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What. A. Week. HERE WE GOOOO

Bags of clothes we purged: 4 🫣
Firemen we met: 3 very nice ones who turned off the fire alarm at the church
Missionaries that sang "you don't know you're beautiful" at karaoke night: 4 😎
Cups of various ice creams eaten: a lot haha 

Mondayyy for FHE we had Karaoke night and it was SO FUN we did an incredible musical number with the Elders and basically we're legends in the Ward now. 

Tuesdayyy we worked in the Office, and then we had a lesson with some of our members, the Libby's! They're sooo sweet, it was awesome. We visited one of our members who recently moved here and that was so much fun! Then we raced up to Arlington and had dinner with one of our favorite members, Collin! And he brought like all of his nonmember friends so that was LIT! We went to Mongolian Grill, l and it was SO GOOD WOW 10/10 would recommend. That night we went to Institute at the Mountlake building and there was a Relief Society activity going on so I got to say hi to all of my Mountlake Ladies!!! It was SO FUN I MISS THEM but it was a good day :))

Wednesdayyy we had a lesson with Eliza, one of our members, and then she took us to Jimmy Johns 🤩 best day everrr and then we went up to Arlington and did some service for our member, Jackie! We helped her clean a shed and it was a blast lol. 

We had a lesson with a new YSA age member, Ophelia! She was sooo sweet and let us hold her bunnies!!! That night we went to the Jones's for dinner which is always the best :)) I LOVE THE JONES FAMILY then we worked in the Office that night!

Thursdayyy we had INTERVIEWS AND MINI ZONE CONFERENCE Sister Oakes planned with us in the morning which was super fun, and then we had our interviews. Mine was WILD but you'll just have to keep reading this email to find out why hehe. Then we had our Zone Conference and we gave an instruction on the Widow's mite and what more we can give to the Lord. It was super awesome, and the spirit was really strong! 

Then we got to go out and work with Sister Oakes!! We were supposed to have some lessons, but they canceled on us, so we went by the Spirit! We ended up meeting a super cool guy who wanted to check out the Church website so that was lit! That night we went to the Glunt's for dinner which was fun, they have 4 giant dogs lol so it's wild. Then we raced down for volleyball which was soooo fun!! And there were a lot of new people!

Fridayyy we started the day off with a lesson with Natalie, and she took us to Dutch Bros 🙏 and then we went to check out a referral the Mukilteo Elders gave us, but she wasn't home. But we did end up meeting an inactive member so that was a miracle! Then we worked in the Office for a sec, then we had a video lesson with one of our members who moved to Utah a bit ago, Kevin!! It was sooooo funny we miss him so much! That night we had dinner with one of our homie members, Anthony!! It was awesome

Saturdayyy we had permission to go to the temple!!!! So we got up and got to clean the church, which was great, and then we got to have a lesson AT GREENLAKE IN SEATTLE AHHHHH We have a member who lives down there, and we got permission to have a lesson on our way down to the temple!! It was so magical to go back to my favorite area :)))) Oh how I've missed Seattle. Then we drove down to the temple and had a great time. There's just so much peac, tat comes from the House of the Lord, I would go every day if I could :))) We came back and had dinner with Devin, which was hilarious as always. Then we went to the Office for a bit, which was good!

Sundayyy we got up and went to Church which was soooo good! Our friend Aliyah came, and a lot of our members brought some nonmember friends! Then we talked with the Wardies for a while after, and later that day we had dinner with the Sales Bros in our Ward and they made us RIBS and brought like 3 nonmember friends! It was LIT! That night we drove out to the Jones's to say goodbye because....


Where you may ask? Well, let's just say that I've worked hard, and now I'm an old lady going to retire on THE SAN JUAN ISLANDS AND ANACORTES!!!! I'm going to be living the island life!! I'm beyond excited, and Sister Smith is going to the same Zone as me!! So, we'll see each other all the time :)) I'll be riding the ferry and eating crab with cute old people 🤗 My new companion is Sister Jensen, who's been out for about 9 months, and I'm super excited to be with her!! It's gonna be so great!! And, this will be my final area on my mission AHHH so weird. Transfers are on Wednesday, so next time you hear from me, I'll be living by the sea :)) I'm going to miss this Ward and Area sooo much, these people have my entire heart and I couldn't be more grateful for the time I got to spend in the Silver Lake YSA Ward 💟

This week was honestly really stressful haha between finding out about transfers, saying goodbye to everyone, and all the things in between. And if any of you know me well, you know I can be a bit of a worrier. One day before my personal study, I prayed to just know what to do about everything and that it was all going to work out. And I read this scripture, spoken by Jesus:
3 Nephi 13
32 For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. 
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.

It was one of those moments where the scriptures just spoke to me. There's no need to be worried or scared or stressed out when we are seeking the kingdom of God. The things that we worry about sometimes have no eternal value. Therefore, it's not something worth worrying about. Remember this week that "the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself", and that the things of eternal significance are what anchor our faith in Jesus Christ :)

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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