Sister Gibb coming from what is quite possibly the most boring week of my mission thus far lol sooo sorry this email might be a little underwhelming, but also some crazy stuff happened! 

Days I learned Italian on duolingo: EVERY DAY BABY #shoutouttosamandmir
Treats people gave us AGAIN: SO MANY
Dinners eaten Christmas day: 3 
Christmas Carols sang: EVERY SINGLE ONE

Mondayyyy we went to the top of the Space Needle!! It was so cool!! After that we went to lunch at this super yummy chicken place at the base of the needle! #thanksgrandma 

We played pickle ball and did a white elephant for FHE and then the Ward spoiled us and gave us a Christmas basket :') As we were leaving, it started DUMPING snow! Little did we know what was about to come the rest of the week...

Tuesdayyy we woke up to TONS of snow, and word that we weren't allowed to drive :| Washington snow is a little different than Utah snow because it gets SUPER icy because it's so wet here, and no one here knows how to drive in the snow, so that doesn't help the driving situation. 

So that day we had interviews with President over Zoom lol, but it was still good! Then we played in the snow for a bit and did some Facebook work, and cleaned our apartment, and delivered some cookies to people in our complex! It wasn't terrible, but still kinda boring haha

Wednesdayyy HAPPY 6 MONTHS TO MEEEEE WOOOOO we woke up and some of the snow on the roads had turned into straight ice haha, soooo no driving for us! We couldn't stay in our apartment any longer so we walked 3 miles with the Elders to Judy Starr's house and helped her with her Christmas lights in the snow! It actually was so fun though to just get out and get moving and we stopped and made some visits along the way! Plus we made grilled cheese so that was a win. But not a very exciting day haha

Thursdayyy we got up and there was even MORE ice on the roads lol but Debi Williams picked us up and we went and delivered some Christmas gifts to people in the Ward. She's got a Subaru so it was pretty okay besides only sliding through 2 stop signs, and a giant hill. Lowkey thought we were gonna die, but Debi's mad driving skillz saved us. Plus we got to bring some Christmas cheer to people! The rest of the day we spent with the ASL missionaries because they had my coat and I needed my coat, so we just crashed at their place for a little bit, which was much needed haha! That night we went to dinner with our new Ward Mission Leader and his wife which was so fun! After that we had volleyball with the YSA ward, and one of the guys there would yell "GIBBY" anytime I hit the ball lol it was hilarious. So it was a better day!!

Fridayyy we woke up to yet another strange weather event: Freezing rain! Absolutely everything was covered in ice, and it was FREEZING outside! So they told us to not go anywhere. So friday was super lockdown lol and it was the WORST we contacted, did some Facebook work, cleaned, all sorts of things lol. But that was pretty much it. SUCH a boring day but what can ya do.

Saturdayyy CHRISTMAS EVE WOOOOOO AND IT WAS WARM ENOUGH TO DRIVE BLESS UP The ice was pretty much gone and we were FREEEE so we went to the Mission Office to do a Book of Mormon Study with the YSA Elders and got some secrets about transfers (to be continued) and then we delivered some Christmas gifts and some cookies! It was so fun! 

That night we had dinner with the Martins family in our Ward, and the dad is from Brazil so they made us some Brazillian food! It was awesome! After that we went to our Bishop's house and sang some Christmas songs and did the Nativity. He gave us 3D printed models of our favorite temples! So now I have a tiny Provo spaceship temple on my desk :)) That night we got TRANSFER TEXTS but we'll talk about that in a second lol

Sundayyy MERRY CHRISTMASSSS We had Church at Mountlake, which was so awesome, and then Church at Halls Lake which was so awesome, and I sang a little Christmas solo there! Afterwards, we went to Judd and Debi's for a Christmas brunch and played some games which was a BLAST I just adore them. Then we went to dinner with the Sadlers in our Ward and played some games and then we went to our YSA Bishop's house and had dinner again! That night I got to call the fam bam jam slam which is always a good time :)

President told me in person at the Mission Office this week haha but I'll finally be leaving Mountlake! Sad but good :) I'm going to be going further south into Seattle!! My area is the Greenlake Ward, which has been an Elders area for a while so I get to pink-wash in and make it a Sisters area! My companion is going to be Sister Ridings, and I'm really excited!! We're gonna WORK and I'm so ready to meet the crazy wonderful people of Seattle!!

Something that I was studying this week was super cool! I was reading Elder Renlund's talk from the Christmas devotional, and he talked about how the first people to receive witnesses of Christ's birth were the very humble (shepherds), the very holy (Anna and Simeon), and the very wise (the wise men). And it really stuck out to me, that's what we should always be striving to be, because that's how we keep the spirit of Christ with us! So I want to invite you all this new year to find ways to become more humble, holy, and wise! Set some goals, add things to your routine, take things out of your routine, do whatever feels right. But we can all talk about it in a year when I'm home!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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