Sister Gibb here coming from her first RAINY WEEK IN WASHINGTON what they say is true, it's dark and cloudy and rainy, but I gotta say, I don't mind it yet. Ask me again in 2 months how I'm feeling but for now the rain has provided us with a great October mood :)

Dinners the Elders were late to this week: every single one
Bagels eaten: FAR too many
Hours it took to get our oil changed: 2 🙄
Sets of Elders that visited us for various reasons Saturday night: 6 #leaveusaloneandletusgotobed

Mondayyy we went to the beach for pday!! It was so nice to spend one of our last warm days there, I love where I live :) then that night we went to FHE and carved pumpkins! And our friend Kim came!! She works in the leasing office at one of the apartment complexes that houses a bunch of missionaries in our Zone, so she's friends with all of us, but now she like, actually wants to learn about the gospel! It was so much fun!

Tuesdayyy we went to help Sharon in her yard, buuuut she doesn't really want to know more about the gospel soooo we probably will drop her this week :(( but then we went to Kathy's and she's reading the BOM! She's the cutest! We had dinner with Sister Starkenburg!! WE LOVE DALE and the Elders were 30 minutes late because they went to the wrong Dale's house 🙄 but it was funny. That night we went to Institute and then taco Tuesday with our YSA ward!

Wednesdayyy we had District Council which is always a blast, and then we had some training meetings, and then we had like, everyone cancel on us last minute, so we baked some cookies and delivered them to our friends! It was actually really fun haha, That night we went to a YSA lesson with our new convert Hope who is the most wonderful person and has the cutest kitty ever #butimstillnotacatperson

Thursdayyy SUCH a bomb day! We did some Family History in the morning, and I found my first relative to join the Church! Shoutout to Sarah Gordon who was baptized in 1836 ✨️ We had a lesson with Larry and we really just tried to nail down why he is putting off baptism, so hopefully this week he'll have chosen a date! Please pray for Larry! We contacted someone who wants to be baptized (woo hoo!!) And then we did some service for Debbie! She got a little bashy while we were sharing our message, but it ended up being a good discussion nonetheless. After that we had a lesson with Jennifer, which was good, and then we had dinner with the Willis's!! It was so much fun, they're the cutest older couple in our ward and they're SO funny!! That night we went to volleyball and Kim came to that too!! It was awesome!!

Fridayyy SUCH A SLOW DAY everyone canceled on us last minute again, and it was also the first day of the rains. So we ended up having a lesson that morning for YSA stuff, and then we got lunch and then we just tried to contact people all day, and thankfully we were able to catch up with our friend Marcella! Then we went with the Elders to Judy Starr's to weed her yard, and she made us dinner too let's goooo! We went to a lesson with Scott Smith which was good, and then tried to make some more visits with no luck. But THE LORD LOVES EFFORT

Saturdayyy we had a YSA lesson that morning and then we went to a finding event at a skate rink that ended up not actually happening, so I fought off the urge to pay the $10 for skate rentals #someonemailmemyskatesplease. After that, we got our oil changed for 2 whole hours lol so we sat inside of a Jersey Mikes and wrote our talks for Sacrament meeting. Then we went and helped our YSA member Hannah move out of her apartment, and had a super awesome lesson with her, the spirit was sooooo strong! It was so awesome. Then we had our new desks delivered to our apartment so we got to be hard working women and put them together *cue the Home Depot theme song* 

Sundayyy SUCH a good day!! We went to Church and spoke in Sacrament meeting! I love speaking, actually it's so awesome. Then we went to our YSA Ward, and made some visits with Debi for Relief Society! We went to a music rehearsal because I'm singing in Sacrament meeting next week! And then we went to Ward Choir and sang some more! We had dinner with the Abplanalps that night which was SOOO fun I just adore them. Then we went to record me singing some more for the music video we filmed a few weeks ago! A day full of singing, but such a nice day!!

Then today we are going to Pike Place!! It'll be a true Seattle experience with the rain :) and tonight we get to go to a corn maze for FHE! #fallgirlvibes

The talk that I spoke on in Sacrament meeting was President Nelson's from this past Conference, Overcome the World and Find Rest. I LOVE THIS TALK it's full of so many good things. But one thing that really struck me is that he invites us to take charge of our own testimonies of Jesus Christ. And that's something I've REALLY had to learn on my mission. If you're testifying of your Savior, you should know him! Ask to feel his love for you, and I promise you will!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb

This may have been my 4th 
cinnamon roll of the night :/


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