WHY IS IT DARK AT 4PM #iliveinmyraincoat

Hello hello hello friends, family, and everyone else!!

This week wasn't terribly exciting, a slower week once again but we made it through!! 
Let's get into it, shall we?

Times I've had to put on my coat: almost every day because it's FREEZING here 🥶 
Times our power almost went out Friday night: like 6 or sumthin
Hours spent at the temple this week: 4 HOURS🥰

Mondayyy HALLOWEEN!! We had a cutie little spa morning and then hung out with our Zone and played real Life Among Us which was a blast, and then that night we went to our YSA Ward Halloween party! Everyone loved my Elder Gibb costume lol It was a good not so spooky day.

Tuesdayyy we did some service for our friend Kathy and then had a meeting and then did more service for Kathy haha! She's got some misconceptions about the church from her ex-husband so please pray that her heart will be softened haha. Then we did some weekly planningggg and then that night we had dinner with DALE STARKENBURG she makes every day better 🥰 then that night we went to Institute and then we got tacos with our YSA Ward! It was a good day, even though it was a little slow :)

Wednesdayyy we got up bright and early and Judd and Debi Williams picked us up and took us to the temple!! I was soooo excited I hadn't done a session at the temple since the MTC! The Seattle Temple is also where my Dad got his endowments so that was kinda special :) the inside is almost identical to the Provo temple, except instead of stairs, there's escalators!! So that was fun! And the chandelier in the celestial room has a little motor in it, so it moves just a little bit about every 5 seconds so the crystals sparkle :) #ifeltlikeiwasin1982 it was so awesome! We did an endowment session and then some initiatories and then Debi packed us some cute little lunches and so we ate in the basement cafeteria with all the sweet temple workers, it was so awesome. Then we rushed back to Mountlake and had District Council and that was awesome! Then we had a lesson with Scott! We read the BOM with him and he's loving it! Please pray that he will want to come to church soon! Then that night we went to YM/YW and did some Family History which was fun! It was an awesome day overall!

Thursdayyy we tried to go over to our friend Daniel's house but his mom answered the door and was not very happy to see us lol but he wasn't home anyway. Then we had a lesson with a new member named Tiffany and ended up helping her move a bunch of stuff to her storage unit haha. Then we met up with the YSA Elders and did a BOM study with them which was good, and then we had a training meeting which was actually super helpful! That night we hung out with Kim and made friendship bracelets!! Then after that we had YSA volleyball which is always a good time :) it was SOOO cold on Thursday though it was ridiculous

Fridayyy we had Mission Devotional and then we had a YSA lesson with Kelly, one of our members from Spanish Fork UT who plays volleyball at a nearby college and is getting ready to go on a mission!! And then we got CHICKFILA LETS GOOO and after that we had EVERYONE cancel on us for the day yippee but it's okay because we ended up going to our friend Debbie's and we helped her clean out some OLD dressers and got some free vintage jewelry! Then we knocked on Billijo's door and she answered!! Then we contacted a bunch of people and then that night we had a birthday party for Elder Mumford! It ended up being an awesome day! That night there was a HUGE windstorm so a ton of people lost power, it was wild.

Saturdayyy EVERYONE CANCELED AGAIN WOOOO so we cleaned the church that morning and then we did some bomb weekly planning at the library and then baked some cookies to deliver to people but the cookies weren't baking right so it took far longer than it should have lol but then we went to Olive Garden with a YSA member so that was dope. Then we had a lesson with Christine our miracle lady from last week and we were getting ready to leave and she was just like, "see you at church tomorrow!" It was awesome! So the day ended on a good note :)

Sundayyy A BLESSED DAY we went to Church and Christine came and brought her exchange student Yawa! So that was awesome. We went to our YSA Ward which was great, and then sang in the choir there, then made some visits to our friends Robin and Danielle! We went to choir practice with the Mountlake ward! I love those people :) Then we had a YSA dinner with a Youth Fireside after! It was so good and we felt like missionaries again after a very long, slow week :))

I'm low on time today lol #thanksseattletraffic but I would invite all of you to read and study Alma 31 about the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and learn how to apply the atonement in your life! It's not just for when we sin, but also when we need strength!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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