Give me a pre-drill and some wood glue, and I'll work wonders #SEATTLEISSOBLESSED

WHATS UP EVERYONE I would like to apologize for the length of this email from the very start but it was a PACKED week lemme tell ya, LETS GET INTO IT

Nice people who let us into their houses just to tell us they're not interested: like 5
Times I listened to "Whenever I call you Friend" by Kenny Loggins: ONCE BECAUSE IT WAS PLAYING AT DI YAY
Cups of carrot juice I drank: only 1 thank goodness
Hours spent fixing 2 antique mirrors: far too many
Months I've been a missionary: 7 WOOO

Last Monday we went to the Zoo for pday!! It was so much fun, and in case you're wondering, my favorite animal there was the teeny tiny baby turtles 🐢 That night we had dinner with Andrew and Sophie Glover in our Ward, who also happens to be the children of my mother's best friend, Tina Glover!! It was so fun to see them and it felt like a little piece of home :')

Tuesdayyy we had a Social Media Training with our Zone! We got some info and then played a giant game of Zombies vs. Survivors Capture the Flag! I think I make an award-winning zombie not gonna lie. Then we had a great visit with Judy! She only watches the news so she always gives us updates on the terrible things happening in the world, so we are informed #thanksjudy Then we went to Hunger Intervention! Basically, it's an organization that makes dinner meals to send to a homeless shelter 7 days a week, so we go and help them make the food, and pack it up! This week on the menu was a pesto pasta (made by yours truly), some salad, and cookies! It was so much fun, and everyone there is so sweet! Definitely a highlight. That night we contacted about a zillion people, and got some responses! #BLESSINGS

Wednesdayyy we had District Councilllll which was super great, and then we went and helped Ann Lawson again! She said she needed us to fix these 2 antique mirrors that were falling apart (literally) but she had a very specific way she wanted us to do it, which was definitely not the most efficient nor effective way to fix them. but alas, we pounded some teeny tiny bent nails into the backs of these mirrors for far too long, and didn't even finish. But we love her so it's whatever. We had a dinner with Sister Rogers and her best friend Josiane! She's the inactive super cool grandma from last week. It was so much fun, and we just love them :))Then we drove around the Area knocking on member's doors for the rest of the night. We met some super awesome people who let us in and gave us water and chatted with us, and then told us not to contact them again. But at least they were nice! 

Thursdayyy we went BACK to Ann's to finish these mirrors and when I tell you I've never wanted to smash a hammer into a mirror more than these ones, it's the truth. Literally they were the bane of my existance. But WE DID IT and the mirrors are now put back together and looking great #putmeonhgtv After helping Ann we walked around Green Lake for a while to do some finding, but it was literally SO COLD so there was no one out haha but we did have some fun talking in British accents as we walked around the lake. That night we had dinner with the Storers! Julie Storer is a single gal who has a beautiful home, and she's the stake YW president! Lynn Storer is her mom who lives with her in this beautiful home, and I love them both with all of my heart. It was so fun!! Then we got to go to YSA volleyball with the Seattle YSA ward, and geez louise these guys are serious! It made me miss the fun times at Halls Lake volleyball, but it was fun nonetheless, and I can now do a pretty okay overhand serve!! 

Fridayyy we started the day with lots of appointments, and by 10:30, all but 1 of them canceled. To be honest, I was feeling pretty crummy on Friday. But it's okay because the day was FULL of miracles!!! We started the day by going to do some service for a new person named Kathy! She had the missionaries over once before for service, so we walked her dogs, and helped clean her house! It was so fun, and we ended up giving her a Book of Mormon, and we're going back this week! And she gave us a referral! It was awesome. Then we went to Target on our lunch hour to help chase the blues out of me (which totally worked) and then we went to Poki's! She ended up needing help that day, and we were right next to her! She gave us some Pad Thai with teeny tiny shrimps in it which was delicious, and then we helped her move some stuff to storage! We gave her a BOM in Thai and she was so excited! she read a verse to us in Thai and she was able to understand it so much better!! It was so cool! She also sent us on an I spy hunt to find the picture of Jesus she hung up on her wall, which was adorable. WE LOVE POKI!! We were supposed to have a member lesson but they GHOSTED us so that wasn't fun. 

But then we got to drive up to Edmonds, by Mountlake Terrace, to play cards and have dinner with one of our friends who's moving up there, Donna! She's the old lady that we've been helping move for the past few weeks, and we get to her house and OHHHH MY GOODNESS THIS LADY HAS A KIM KARDASHIAN LEVEL HOUSE we were so shook. Like, huge walk-in closet, heated stone floors, 4 duck ponds, it was crazy. So that was hilarious. We got to play cards with her and the Edmonds Elders for the night and it was a blast and a half. So the day actually ended up being super great!

Saturdayyy we decided to try going finding at the Farmers Market right by our apartment, but it was dumping rain, and then it snowed a little, sooooo not much luck lol. We did go to this super cool vintage store though! Then we had a BOMB lesson with Douglas! We felt inspired to re-teach the Restoration to him, and we brought a Ward member and it was SOOO GOOOD He said that he sees the Church in a whole new light now, which was so cool. We ended up inviting him to pray about baptism, so please pray for Douglas!! Then we went to the DI and helped sort clothes there! Plus I got to sing along to some Kenny Loggins which I think will keep me going this week lol. We made dinner, and then made our Facebook video for the week! So not a ton happened, but it was a good day nonetheless.

Sundayyy We went to Church and that was a blast, and we got to go to Young Women's! There's only 1 active YW in our ward, but she's awesome, and it was so fun! We did our studies, and our planning for the week, and then we had a lesson with Peggy! She's so sweet we love her to pieces. And one of her funny neighbors chatted with us for a second about his belief system which was wild, but he's hilarious. That night I made a bomb Sunday dinner for us, and then we went to a youth fireside for FSY which I got to speak at, and talk about my experience at EFY! So that was fun! Oh, and we also were woken up at 2:30am by the fire alarm so everyone had to evacuate, but it was a false alarm. Gotta love Seattle. 

Today is Sister Ricks birthday so we're having a birthday party for her!! It's gonna be so fun!

This week I came across the talk "Christ: The Light That Shines in Darkness" By Sharon Eubank. OH MY GOODNESS everyone needs to read this talk!! Basically she explains that Christ is the ultimate source of light and power and goes through the different ways we can find strength in him. She says:
"If you feel that the beacon of your testimony is sputtering and darkness is closing in, take courage. Keep your promises to God. Ask your questions. Patiently melt stone to glass. Turn to Jesus Christ, who loves you still."

Hold on to what you already know. God loves you. Christ loves you. Miracles are real. Those simple truths are what can carry us when we hit those low points. Remember the simplicity of the gospel, and learn to love growing closer to Christ!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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