We went to the EMERGENCY ROOM?? #longestweekofmylife

HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEN I hope you all have a lovely spooky day!! Sister Gibb here buckle up because this was a rollercoaster of a week lol

Hours spent in the ER: 3 1/2
Raindrops dropped on my head: a zillion
People that canceled on us on Tuesday: ALL 5 APPOINTMENTS 
Hours I drove on Saturday: More than one

Mondayyy we went to Pike with the District! It was so fun :) I love that place!! Then that night for FHE we got to go to Snohomish which is 2 ZONES AWAY and do a corn maze! And we discovered that I really don't like corn mazes! So, for future reference, don't take me to a corn maze lol. But Kim came and she had a great time!! It was so awesome!

Tuesdayyy we woke up ready for an awesome full day of being missionaries, and by the time we finished personal study, everyone had canceled on us WOO HOO but it ended up being a good productive day nonetheless because I said WE ARE NOT BEING LAZY TODAY so we had some training meetings, and then we cleaned up our area book and dropped some people :( but it's okay because we've already seen blessings! So, we worked hard all day! And then that night we got BUFFALO WILD WINGS FOR DINNERRRR #thankyousisterhartsparents and went to YSA institute and Taco Tuesday! And Kim came to that too!! Woo hoo!! So it ended up being an awesome day :)

Wednesdayyy we had Missionary Institute and then District Council! And then we went to the DI and did some service! After that we had a lesson with Scott which was so awesome! He wants to mark up his Book of Mormon and we're gonna start meeting with him twice a week now! Pray for Scott that he will start progressing!! We had dinner with the Kavannahs and that was a blast! Glenn is a little happier every time we go over :) he also went off for a while about how world leaders are psycho and it was hilarious. After that, we went to a lesson with Hope with the YSA Elders! Twas a good good day.

We go to bed, and Sister Hart JUMPS out of bed and runs to the bathroom and throws up. And we got #stressed because she comes from a line of failing gallbladders so we called the doctor and decided to wait to see how she felt in the morning.

Thursdayyy we got up, and Sister Hart's upset tummy had turned into some abdominal pain so we decided to go to the Emergency Room because that's all we have here lol. So Sister Horrocks came with us and they took Sister Hart in and out and in and out and thought she was pregnant FOR SURE but don't worry, she's a chaste woman. Basically, we sat for 3 hours with some old people and homeless people and she didn't get any answers :( shoutout to the Elders for going to the appointments we missed. 

After that, we went and got Boba with Kim and painted some pictures and she asked us some gospel questions! That night we went to dinner with our new Ward Mission Leader in the YSA ward and he got us pho! Then we went to volleyball and it was super fun! So a bummer day that ended up being pretty okay. 

Fridayyy we had a YSA lesson that morning and then a lesson with the Brier Elders and then we drove all the way to the Mission Office for the New Missionary Training!! We met up as trainers and trainees and got lots of good info, and then they fed us WOO HOO it was fun! We raced back to Mountlake and went to the Ward Halloween party!! We were the judges for the soup/Chili cook-off and so we ate a lot of strange tasting soups. We tried a Chili that was made with ghost peppers and Carolina reapers and we were absolutely dying after one teeny tiny bite, but kinda fun! That night we went to the Morris' and had an awesome lesson with them, they're my favorite family ever UGH!

Saturdayyy WHAT A DAY we woke up bright and early and went to breakfast with a cute family in the Lake Forrest Park ward, they're so funny haha then we drove like 40 minutes to ARLINGTON for Sisters Conference! It was a Conference with only the Sisters in the mission and it was so fun!! There was a lot said about finding Joy during your mission and it was so awesome!! We were all sobbing lol it was like a classic Relief Society class where everyone is crying. But it was so good!! Then we had to drive the Seattle Hermanas home so I drove like an HOUR back it was rough but we were very safe and I'm happy to report that I now know how to use cruise control. 

Anyway, that night we went to dinner with the Clayton's, a couple in our ward and they suggested we go visit someone that was being taught in the Spring but who had told the missionaries she wanted to stay Catholic. But the Spirit said "GO VISIT CRISTINE" So we went to Christine's but, we didn't know which apartment was hers so we started knocking doors asking where Christine lived. Finally, someone knew where she was!! So, we followed their directions and knocked on the door and CHRISTINE ANSWERED and she let us in! We asked her why she stopped meeting with the missionaries and she said she had some concerns about doctrine and that she had some family conflicts but we helped clear some stuff up and she said we could come back and we invited her to church! She also has a YSA age Japanese exchange student named Yawa who wants to come to church and wants a BOM!! It was a total miracle, super super cool.

Sundayyy WE GOT TO GO TO CHURCH FINALLY it was so nice! And I got to sing in church! It was so fun! Then we went to our YSA Ward and that was so fun! We had choir practice and then we went to the Morris's again for dinner, which was awesome! That night we went to the ASL Sister's apartment and they helped us plan lol because we do be changing some things up. But it was good!

Today we are doing a spa day with the Sisters in the Zone and then we are having Zone pday and dressing up as Elders, pics to come :) it's gonna be a good spooky day though!! 

Not gonna lie, I hit a LOW this week. Being a missionary is so awesome but soooo hard sometimes. But, I decided to start working on being more Christlike, and learning more about the Savior. This week I'm working on humility! And let me tell you when you identify something you want to improve on, the Lord will give you even more to work on. He will expose your weaknesses, but he WILL turn them into strengths. Find something you want to improve upon this week and pray to have Heavenly Father's help!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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