefit, and that he knows better than you do :) 

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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