WASSUP EVERYONE Sister Hart is still here and having a good time I LOVE HER

Wow what a week not much happened but also everything happened haha 

Jumbo Spiders found in Heather's yard: toooooo many
Country songs I listened to: 4 thanks to Sister Hart
Crusty bathrooms Sister Hart went into: 2 #prayforher
Church invites given: 30 or sumthin

Mondayyy night at FHE we played Zombies vs Survivors Capture the Flag!! It was SOOOO fun I loved making crazy zombie noises for an hour, good times good times.

Tuesdayyy we went and did some service for Sharon!! It was WILD we were carrying giant buckets of sand up a hill and moving cinderblocks my back is #wrecked but then we went to Kathy's! She said she is loving the Book of Mormon which was AWESOME and we did a TON of weeding it was fun! After that, we went to have a lesson with our new referral Ariana and WOW she is so cool, she basically just fired a bunch of questions at us, and then we just bore our testimonies about those things and then that night SHE CAME TO INSTITUTE it was so awesome!! That night after Institute we got tacos with our YSA ward twas very fun.

Wednesdayyy we went to SWEAT SHOP!! ITS THE BEST we went to Sister Starkenburg's and sewed baby booties for 3 hours and it was great and then we went on EXCHANGESSS I got to go with Sister Horrocks and Sister Freeze to ASL land!! It was so awesome!! 

We went to District Council and then I got to go to 2 deaf lessons! Heavenly Father loves his deaf children so much the spirit was so strong!! It was soooo awesome and super cool to see how missionary work looks different for different types of people.

Thursdayyy we got up and exchanged back, and then we went to Larry's! We had a good lesson with him, hopefully we can get him back to church. Then we went to Lisa Layne's and helped her in her house! That night we had a dinner with one of our YSA members, which was fun, and then we went to our Stake Missionary Coordination meeting which was good! It wasn't too busy but it was a good day!

Fridayyy we got up and had Mission Devotional and then we got ice cream with the Sisters in our Zone! It was super fun! Then we had a lesson with William! We introduced him to the Elders too and that was really good! Then LITERALLY every appointment canceled soooo we went to a park and found a cute little nature trail and walked around with a whiteboard and had people write things they were "grateful for" and we gave out 16 CHURCH INVITES WOOOO so it actually ended up being awesome!! 

That night we had dinner with the Kavannah's and that was so awesome!! We introduced the Elders to Glenn and I was kinda nervous but he was actually so nice to them and was in such a good mood haha I LOVE HIM!! Then we went to Stake Youth night and it was awesomeee!

Saturdayyy we got up and helped our friend Robin move which was good, and then we went to Kellis and then we went to Heather's and OHHHHH MY the Spiders we found were nastyyyyy they were huge! Afterwards, we went to a YSA lesson and got some cutie earrings from our member, and then we drove to Everett for another YSA lesson! That night we had a lesson with Vera and her kids which was super duper!

Sundayyy SUCH A BLESSED DAY we went to church at Mountlake and then we went to church at the YSA ward and then they had a POTLUCK WOOO free lunch! It was dope, and then we went to ward choir practice! It was sooo fun to sing in a choir again! That night we had dinner with Judd and Debi Williams which was soooo fun and then we planned at the Morris's! A good blessed day indeed!

Today we played some pickleball and hung out at the beach!! I love where I live, it's so much fun :))

This week I was reading Mosiah and it finally like, made sense to me! There's so many plot lines in Mosiah but it just like, made sense. It was crazy. I think what helped was the fact that I had made a goal to finish Mosiah this week, and I took that goal to my Heavenly Father in prayer. Let him help you with those things you need to accomplish! There is so much power in asking for help from your Father in Heaven. He will open doors for you that you didn't even think were possible.

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 
Sister Gibb


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