Meetings, miracles, and angry dogs #WORKING9TO5

Hold on to your seat belts everyone, this week was a doozy!

Prayers said while 80's rock played in the background: 2
Times Sister Smith and I listened to The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical all the way through: at least 2
Dog fights witnessed: 1 very scary one
Meetings we sat through: like 6

Mondayyy we went to the Goodwill bins and did some pro thrifting 😎 it was SOOO fun! It was wild haha so many people trying to grab stuff but we got a good haul! Then we got some lunch and hung out at the church! That night for FHE we played volleyball and had a blast.

Tuesdayyy we got up and went to our Office shift, which was good, and then we went and contacted some people! Not much luck, but it felt good to knock some doors. We met with our Zone Leaders to finish planning our instruction for Zone Conference, and that was good! Then we went to dinner with the Redds in our Ward, which was super fun! They actually used to live in American Fork, and they're just the cutest family. That night we went to Institute and that was awesome, Buzz Schilaty from the Port Garder Ward was there too! He's Ben Schilaty's dad for those of you who might recognize his name, and he gave me a copy of Ben's book!! It was awesome. After that we had a Social Media Training as a Zone which was good!

Wednesdayyy we had INTERVIEWS! I always love being able to talk with President and Sister Oakes, they're just so awesome. So that took up the bulk of our day, and after that, we got Dutch Bros, and we're friends with all the employees now, AND THEY DREW HEARTS ON OUR DRINKS 🥰🥰🥰 

Then we went to our Office shift, which was good! That night, one of our Ward members, Todd Aagard, took us to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, which was awesomeeee and CRAZY STORY we get there, he's talking with our waitress, and she tells us that she investigated the Church about 20 years ago, and wants to come back to Church and start meeting with us!! 

Her name is Taija (Tay-uh) and shes SO COOL we love herrrr so that was a total miracle!! We're excited to hopefully start meeting with her! After dinner, we walked all around the Alderwood mall in search for a bathroom and then all the way back around the mall to our car, so we got our exercise in 🏃🏼‍♀️ 

Thursdayyy was ZONE CONFERENCE WOOOO it was a busy busy day haha, but it was awesome! Our final Social Media Training went well, and our Zone instruction was super good! We talked about what it means to be truly converted to Christ, and had an awesome discussion with our Zone! The spirit was super strong, it was awesome. Then in the instructions President and Sister Oakes, and the AP's, took us through the events of Holy Week, and how we can apply them to our own lives. It was really awesome, I LOVE JESUS! After Zone Conference we had dinner with our YSA Ward Mission Leader, Jason! He made us a bunch of super delicious pizzas so that was a 10/10! And then we went to the Office for our shift haha and to prep for MLC the next day!

Fridayyy we got to the Office early to prep for MLC and make some print outs and stuff, and we got a surprise visit from JUDD AND DEBI YAYAYAYAY it was so awesome to see them!! Then everyone arrived for MLC and it was good! I was soooo drained after, but our Social Media Training went well, and we discussed lots of good things as an MLC! Plus we got free dinner so that was a win. That night we got out and did some contacting less active families, and then dropped off a thank you gift to President and Sister Oakes for all they've done this week. It was a looooooong day but we made it through!

Saturdayyy we got up and our whole Zone went to volunteer at a walk for Multiple Sclerosis! We cheered on all the people walking and it was SO FUN!! It just felt so awesome meeting all sorts of people, and cheering them on! It was a good time for sure. 

Then we had our Office shift and that was awesome, we got lots done! That night we had dinner with a lady in our Ward and her friend! It was a good time, except for when her dogs started literally attacking each other #scaryyyy but everyone was okay, don't even worry. Then we raced to the adult session of Stake Conference!! It was SUCH a good meeting! One of our YSA members, Elise, spoke and gave such an incredible talk! It was awesome to see everyone there. 

Sundayyy we had the general session of Stake Conference! It was a great meeting, and it was PACKED which was awesome to see! After Stake Conference we got to go to Mission Prep! It was fun to see so many of our young members from Mill Creek and so many members from the YSA Ward there! MISSIONS ARE THE BEST!! We did some planning, and had dinner with the Bigelow's! They have 6 kids all under the age of 16, so it was WILD haha they're super funny though! After that, we went to our Office shift which was good! And we had Mission Devotional that night and heard from some departing missionaries, which was bittersweet for sure. But it was a good day!

Today we're going to explore the lighthouse in Mukilteo! And maybe we'll sneak a quick Target run in too ;))

Sister Smith and I had an experience this week that was pretty cool. We were out contacting, and Sister Smith found a lady in our system who hadn't been visited by missionaries in a while, so her record was going to be deleted soon. She had shown interest in meeting, but no one could get in touch with her. We decided to stop by, and brought a Book of Mormon with a passalong card. We knocked on the door, and no one answered. We rang the doorbell, and no one answered. I looked at Sister Smith and said, "why don't we just leave the book with the card in 3 Nephi 11?" And Sister smith said, "I had that EXACT same thought walking up to the door." And so we left the book with the card. We don't know if whoever lives there will read it. We don't know if it's still sitting on the porch or not. But we both listened, recognized the Spirit, and did what we were asked to do. And it meant a lot to me! There were lots of little moments this week where I out of the blue felt the Spirit giving me direction, clarity, and revelation. And I'm so grateful that I was able to recognize it! So I wanted to invite you all to pray for the ability to recognize the Spirit more. Heavenly Father speaks to all of us in different, unique ways, but it's always in a way that we will understand. Let me know how it goes, and any cool experiences that come from it!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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