I sound like a smoker filling up the baptismal font #ENTERINGTHEFINALWEEK


Wow what a week! It's safe to say I'm sooo exhausted but feeling good :))

Cough drops consumed: Like 20
Job interviews had: 2 😬
Tears cried at my departing interview: LOTS :((
Baptisms attended: 2!!!

Mondayyy we had a chill pday because I was SICK and havent had a voice all week, but we played some volleyball and then for FHE we tied some quilts to give to different charities! It was great :)

Tuesdayyy we drove all the way out to Mount Vernon to get our tire repaired from last week, and that was good! They have no idea why it went flat, there was nothing in the tire...super weird. But it's fixed now! After that, we drove out to La Conner!! We contacted some people, and then went to Nancy Addison's!! She was in Germany for a while, so it was good to see her! We helped her in her yard and got nice and muddy 😎 it was so fun though! And then we went to Annettes and had a great visit with her! I love Annette :)) then we contacted some people and had dinner with the Jensens! I adore them, it was so fun! Then that night we went to Rebecka's and talked about faith with her, which was awesome!!

Wendesdayyy we did a Social Media split! We got some BANGING teriyaki which was great, and then Smithy and I got to work! I also had the first of my 2 interviews of the week; pray I can get a job set up for when I'm home haha! Then when we came back from Oak Harbor, we went to Rebecka's with the Elders and they gave her a Priesthood blessing because she had surgery this week, and it was a super cool experience for her! Then we went to the Bowkers for dinner and I'm best friends with all of their kids now. So that was super fun!! Then that night we went to Young Women's and we did a pumpkin pie taste test, which was so fun! Costco pumpkin pie was the favorite, in case you're wondering 😎 

Thursdayyy we had INTERVIEWS WHAAAAT and I had my DEPARTING INTERVIEW!! It was so weird haha, President asked me all about what my plans are for when I get back, offered me some advice, and it was a good time. It was so weird thinking that's the last one I'll have 🫠 but I also got to give a District Council instruction which was super special. 

After all that, we had our mini Zone Conference and talked about the Atonement! I love our Zone, and I love Jesus :))) After taking lots of pictures, and lots of hugs, we drove back to Anacortes! We stopped and visited our potential friend Zack, who showed us all of his driftwood furniture which was SUPER cool. He's awesome, and he's going to read the Book of Mormon this week! That night we got to go to the Oczkewicz house, and we got to have a giant nerf battle with their boys 😎 I destroyed even in a skirt. And then we went to volleyball!!

Fridayyy such a crazy day!! We went down to Oak Harbor AGAIN for another job interview, which was pretty okay I think haha, and then we raced back up to Anacortes for a training meeting! After that, we got to go to Mika's! We had an amazing visit with her, she just has the biggest heart. We talked about the Atonement with her, and the spirit was sooo strong, I love her!! She's going out of town for Thanksgiving, so I had to say goodbye to her, which was so sad! 

Then we went to Thea's and had an amazing visit with her too! We read the Living Christ and talked about the things she wants to do to draw closer to Jesus Christ, and now she's reading her scriptures every night!! It was awesome. Then we got to go to Debi's! We helped her in her garage, and then talked about prayer! I adore Debi, we're besties. That night we went to the Flores's for dinner which was so fun, since we hadn't been there in SO long!

Saturdayyy we had a super special day because we got to go to a BAPTISM!! Colby Ralph is someone that the Elders have been working with who was a member, but had his records removed, but finally got approval to be rebaptized!! It was sooo special and the spirit was so strong! I love Colby, and he was so excited to be back :)) then we went and weeded for our new friend, Kathryn! She's super cool, and it was a blast! We're excited to work with her :)) then we went to dinner at The Moore's, and if you're a long-time fan, they're the family who listens to Abba and Enya as they eat dinner, and it was a straight vibe. I love them :)) 

Then we went to ANOTHER dinner at The Price's! They're one of my favorite families!! It was so fun, and they're also going out of town, so I had to say goodbye to them, which was soooo sad :(((( after that, we had to stop at the store to get some stuff, and while we were there, we saw Rebecka!! And then we met some cool people, Holly and Hank and got to teach them part of the Plan of Salvation!! It was so cool!! Such a good day, I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY 

Sundayyy we were at the church for literally 8 hours lol. We went to our first Sacrament meeting, and we had a bunch of less active members come!! It was amazing!! And then we had our second Sacrament which was also so good, and then we stayed to help with ANOTHER baptism!! Micah Parsons from our Ward got baptized!! I'm super tight with their kids haha I love the Parsons! It was an awesome baptism and there were tons of people there to support him!! That night, we went to dinner at The Hanson's, and they made us a cute Thanksgiving dinner!! It was so sweet of them, I love them! Then we had some meetings and Devotional that night!!

Today we went to the top of Mount Erie, and I learned how to play a little bit of the guitar!! Then we made gingerbread men at the Miller's!

Super fast because I'm short on time again!!

This week, James 5:11 really stood out to me!!

11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

"We count them happy which endure" 

I want to invite you all to ponder what it means to endure, and how you find the joy in your journey of enduring. Because it's not always easy, but as we seek for joy in our tribulation, our feet will always be pointed in the right direction. I know that. Gods plan is always greater, and brings clarity, and JOY! I've learned this so clearly on my mission, especially looking back on it as I'm at the end. There is ALWAYS joy in finding gratitude in the hard. Focus on that gratitude this week as you gather with your families :)) I promise you Jesus Christ is pushing right alongside you.

Only one more weekly and then I'll get to give you all big hugs in person!!

I love you all a WashingTON ❣️ 

Sister Gibb


  1. SO proud of you--you did it! Can you believe how fast it went? My wife and I have been on our mission at the Mexico MTC for 7 months and it's awesome. I wish you the very very best on your return and the rest of your life! Bro. Claybaugh


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