"Look! A dumpster fire! Oh there's a hobo, you're not getting out of the car" #atleastthehobowavedatme

AYOOOOOO What's up everybody?? This week was nothing short of busy and exciting so here we go!

Caffine Free diet cokes consumed: so many whoops
Stickers traded with a 3 year old: a lot #coolestmissionaryever
Times we got hard core rejected and had false doctrine preached to us: at least 2 or something

And yes, the title is a direct quote from earlier this week. I had to save my kid from getting out of the car to stomp out some hobo's fire. It was hilarious. 

Mondayyy it was a pretty chill day, we mostly just hung out at the church after we did some shopping, but it was fun nonetheless! That night we had dinner with the Watts and theyre just so cute :)) After that we knocked on the nearby members doors and met some interesting people (in reference to my last stat lol) but it was a good day!

Tuesdayyy we did sewing with the Ward ladies and that was fun! Then after that we went to Judy's and did CFM with her! Later that day we went to Hunger Intervention and made meals, and had an awesome conversation with one of the other volunteers, JP! He's so sweet and always asks really good questions! That night we had dinner with the Cope's in our Ward! They're so much fun, and their boys love soccer, so we played a good game of K.I.L.L. haha it was so fun!! Then we did some social media finding and we are seeing soooo many miracles from it!!

Wednesdayyy Sister Axley had a dentist appointment so we got to sit in the lobby and listen to the 70's radio for a second haha it was awesome. Then we had District Councilllllll it was good and chill. We went to Ann's to help her out, which was good, and then we had dinner with the Tryons! They're a young couple with a 3 year old named Luna (my bestie) and a newborn baby girl! It was seriously so fun, and Luna and I hung out all night haha! After dinner we did some member finding and actually had some success! So that was awesome!! It was a good day :)

Thursdayyy we started the day at the Ronald McDonald house which was fun, and then we went to our friend Bean's house! We helped her clean out her kitchen cupboards and organize a little bit, and then we taught her the Restoration and helped her download the Book Of Mormon app! It was awesome! After that we had a lesson with our friend Laurel which was interesting haha, she has a lot of anxiety and so she has a hard time convincing herself that she can pray or read her scriptures or things like that, so we just go slow with her. But it was a good lesson and we made some progress! That night we had dinner with Andrew and Sophie Glover in our Ward! (shoutout to Tina) They not only know me from back home, but they also know Sister Axley because Andrew's parents live in her home ward, and his dad is her Stake President! Small world! Anyway, it was super fun, and they made some Teriyaki chicken that my mom also makes with the same recipe so it tasted like home :)) That night we did some finding both in person and on social media and it was great!

Fridayyy we went and helped Kathy in her house and taught her The Gospel Of Jesus Christ and it went really well! She's wanting to come to Church once she's recovered from her surgery, so she's making progress! Then we went to Poki's and taught her about God, and his nature! It went really well and she always asks really good questions! Then we went to our ward member Margaret's house and helped her organize! She had us help her sort her mail, and then I organized it all with labels and stuff, and it was like Christmas haha I was so proud of my work. That night we had dinner with Julie and Lynn Storer! They're like our moms out here haha Lynn showed us all of her incredible cross stitch and embroidery work around the house, and Julie made the yummiest food! I LOVE THE STORERS! Then we did some finding that night! 

Saturdayyy we got to help Donna pack some boxes in her house! I love her soooo much haha then we drove to the DI but on the way we got CHICKFILA FOR LUNCH YAY it was literally the best. We helped at DI which was a blast, and then we went to a baptism! The ASL Sisters had been teaching someone and she was baptized! Sadly, none of our friends that we invited ever got back to us so they didn't come :( but it was still a really cool experience, especially in ASL! They signed both the baptism and the confirmation when she received the Holy Ghost, and it was really special! After that we had dinner with some cute ward members, and then did some ministering that night!

Sundayyy we got to go to Church YAY Laurel was at Church, but that was everyone who came :( we're going to be dropping some people this week and finding some new people so hopefully we can see some miracles. Anyway, then we did some CFM with Peggy and she brought her photo albums from when she served her mission in Los Angeles back in 1979! It was crazy to see how much has changed in the work and everything! It was so fun! We went to Stake Choir practice which was fun, and then that night we had dinner with the Dixons! They're the cutest family and we made our own fancy pizzas! They have the cutest baby, and it was so fun!

Today we're having a Sister's breakfast with the Sisters in our Zone! (which is just us, ASL sisters, and the hermanas haha gotta love Seattle) but it'll be fun!

This week in my study I was able to read 2 Nephi 26 and holy guacamole that chapter is full of gold! It's Nephi's prophetic predictions about when Christ will come to the Nephites, and there was a set of verses that stood out to me. Here's a snippet!

2 Nephi 26:24-25
24 He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation.
 25 Behold, doth he cry unto any, saying: Depart from me? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, buy milk and honey, without money and without price.

The verse goes on to talk about how the Lord will never deny us blessings even when we make a mistake. We're human, we're designed to mess up, but that doesn't mean we're ever worth less to the Lord. I wanted to invite you all this week to say a prayer asking to feel the love that your Heavenly Father and your Savior have for you! Especially if you've been feeling alone, I can promise they love you with a love that can't be felt anywhere else. It is perfect, and infinite, and never changing. 

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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