One year older and (hopefully) wiser too! #MERRYCHRISTMASMERRYCHRISTMAS

WHADDUP WHADDUP EVERYONE Sister Gibb coming from a very COLD week here in Washington!

Years I've been on the earth: 20 WOOO
Cookies currently on our counter: Far too many #stopgivingustreats
Times my fingers were sliced by a storage unit: lots #ouch
Days until Christmas: 6 WOOOO

Mondayyy we had a great pday at the Mission home! We got to make cinnamon rolls with President and Sister Oakes and it was so fun!! I just love them :)) That night for FHE we did Bob Ross painting, and not gonna lie, mine looks pretty fire. Call me an artist or sumthin

Tuesdayyy we waited at the church to have a lesson with Daniel but he didn't show up and we couldn't get in touch with him :( sad day. But then we went back to Jacinta's to work on her storage unit and geez louise whoever designed that thing is going to the Telestial Kingdom it was ROUGH but fun! That night we had dinner with Dale Starkenburg 🥳🥰🎉🤩 she's my most favorite person ever. She put a cute little birthday candle in my dessert for my birthday! It was so precious. Then we went to Institute which was fun!

Wednesdayyy I WOKE UP AS A 20 YEAR OLD WOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE it was such a fun day! We played pickleball for our workout and then got smoothies for breakfast, and we were on Zoom for Institute and all of a sudden our STLS Sister Rick's and Sister Rasband came barreling through our door and kidnapped me! They drove me to their apartment where they had a cutie birthday lunch all set up :) it was so fun! 

We had District Council and then we went to DI! That night we went to the Oberstadts for dinner and she made me a cake!! It was so sweet :) then we popped in at the Stake Youth Christmas Carnival. It was a great day full of lots of birthday wishes and good people :) 

Thursdayyy we had ZONE CONFERENCEEEEE WOOOO it was so awesome! We were combined with the Lynnwood and Everett Zones and we had a great Christmas musical program, and some awesome instruction from our Zone Leaders and STLs about Christlike compassion. Super awesome. We also got to decorate Christmas trees as a Zone and open some Christmas packages from home! It was awesome :) and it's always fun to see missionary friends! After Zone Conference we had dinner with the Bradford's in our ward, and they're the coolest young couple and they have the CUTEST baby it was so much fun. That night we had volleyball! Tons of new people came and it was super fun! We were soooo tired by the end of the day though haha.

Fridayyy honestly, not the best day, but it's okay! Without the not so good days, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good days! There was some ward drama that went down that we don't really know why we were roped into it, but it'll all work out. But we did a BOM study, and then we went to Sister Oberstadts and made cookies to deliver to people! So that was fun! We had dinner with a cute family in our ward, and they have the funniest boys, it was a blast! Then that night we went to Seattle for a Multi-Stake Youth activity where they gave the youth a missionary "Zone Conference" experience! And all of us missionaries got to help! It was super fun! 

Saturdayyy we got up and went to yet another Christmas brunch that the "new half" of our Ward had already been planning before they joined our Ward. It was awesome to see our Ward get to know each other and have a good time all together! We went to Judd and Debi's and helped them put together some Christmas bags for some people in the Ward, and then we helped with our Ward toy drive! And we learned I want to become a yoyo master lol. After that we did some weekly planning and then visited with the Willis's in our Ward, and then went to a YSA dinner! That night we had a great lesson with Vera's kids, and we hadn't been there in forever so that was nice :) 

Sundayyy we got to go to Church with our new Ward! And there were so many people there, it was great! It was also our Ward Christmas program, and we sang in the choir and I sang a solo! It went super well, AND Nancy came to church!! So that was a miracle! We went to a RS activity at our YSA ward, and then it started snowing pretty bad, so we got stuck inside the rest of the day WOO HOO but we contacted all of our new Ward members and cleaned our apartment and it ended up being okay lol

Today Sister Hart and I went to the top of the Space Needle!! It was so cool!! Now I'm a true Seattlite ;)

There seemed to be a very common theme for me this week. Between Zone Conference, learning to forgive people, and striving to be more like my Savior, one thing that was clear to me was I want to be able to ALWAYS show compassion first. Before anything else, I want to be able to see an individual as their Savior sees them. Jesus died for them too. Especially with Christmas this week, I want you all to strive to show compassion this week. Lift up someone's head, be a light, put someone's needs before your own. Love those around you as your Savior does, because sometimes people need an example of Jesus to know that Jesus loves them :)

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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