"Philip, are you trying to convert us?" #servingintheairportarea

 WHADDUP EVERYONE geez louise what a week, lots to unpack this time around so bear with me

 "Check your speed's" Sister Hart has gotten while driving: FAR less than me
Book of Mormons given out at the AIRPORT: 2!!!
Days I've been absolutely FROZEN this week: EVERY SINGLE ONE
Times we ran in the morning: 3 LETS GOO

Mondayyy we had a great day going to an arboretum and Bruce Lee's grave which was super cool, and then that night for FHE we had a board game night combined with another YSA ward which was super fun!

Tuesdayyy we were casually in the gym working out in the morning #gettingfit And all of a sudden President calls us and he invited us to go with him and Sister Oakes, the AP's, and the Sister AP's to pick up the new missionaries from the airport!! It was sooo out of the blue but it was so fun! We got there and did some finding together, and then the new missionaries got there, and we had to wait about an hour for the missionaries from the Mexico MTC to fly in, so they split all of us up and gave each of us a greenie and we took them finding in the airport! It was so much fun, and we gave out 2 BOMs! The new missionaries were so nervous haha! And it was totally an answer to prayers for Sister Hart and I, because it was a huge confidence booster for her, and she said she's determined to stay on her mission now! She had been thinking of going home but we're both glad she's decided to stay :) After the airport we went to Cathy Gobble's! We hadn't been over there for a while so it was good to see her! Then we drove to the Mission office and got Sister Hart's TIWI CARD so she's the driver now lol. Then we had Institute and tacos with the YSA ward! It was a blessed day 🙏 

Wednesdayyy TRANSFERS but WE DIDNT GET TO GO lol but we did get to go to SWEAT SHOP at Dale Starkenburg's!! We sewed baby booties for 2 hours while the old people in our ward were talking about how excited they were that they learned how to use PowerPoint on their computers lol it was the best. After that Elder Mumford stopped by before going to transfers to sat goodbye #WEARESOSAD and then we went to the DI and did some service there! So that was fun! We visited with the ASL sisters, and that night we went to the Stake Youth activiy where they put together 600 lunches for people who are struggling financially! It was so cool! Normally we go to Scott's on Wednesdays, but last week he told us that he wants to take a break from us coming over and having lessons with him, but he still is going to read the BOM. It was pretty sad to hear, so please pray for Scott that he will want to start meeting with us again!!

Thursdayyy we had District Councillll our new District Leader is Elder Claridge and he's awesome, he's a great guy. Then we had to go grocery shopping on our lunch hour lol and someone threw their coffee on our car while we were at Winco #missionarylife but we were at Safeway and by some miracle we met a sister who is coming to our mission in February!! It was so cool! After that, we visited a less active member, and then visited with our member, Cheryl! She's so funny haha then that night we had our Stake Correlation meeting, and they had me do a musical number so that was fun! It was a looooong day but it ended up being alright haha

Fridayyy we had Mission Devotional that morning which was good, and then we had a lesson with our YSA member Kelly! Then we got lunch and did a BOM study with the YSA Elders, which was good as always. Then we went to visit Kim at work and she asked us a bunch of questions about the church. She has lots of concerns about Church history, but we're sorting things out. WE LOVE KIM!! We had dinner with the Willis's that night which was so fun! Then our lessons for the night canceled on us so we did some contacting, and then went to sleep FINALLY!

Saturdayyy what a wild day haha we did some bomb.com weekly planning, and then we went to a lesson with this guy named Philip! We connected on Facebook and he wanted to talk about Jesus with us, so we met him at the library and HOLY GUACAMOLE it was an hour and a half of him trying to convince us that Jesus in the BOM isn't the same Jesus in the Bible and that the Bible doesn't need anything else. By the end of our conversation we realized he was probably trying to convert us to his faith haha but it actually was super powerful because our testimonies were SOOO strengthened I'm so grateful I have the knowledge of The Book of Mormon. He said he would come to our church if we came to his church first and convinced his priest to become a Mormon so lol sorry Philip we will not be going to church with you but it was honestly so cool. Anyway, after that we had dinner with Devin from our YSA ward, and then that night I felt like we should go to Billijo's and SHE WAS HOME AND LET US IN WOOO and we're going back on Saturday to do service for her! Then we had a lesson with Vera and her kids finally, and we made hand turkeys and Vera made us spaghetti #italianmom it was so fun!

Sundayyy we got up and went to church at Mountlake, and then we went to church at Halls Lake and NO ONE was there it was weird. But the group that did show up was awesome, and our friend Danny came to church! Plus we had potluck after church soooo free lunch!! We went to choir practice, and then dinner with a family in our ward! We visited some members, and then served our District by decorating their doors! Then we came home after not being home all day, and our apartment smelled like chemicals #notsafe and the fire department was CLOSED so President and Sister Oakes just told us to sleep at the Sister APs apartment so we had a sleepover!! Hopefully the chemical smell is gone, but we'll probably call the fire department today and have them check it out lol so that was exciting!! 
(Update...the fire department discovered the neighbors downstairs had been painting their apartment so we're #notgonnadie)

Anyway, this week was pretty great! Things are looking up for this transfer, and Sister Hart and I are working hard!!

Something that's really been on my mind this week is how to listen to the spirit and act on spiritual promptings. And I read a BOMB devotional on it (shoutout Hermana Paxman) and he said that when you have a good thought, just DO IT even if it's just you thinking it. And that's something I've always known, but not something I've always put into action. But I tried it this week and SO MANY MIRACLES came because of it!! So I would invite all of you this week to show gratitude to those around you by serving, and never dismissing a good thought to act!!

Happy Thanksgiving this week!! 

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb

(Also I chopped my hair off lol)


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