I made some Witches brew and listened to Christmas music in the same week #ITSFALLYALL


WOW this week was absolutely insane, let's get into it!!

Assorted fall treats eaten: FAR too many
Witches around a fire on Wednesday: 12
Mornings spent working out to Christmas music?: 2 🫢
Wheat Thins eaten: So many I had to buy a new box this morning

Mondayyy we had our awesome pday, and then we had FHE that night! We combined with the military members and had a pumpkin painting contest! It was so fun!

Tuesdayyy we had District Council! It was great, I love our District!! Then we had a visit with the Nuttall's in our Ward! We've been trying to get to know as many people as we can in the Ward, so we visited with a lot of active members this week! The Nuttall's are sooooo funny haha it was a good time. After that, we went and visited with Lyndsee Rogers! She's a returning member, and she's just a LIGHT! I adore her :) then we did some contacting and knocked some doors! We knocked on this one guy's door, and he opened it and we said, "HI! How are you doing today?" And he said, "Good." And slammed the door. It was soooo funny hahahaha! That night we had dinner with the Townsends who are just the best, and then we visited with Aurora, one of our Spanish members, and knocked some doors in the pouring rain in the dark in the middle of the woods hehehe it was so fun

Wednesdayyy we had a lesson with James!! He's so great, and we have his records in the Ward now!! So that's super exciting!! Then we drove out to La Conner and visited with Annette! And then we went to Nancy Addison's and helped in her yard! I love her :) but she's going to Germany for 3 weeks 😢 We tried to have a lesson with Natasha, but she was busy, please pray for Natasha! After that, we visited with the Andrus'! They're the cutest couple in our Ward, I love them :)) We had dinner with the Mergenthalers! They're sooooo funny haha they showed us all the Halloween decorations they have around the house, and we talked about basketball the whole time haha it was awesome. That night we went to Young Women's, and Raelyn and Leila came!! They're the 12-year-olds that we're teaching, and it was a total miracle they came! We had a Witches party so we played lots of spooky games with the Young Women haha it was so fun!

Thursdayyy was an awesome day because we got to go to lunch with ELDER AND SISTER LARSON!!! They're our Vehicle Coordinators, and us, Sister Smith and Sister Bayless, and the Spanish Elders all had the cleanest cars in the Mission this transfer so they took us to lunch! We took them to Gere-a-deli and they confirmed it is the best sandwich they've ever had. I now have 4 witnesses to back up my claim. Anyways, then we visited with Thea!! She kept her commitment to read the Book of Mormon every day this week, and she was SO HAPPY!! She told us all about how she feels like she's seeing God's hand in her life every day! She's so special! Then we went to Barbara's and helped her plant some bulbs in her yard, which was so fun! #shoutouttojulie and read the Book of Mormon with her! And then we went to the Price's for dinner! They're like, my favorite family, I ADORE THEM!! That night we went to Yoga and Volleyball at the church, which was SO FUN!! And tons of people came to volleyball!

Fridayyy we started the day with a good old Social Media split! It was a good time, Sister Smith and I are in charge of getting Christmas content ready, which is super weird because we won't be here for Christmas 🤯 wild times. After that, we drove back to Anacortes and visited with a less active member, Sister Tucker! She was so funny haha it was chill. Then we went to Mika's, and her husband was home!! She told us that he had shown some interest in learning about the gospel, and so we were able to share a scripture with her whole family and teach Clay, her husband, about the Book of Mormon! It was a total miracle!! Then we went to Raelyn and Leila's soccer game! They're on the Middle School team and so we went to cheer them on! I missed soccer so much haha it was so fun! That night we had dinner with David and Patty White! David is a member, but isn't active, and Patty is Lutheran, so they both go to her church. But David still reads his scriptures and they're both so wonderful! They told us stories about how they lived on their boat and showed us their lighthouse collection! It was sooo fun!! I LOVE THEM!! They want a Come Follow Me book, so we're going back to give them one this week! And then we went to the Flores's of course! That's always a highlight of the week :))

Saturdayyy we started off at the Farmers Market! We saw all of our friends, which was so fun! And of course, got some more Asian Pears hehehe. Then we went and visited with Jill Davis! She's so cute haha she lives in the ultimate grandma house, it's like 100 years old. I love her. Then we had a surprise visit from President and Sister Oakes! That was sooo nice to see them, I adore them. I have the best Mission Leaders on earth!! After that, we went and visited Ann! She's doing good :) then we did weekly planning that night! It was a weird day haha but it ended up being good! 

Sundayyy we FINALLY got to go to Church after having General Conference and Stake Conference! It was so awesome to go back!! I love taking the Sacrament :) and Raelyn and her family came to Church! And a bunch of less active members came too!! It was amazing! After our 6 hours of Church, we had a lesson with Kathy! She was having a lot of memory issues, so we're still working with her. Pray for Kathy! Then we had dinner with the Oczkewicz, the ones with only 3 kids, not the ones with 5 kids. They have 3 boys and I'm best friends with them. Homies for life. And then that night we had Devotional! It was a good day :)

Today was Zone pday! We spent the day playing sports, and waiting for a locksmith because I may or may not have locked the keys in the car...but it's fine.

This week I found myself just waiting on Sunday to come. The past 2 weeks we haven't been able to take the Sacrament because of all the meetings, but this week we were able to finally take it. And since we're in 3 Wards, we have the opportunity to take it 3 times. As I took the Sacrament on Sunday, I was reflecting on why I love it SO much, and why I need to take it. And I honestly don't understand why I love it so much yet, but I just know that it brings me so much peace. Having that 1 on 1 time with the Savior is so sacred to me and helps me see God's children as he does. It allows me to choose to be Christlike. It binds me to him every single week. Focus on the Sacrament this Sunday and why you choose to take it. Listen to the words of the prayer and recognize the blessings that are specifically given to you when you choose to make covenants with God. I promise it will become a sacred pocket of time for you. That you will feel a closeness with Christ that you've never felt before :))

We also got transfer news this week, and our District is staying the same! I get to finish my mission in Anacortes, and I couldn't be more grateful :) I can't wait to finish out these last 6 weeks with everything I've got 🫶

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


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